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end to front license plates?

frenchy chan

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Not sure if this has been posted yet...




Pair of Changes On the Horizon For Ohio Drivers POSTED BY VINCE GRZEGOREK ON THU, FEB 24, 2011 AT 12:17 PM No, sadly, the license plate design will not be changing. The Buckeye State will have to live with the hazy farmland scene, the one with a swirl of colors that looks like an 5-year-old's early-period refrigerator work, perhaps from his finger-painting phase. Two changes are likely on the horizon, however. First, a bill being introduced by state Rep. Stephen Slesnick would eliminate the requirement that cars have front license plates. The Canton Repository notes that all states bordering Ohio, and all 20 across the nation, don't have front license plate laws and no caverns into the mouths of Hell have opened up on the roads in those states. Whacking the provision would save Ohio about $2 million a year, or enough to mount a study as to whether it was a good decision in the first place. Second, Governor Kasish wants to boost the vehicle title fee $10 (Boo!) and scrap the $20 late fee for driver's licenses (Yay!). The AP reports that the late fee has been "hugely unpopular" with the public —shocking —and that a $10 hike would bring $31.5 million into the state's coffers. A third proposal still making its way through official channels would mandate that Dick Goddard's face be painted on the hood of every car in Ohio, a source said, but that support doesn't seem to be there to make that happen.

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A third proposal still making its way through official channels would mandate that Dick Goddard's face be painted on the hood of every car in Ohio, a source said, but that support doesn't seem to be there to make that happen.


I have trouble believing any article ending with that.

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Half the time when you drive around and you really pay attention, probably 40% of people don't have front ones.


Definitely no where near that. At least not when I was paying attention. Sports cars tend to be the only vehicles I see without them. I put one on the Evo after I got harassed for the second time, though I dont think I will soil the vette with one regardless of harassment.

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Wanna take bets that it wont get passed???


I ALSO hate them.. however..

they have good reasons for them..


Think of it like this..

someone commits a serious crime in his own car(happens all the time) gets caught on video maybe him having a front plate could help lead to his arrest by increasing the ways of identifying him by surveillance and bystanders...


i really just dont see it getting passed in ohio..


i sure do hope so though

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i Have only written a front plate ticket 1 time..




the guy was a prick..


driving a hummer doing 18 over in a 55..


i walked up and he started some crap about isnt it a law you have to wear a hat when out of your car.. blah blah..


i asked him why he didnt have a front plate on..

he said never had one

i asked.. plan on putting one on..

Nope.. he said..


Okay then..

i wrote him for speed and the plate..


Moral of the story "dont be a dick"

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Well I hope it does pass. I'm not drilling holes in the bumper of my new Z06 just to passify a law thats ridiculous. My car isn't even made for that front plate and with a plate it would look horrendous. Passing this law will save our state money (and me too should I get tix for not displaying) -
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I never put a front plate on my "toys", but on my beaters that I drive daily I always do. I've never gotten a ticket for it, but I was pulled over and given a warning so many times back when I didn't run a front plate that it became annoying (for the cop as well I'm sure) and I figured I was running out of warnings.


Kohones, I think you were correct the first time in saying you hope it DOES pass. If it passes it means we won't have to run a front plate anymore. I definitely hope it passes, it looks terrible and causes damage to the front of your vehicle most of the time. Even if you don't have to drill into the bumper, more often than not the bracket will rub the bumper and cause paint damage. I think the above mentioned scenario of why a front plate is good is pretty far fetched and just about the only scenario at all that defends a front plate.

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