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I hate thiefs...

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Last night my wife's van was broken into, it was parked in our driveway. they took two purses, her wallet, and our garage door opener. they left tons of other stuff in the van, and left the doors open...geethx. so this morning she goes to leave for work, and that is what she finds. fyi it is a huge pita to file stolen reports and close accounts. doesnt help they have her ss card, and dl now too. even better it rained like the world was going to end, so there is standing water in the van. i dont care what anyone says about her leaving the items in the van, it was a mistake, and one she has never made before. it doesnt matter anyway, someone has our stuff and that is the bottom line, it doesnt belong to them. our dogs went crazy a couple times last night, but we figured it was just because of the storm. our neighbor got hit too. why do bad things happen to good people?





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i learned a while ago that bums thieves and whom ever will cut a $600 jeep soft top to take a $40 pair of leather gloves. bottom line if someone wants it bad enough they'll get at it. Everyone makes mistakes leaving shit in their car that they shouldn't, it just sucks your mistake turned detrimental.
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It was a van. I'm guessing a MINIvan, so Duh. I bet if the left the purse and took the van, this thread would be going a whole different direction.



his minivan was stolen and found several weeks later in Toledo.


Sucks to here, I would be equally pissed at my wife for leaving her purse in the van.

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This is why I will never own more cars than I have garage space for. That sucks, If it was me I would make her do every ounce of work to straighten out the Identity stuff. I don't get why women leave purses in cars, I would NEVER leave my wallet in a car.



at least they left the car.....


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Glad all the haters who think its your fault for letting the thief steal have never accidentally left anything there car, have the best alarm system in the world, have doors and windows that wont open unless you open it, store the car in a locked bulletproof garage. So glad all the other members on CR have the ability to own such a great anti theft system right?


Jesus christ people. We are human. We all make mistakes. Show some fucking empathy people. Don't act you dickwads don't have mental lapses. Sorry OP. Hope you get your wife's stuff back

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Glad all the haters who think its your fault for letting the thief steal have never accidentally left anything there car, have the best alarm system in the world, have doors and windows that wont open unless you open it, store the car in a locked bulletproof garage. So glad all the other members on CR have the ability to own such a great anti theft system right?


Jesus christ people. We are human. We all make mistakes. Show some fucking empathy people. Don't act you dickwads don't have mental lapses. Sorry OP. Hope you get your wife's stuff back


Sure, we all make Mc Steaks, but chances are, if she was keeping two purses in the car.. she didn't just, "forget them."


I have empathy for the people who are truely targets for no apparent reason, but people who leave GPS units, purses, CDs, stereos, or anything of apparent value in the car is just asking for a raping.






Edit.. PS- I do feel sorry for you, OP, because I know you'll pretty much be the one dealing with it.. but maybe your wife will learn a lesson?

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Times are tough. I lock my car and turn on the alarm in my locked garage.


Same here.


I do the same and my car isn't even worth that much.


I thought that I might be the only one that does this... I feel better knowing I'm not the only one that is overprotective.

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I feel your pain. Sucks that it happened. I just want to bash in a thief's head if I found them. I have often thought what I would do if I caught a thief in my house. Knock em out, zip tie their legs and hands together and toss em in a trunk. Drive them out to the middle of no where and leave them there naked after a good beating.


I left my garage door open one night. Woke up at 5 am to the cops. My car was in the street and had hit my mail box. Some kids tried to steal it but could not drive a stick shift and they only made it to the bottom of the driveway. I was pissed, but it was partly my fault.


+1 to not carrying your SS card. Why do you do that?

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I must be lucky. After moving off campus (where I was victom quite a few times of vehicle break-in's, with many thousands lost in damages/stolen stuff), I haven't had an issue since. 2002-2008 in Reynoldsburg, hell I forgot to lock my vehicles a number of times, had nice cars parked outside, etc. A year after in Upper Arlington / Hilliard area, no issues. Almost 2 years in Powell, no issues at all.


Though break-in's can happen anywhere, area has a LOT to do with it.

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Your wife left her purse and wallet in the van and you're mad at the THEIVES?! :nono:


C'mon, dude.... common sense.


this, why would she leave all that shit in a vehicle at night thats outside. Me and everybody else I know take purse,wallet, etc... inside with them when they get home. hey derp derp imma leave all my personal belongings along w/ my derp derp ss card and drivers license in car at night derp derp.

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