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Id like to Complain a little..

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Okay.. so over the past few weeks my knees have been progressively hurting more. I wake up in the middle of the night with awful pain. I can barley drive, it kills to squat down and get up.


Over the weekend i went to the VA hospital for them. After 10 hours I was given some ibuprofen and told to make a appointment with the VA they took x-rays and guessed it was probably a torn meniscus in both knees. And to call and get a appointment with Orthopedics monday.


I figured thats about all they would do.. i just wanted to make sure there wasnt something super serious.


So i call Monday to Ortho and the girl says ill make sure someone calls you soon.


So today.. still no call..


I called them and she gets my appointment..




are you fucking kidding me..



All i can say is FUCK YOU V.A.

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Not virgina you ass hole, and yes anytime you have a major surgery like that its always atleast a month out. With the va I'm sure they have 2 maybe 3 surgeons that can do that operation. My coach had an acl replacement and it was 6 wks out so he had to hobble around with a blown acl for 6 wks then almost 4 months after. Goodluck man rehab is a bitch
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let me help you out. did you have a recent injury??


does your knee give out/buckle while walking ON AN EVEN SURFACE??


is the pain on the front of your knee, or the inside of the knee???



do you have difficulty going up/down stairs, crouching, squatting, or getting up from a prolonged seated position??


is the pain a dull, throbbing pain that hurts more as the day goes by, or is it a periodic, sharp pain that can happen at any time??


your family doctor should be able to order an MRI. that way you will know if you have a torn meniscus (which always needs surgery, by the way), or if you simply have chondromalacia patella (google it), which is what 75% of the younger patients i see have, when they complain of chronic knee pain not related to an injury.


my advice is to take the ibuprofen as prescribed, answer my above questions, avoid stairs, squats, lunges, knee extensions, stairmasters, etc etc. concentrate on an elliptical machine, or swimming for exercise. and by the way, most VA docs are completely incompetent--they are government employess, afterall. that's a 'sneak-peek' at the future with obama care.

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let me help you out.

did you have a recent injury??






does your knee give out/buckle while walking ON AN EVEN SURFACE??



is the pain on the front of your knee, or the inside of the knee???




do you have difficulty going up/down stairs, crouching, squatting, or getting up from a prolonged seated position??





is the pain a dull, throbbing pain that hurts more as the day goes by, or is it a periodic, sharp pain that can happen at any time??


not a throbbing pain and hurts more when kept in a bent or slightly bent position for a period of time.. or when trying to stand up






they gave me 4 days worth and i took it... it did not do anything to help the pain that i could tell

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i haven't seen the video yet, but its likely chondromalacia. surgery is an absolute last resort, and patients can get actually worse with a knee arthroscopy. you need to work on strengthening your inner quad, with 'short arc quad sets'. also, concentrate on stretching your hamstrings out, and avoid aggravating activities. i will usually prescribe physical therapy for this problem, as well as a topical anti-inflammatory, or a prescription for mobic. if p.t., medication, and avoiding activities does not improve the situation, then i do injections into the knee joint.


MRI's are costly. i'd try what i mentioned above, and resort to the MRI if you're having problems with the knee giving out, or locking up.

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