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Any NW Cbus WOW users having Internet Issues ?


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Very odd....have never had any issues. Spotty as hell tonight. All of a sudden, internet goes out, then some sites work. CR is fine :cool: Yahoo fucked, my webmail at work fucked, google works, youtube fucked....can't figure it out.



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I think it's the internet. World is coming to an end. I went on linked in and many sections of their login page are showing a DNS error. Some sites scream and some are dead, many are slow. Regardless of my connections. I'm on via 3G via an iPad and they are the same.


Just keep CR and porn good and I'm cool. :)

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was having issues near easton, but been ok for ~20 min or so


its funny though, because i was just telling my dad that i'd rarely (ie, a couple times a year) use wireless tether, then when james helped me root my phone last night it was on there, and since i had a good bit of stuff to do online after the gym, i hooked it up. haha...less than 24 hours and i used it.

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