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Free Pete


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We can challenge the reason, but honestly nothing can really be done about it due to the tradition.

I completely agree with this and all I am saying is that tradition is not above questioning.


Tradition doesnt have to be explained, and there is no need to justify it.


We can't think like this as a population if we want to constantly better ourselves. Nothing is above questioning, not even this sentence.




If the person wants to express their right to wear a hat it must be done in a place where they have enough power to do so. If they were in my house I have the power to have them removed (legally). The cop isn't going to tell me he has to stay in my house. They are going to escort him out. The only right they have is to take legal action of their own if they feel they were wrongly treated or singled out. However, even this is done after leaving or taking off the hat. There doesn't need to be a law, rule, or forewarning. All the owner of the hat needs is one request to remove it. At that point its take it off or get out. If you really want to wear it go outside or to your own home and wear it until your hearts content.


I don't know if it was Pete's idea that the courtroom is a public place so he should be able to wear a hat, but it could be argued. He may believe that he has the power to wear a hat.


If the judge is found to be inconsistent in asking people to remove hats the guy has a case. Its just not something you argue with a judge about on the spot. You can be found in contempt for chewing gum if the judge really wants to take it that far. You fight it in a way that doesn't have you sitting behind bars. Use a higher power to put someone of a higher power than you in their place.

I agree with this completely which is why I would not purposely protest in this way. Pete and his group seem to be very divisive among the area where they operate. I don't really car about wearing hats in a courtroom but the right to wear a hat in a public courtroom is an important debate as it entails public vs. private property including a taxpayer funded system and constitutional rights to a public trial.

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Do me a huge favor. If you are going to pick apart the post do so in complete thoughts. Thats what paragraphs are for. I usually dont say anything about it when people do it, but when you debate lines rather than thoughts you miss many points. Tim does this a lot, but I dont debate with him so I ignore it. The line about justifying tradition was tied to 3 other sentences. The judge does not have to justify himself to Pete because he has certain powers being in charge of the courtroom. Now if the president asks, he would have to justify himself at that point. The same way my wife doesnt have to justify asking someone to leave my house as she lives here... but if I am home she may have to justify it to me, or the police may ask me as the owner of the house.


I don't know if it was Pete's idea that the courtroom is a public place so he should be able to wear a hat, but it could be argued. He may believe that he has the power to wear a hat.


Pete definitely thought it was a public place in which he had rights to wear a hat. Pete should have realized that once he walked into a building owned by another the word public went out the window.


I got one for you... What if he is pulled over by a cop, and is asked to remove his hat in his own car? Yes its for the cops safety but does he have to listen or does he have a choice?

Edited by V8 Beast
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How in the sam hill did I get sucked into this!?!?


Forget Pete!!!! He's exercising his right as an American to be a cry-baby drama queen. Something that cant be taken away from us no matter where we are!!! I'm going to go play call of duty with my hat on and use vulgar language in front of a bunch of 10 year old kids that spawn camp me and are technically too young to be playing the game any damn way as it rated mature!!!! Its my right as an Emo.. I mean American citizen!!.

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Do me a huge favor. If you are going to pick apart the post do so in complete thoughts. Thats what paragraphs are for. I usually dont say anything about it when people do it, but when you debate lines rather than thoughts you miss many points. Tim does this a lot, but I dont debate with him so I ignore it.


Now you just plain hurt my feelings. From now on I will maintain the huge paragraphs and get the occasional "holy huge quote batman" note thrown at me. Let's kiss and make up.

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Now you just plain hurt my feelings. From now on I will maintain the huge paragraphs and get the occasional "holy huge quote batman" note thrown at me. Let's kiss and make up.


LOL! You know for a fact you occasionally "lawyer" the hell out of people with the broken quotes :lol: I've seen you win arguments (when even you knew you were wrong) doing that.


For the record I know that you normally do not do that. You pick a line but speak to the entire thought in your reply. But when you do pick it apart its a thing of beauty.


/kiss and make up

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Usually I would try to argue a side that would generally glorify what this man did, however, I am having a hard time getting enough ideas in my mind to back this man. I will say that this is more of a case of morals and respect as opposed to what are and are not his rights. Just take your hat off dumb ass. A court room is not the place to make a political statement. Its just not going to work because your are critizing people that are involved and or a part of the politics that you are trying to critize. Dont get me wrong we need more people in this world that want to stand up for their rights and or what they believe in but this man is just a retard and his stand ended in epic fail and proved nothing to his cause, and he just made himself look like a complete dumbass.
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