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What to do with it? Not really but I had a few questions, and what do you guys have downloaded as must have apps? Could be business oriented, entertainment, games, idc.


I got the basics facebook, skype, few basic free games, etc. This is my first Apple product, since the 90's at least.


My major question who has the microsoft word/excel/etc. read/edit application? How does it run, is it worth the $15?

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GPS Drive


Perfect Browser

Alarm Clock ? Use it mainly with my iPhone

Docs to Go....well worth it if you plan to edit documents on it. I do.

Skype, Linked In, etc...

Google Earth is cool

Netflix..streaming movies is nice.

College FB if you are into it. I love it.


Those are a few that I use on both my iPad and iPhone. I really use the pad mainly as a very lightweight web browser and for web mail. We also use them at work for presentations.

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My wife downloaded a ton of free apps for my 2yr old. Fuck Leapster. Plus, after a couple of days my daughter can unlock the screen and pull up the apps all by herself!


People scoff at the iPad cost, but it replaces 6 or 7 $50+ pieces of hardware in our family...

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  kickass said:
I would love to know the answer to this. WTF do people do with ipads?


  • Surf with convenience as it powers up instantly and is a fast browser
  • Watch movies with it when I travel. Netflix streams nicely. Ripped movies play well too
  • Webmail as I hate lugging my laptop and a phone is still too small
  • I do use the Docs to Go App for work too
  • Kill time when traveling by playing games
  • Kids both use it too and like Clay said, use it well at even a young age. Great tool for them to learn on.

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  Kevin R. said:


I'm sorry, but that is a retarded use.


"Buy this computer as a remote for another computer!"


It is not the only thing you can use an iPad for DURRRRR.


If you happen to be hardcore like me and have computers running with no keyboard, mouse, and monitor attached it is a blessing. Try thinking outside of the box for once.

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  pdqgp said:

  • Surf with convenience as it powers up instantly and is a fast browser
  • Watch movies with it when I travel. Netflix streams nicely. Ripped movies play well too
  • Webmail as I hate lugging my laptop and a phone is still too small
  • I do use the Docs to Go App for work too
  • Kill time when traveling by playing games
  • Kids both use it too and like Clay said, use it well at even a young age. Great tool for them to learn on.

I just had to quote this. This pretty much sums up when I use mine for. When the iPad was first announced, I thought it was one of the stupidest inventions ever (my laptop can do all that and more) but when I first held one in my hands at a Best Buy, I fell in love. I take it everywhere I go. It's much lighter than my laptop, and the battery lasts way more than I need. It's useful when my wife wants me to drive her somewhere to go shopping. I'll just stay in the car and either browse CR or watch movies I ripped from Netflix DVDs (or steam Netflix, but I prefer having the copy on the iPad) or even read books with an application called Stanza, which is more open than iBooks or Kindle.


It's freaking amazing...I mean magical, sorry.


Oh, and Skyfire was just released for iPad. It can play flash video. I have it on my iPhone but have not purchased the iPad version yet. I rarely visit flash sites.

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Been trying to put movies on my iPad for a little bit now and fail at it. I have downloaded the VLC Media player which was said would read all files, if this is true how do I get a movie file on the ipad? I have a ton of movies on my PC, just not in itunes.


EDIT I may have figured it out, its putting a movie on now so Hopefully it works.


What I did was go to itunes, click on my device (ipad), and click on apps, open the VLC media player then it allowed me to add a movie file. So should work...

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