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we were told to go to cheetahs, walked down, water main break or something (in the middle of that blizzard in like...04, 05? in jan) went a couple doors down to million dollar saloon. got drunk as fuck. was a good time


It snowed around 20"+ on Friday night, the whole town was shut down, no cabs anywhere? They blew all of the snow off of the roads onto the sidewalks so you were trudging through snow drifts above your waist. I might have been there that same weekend. I honestly can't remember what year that was, but I was there during a huge snow storm. It took us 2-3 hours to get from Toledo up there on Saturday morning. We would walk into a bar and they would look at us like we were nuts, especially after they found we drove from Ohio to get there that morning.


We usually stayed at the Travelodge. Relatively inexpensive and a decent hotel. Close to all of the bars and food and not a bad walk to the Casino. Stayed at the Casino once, would never do it again. It's further from everything else, twice as much and the rooms aren't all that nice.

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ha. that'd be funny...we were up there for the DIAS...i drove completely shitfaced (bad idea) back across the border in that shit...its a much longer story than im willing to type out...lets just say im surprised i made it back to the hotel in detroit not arrested and not with a wrecked car.
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Take your passport. Seriously.


I've been to Cheetahs as well. I'd recommend going.


I'm with Joe on the surroundings - the city of Windsor reminded me of how it used to look on OSU campus before they did all the renovations - kind of dirty, run down, lots of trash, not really anything spectacular, etc.


The casino is pretty nice - best that I've been to outside of Las Vegas.

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