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How to make transformers 3 even more awesome


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You all speak as if Transformers was anything but ghey fail since its inception in the 80s.


What kind of blasphemy is this?


Just so I understand, you're trying to say that the Transformers from the 1980s were also lame?


And I guess next you'll try to say that G.I Joe from the 1980s is gay as well?


Just want to make sure I understand how crazy you are before continuing this dialogue.

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Yes the Transformers in the 1980s were ghey. Catering to the closet doll playing emos in our neighborhood. The kids we beat up and took lunch money from.


Transformers? Transform. Change. Act like one thing but be another. Play for the other team. Wear womens underwear. It was all subtle innuendo about playing catcher. Transformers? More like Transgender.


GI Joe - now there was a cartoon for MEN. Chicks in spandex and homoerotic military comraderie. What more could you ask for?


Or even better, dial it back 10 years to when I was a kid: Johnny Quest.


Giant adventure Jet. Rayguns. Frogmen. A scientist, his brawny assistant, and two young boys. And a pug. Back in the days when the hajis were still sidekicks and carried our luggage, not hijacking our airplanes.


Them and gladiator movies.




But Transformers were ghey.

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