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Hit by police car, then beat by policemen


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you guys are only seeing a small portion of what happened... you have NO IDEA what happened up to this point.... he was fleeing, but what else did he do? A group of cops aren't going to just hit someone with a car and then beat the shit out of him unles he did something very bad to deserve it.

Cops are trained to deal with the immediate threat. Didnt look like the guywas much of a threat at the point of the video. Unfortunately people get caught up in the moment and cops are no different. Its unfortunate what happened, it wont be the first, it wont be the last.

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Has anyone ever noticed that in videos where there are a group of cops doing this stuff none of them ever tell the other to stop? At the very best one watches, but still doesnt do anything to stop it.

Mob mentality. Unfortunately even in a civilized society it is where we come from and after hearing people who were involved in such acts often times they state they werent even aware of what they were doing, they were just caught up in the moment.

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Mob mentality. Unfortunately even in a civilized society it is where we come from and after hearing people who were involved in such acts often times they state they werent even aware of what they were doing, they were just caught up in the moment.


:confused: In every fight I have ever seen there were always people breaking it up.

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>>human nature compels certain people to stand and watch, while others actively try to stop it.

Some people are made to walk into a burning building to help save others and others are made to pray for miracles in a church. Nobody said we were all the same. You have here a group of guys that consider each other brethren and probably have a close bond. Add that to the mix with the catalyst of the situation throw in some adrenaline and you have this video. It doesnt happen everytime but it happens enough to wonder why seemingly stand-up officers are often caught behaving inappropriatly and over the top. No different than on college campuses when kids destroy their own town. Its a whirlwind of emotions some of them get caught up in. They wouldnt normally act this way but when the opportunity presents itself and they are in the frame of mind to allow it, shit happens.

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You would hope that officers would be able to think on their toes to keep their brethren out of trouble. One kick to the wrong place and you just watched the person you are suppose to protect throw their livelyhood, if not their freedom away.

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It is human nature to allow our emotions to often dictate our actions. I agree its wrong what they did but I understand what is taking place in the video. You have many officers there involved in what looks like a chase(either that or alot of officers made it there unusually quickly). No different than a pack of animals on a hunt. Emotions took over. Take an officer who just happens on the scene, he probably wouldnt join in the malay because hes not emotionally vested in the situation. The same as a person who breaks up a fight, they dont have the same emotions taking place either because they dont care or stronger willed and they step in. There are alot of things that go into who we are and I think people expect police officers to act a certain way because they are officers but they are still human and have the same faults everyone else has at times. Theres a reason these situations get so much attention and thats because they are rare.
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maybe its because i am russian and thats how we deal with people over there, but that guy got what he deserved, but unfortunately there are to many fucking pussies in this country and now that guy is going to get a fat settlement.

you guys cry oh the cops should have had control and they shouldnt do that. well if cops did that shit more often and didnt get in trouble for it, i am willing to bed that crime will drop drastically. people would be to scared to commit crimes. just my opinion though...



btw, if he was ONLY just a suspect, why did he run? in my opinion, running automatically confirms guilt. if your not guilty and dont have anything illegal on you then you wont have to run

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I believe we consider ourselves more civilized for the way we treat our citizens than Russia probably would. I am all for cops delving out street justice but unfortunately like Russia I would think it often not be done justly and reasonably fairly. Theres a reason why we here are judged by a selected jury rather than a single officer at the time of a crime. If there were a happy medium between well than now were talking. Truth be told we hide behind being civilized and thats what is allowed us to evolve to where we are today and I for one am happy with it. But I also enjoy knowing that we arent so far removed from our uncivilized ways that if shit were to hit the fan some of uscouldnt revert back to our old ways and get shit done.


When I was younger, if a cop tried to talk to me(depending on the situation) I would automatically run. I was doing something wrong but I was a kid just doing what I seen other kids do. Luckily I didnt have the shit kicked out of me and put behind bars because I was a kid doing stupid kid things. My kids do stupid kids things I certainly wouldnt want my kids to have the same fate as that either for doing dumb things. If they werent mine, I would want to beat the hell out of them sometimes though.

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Well, we just put people in a time out and let them out again. So.....to me this is better than just sticking him in a jail and letting him out. Maybe next time he will re-think doing something like this again unless he wants the shit kicked out of him again.


Although, innocent until proven guilty, if you didn't do anything why would you run?

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Sometimes you just run. I was always doing something illegal or would get me in trouble but 2 years ago I was driving home from tennesse and a cop on the inside berm motioned for me to pull over on the freeway. Without even thinking I floored it until the motor sounded like it was going to blow for the next 5 miles until I slowed down to normal speed. I was eventually pulled over and the cop sat behind me for 15 mins without getting out. Finally he waived me on without ever saying a word. I dont know if he couldnt positively tell if it was me or not. For the life of my I couldnt tell you why I did it. I wasnt speeding at the time, I had absolutely no reason to but I did it.
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Its a fight or flight mentality. Its not an admission of guilt, its a natural human response when found in a stressful/threatening situation.


how is it a natural human response? what tells you to run instead of talking to the cops? its like saying that if any person were to approach that guy that he would run.

he saw the cops, he ran because he either did something wrong, was doing something wrong or had something illegal on him.


wnaplay- you probably ran because you probably thought you did something wrong and didnt want to get a ticket for it. either that or you wanted some thrill in your life?

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