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US Marine attacked by group of thugs


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The shitty thing is Easton isn't much better. I've seen a couple fist fights break out INSIDE the mall, and been there on numerous occasions when there are dozens of black teens/young adults, and while I am not racist/do not try and look at things that way, it's been a bad thought in the back of my mind for awhile.


It's too bad he wasn't carrying, especially being a marine you would think he would.


I forwarded this to a few family members/friends that disagree with the thought of ccw's, so I'm sure it'll be an eye opener to them. Its unfortunate things like this happen and that NO ONE stepped up to stop this sooner/assist the couple.

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I'd like to choke all these fuckers parents for defending there bitch ass kids.. let them jump me and my CCW.


You know exactly what would happen "oh my poor baby he was just acting like a thug at a movie theater why'd you have to go and kill him?! oh no wo is me"


As if the whole thing is fucking rediculous it makes me sick that the parents are trying to defend their kids' action's and sticking up for them. Really guy? so your punk ass kids were justified in acting like a fucking animal and single guy out with his wife? No one wants to take responsability for their actions anymore. If it was my kid I'd be embarrassed and make him apologize for acting like and child.

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That's a shitty situation.



And lol@some of your comments. A few of you sound like you've pull a gun at a moment's notice. You'd get yourself f'n shot in a second doing that in half the places I've lived in. As someoen mentioned above, you would've just committed suicide.

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I think he said something like "Be quiet, have some respect" to two rows worth of rowdy idiots then got them kicked out. I dont know about you but if they are disprespectful and rowdy to begin with I skip the tough guy routine and go right to the manager. At least that way they dont tie it back to me and put my girl in danger. I can hold my own but engaging 20 people is stupid... even with a gun. If you shoot one and 6 others have guns you just committed suicide for something that could have been prevented.


Anyone that punches a woman is a worthless bitch, and anyone that needs a group to fight someone are worthless bitches... unless its Chuck Norris or MacGyver.. then I would suggest having 40 people, a stick of gum, and a stapler.





I agree 110% that you lose that number game everytime. However there is some kind of emotion that washes over you in this situation and you feel compelled to say something.





I have my CCW but that wouldnt have made the situation any better even in the hands of a Marine, unless he can hit 20 targets with 15 rounds in a public setting without hitting innocent people nearby

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I have my CCW but that wouldnt have made the situation any better even in the hands of a Marine, unless he can hit 20 targets with 15 rounds in a public setting without hitting innocent people nearby

LOL, pulling it out alone would probably stop the whole situation - shooting one person would send the rest off running. You think 20 people are just going to stand there waiting for their chance to be shot?

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LOL, pulling it out alone would probably stop the whole situation - shooting one person would send the rest off running. You think 20 people are just going to stand there waiting for their chance to be shot?


I agree. But i can almost guarantee he would be the one going to jail.

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LOL, pulling it out alone would probably stop the whole situation - shooting one person would send the rest off running. You think 20 people are just going to stand there waiting for their chance to be shot?


Well you and I werent in the situation and dont know how it would go. If they are dumb enough to attack someone over getting kicked out of a movie they probably would run at someone with a gun.

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I agree. But i can almost guarantee he would be the one going to jail.


I doubt it. You could fight forever on the fact that even a trained marine couldn't take down a group of 20 kids. Being jumped by more than 3 people I'm in fear for serious bodily harm, which you can use lethal force in that situation.

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I doubt it. You could fight forever on the fact that even a trained marine couldn't take down a group of 20 kids. Being jumped by more than 3 people I'm in fear for serious bodily harm, which you can use lethal force in that situation.


There are a lot of factors which can swing the situation. Doesnt help when you see videos of these idiot parents telling the media that its not her fault and the adults shouldnt have been fighting. Its ridiculous. It was in Florida so you are probably right.

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Being jumped by 20 people waiting for you and having your wife assaulted? I would of flashed a gun if I had one. Fear of your life, your wife's life, and any other bystanders is the first thing that comes to my mind. The reason 20 people were waiting for you is irrelevant, 20 vs 2 is a slaughter.
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I bet he didn't politely ask them to quite down. I bet it went more like... "Hey, Shut the FUCK UP would ya"


and considering the group, he have been even more justified doing that. perhaps he'll band together with "his" crew and take out the trash for the rest of us.

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I agree. But i can almost guarantee he would be the one going to jail.


not for long. as noted, he was no doubt in fear for his life. he could have even seen a weapon. no one is going to put him in jail over punks.

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The shitty thing is Easton isn't much better. I've seen a couple fist fights break out INSIDE the mall, and been there on numerous occasions when there are dozens of black teens/young adults, and while I am not racist/do not try and look at things that way, it's been a bad thought in the back of my mind for awhile.


Thanks COTA

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