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The biggest eye opener I have had in a long time.

I Eat Rice

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I can understand how negative thoughts about your situation (not yours, but anybody's) can lead to a spiral of negative thoughts that seems very hard to get out of. When somebody has been in a situation that goes on and on, and the mistakes that they made have to be faced on a daily basis for a long period of time it can be very hard. The good thing is that you can learn some valuable life lessons from all of this that most people don't at your young age. I can tell you from personal experience that even though it is hard for you right now because you are still facing all of the negative consequences, it will end, and it will get better. You just have to take advantage of the time and lessons that you have right now, and make sure not to forget them when it's all over. I am Catholic, so I believe that God will always give you opportunities for happiness. If you don't believe, it's ok, just understand that eventually the universe will give you opportunities to do what you want to do and you can be happy and have the life you want as long as you work for it. Also, I know this is a long post, but trying times like the ones you are going through, or the one you saw on the road today really can put things into perspective, for me it helped me really appreciate my family and my true friends.
Oh I am becoming more of a believer every day. I have tried to fight this over the years too and I think it was what has caused me to go out and do the things I have. I was living a selfish life as opposed to a purpose driven one. I am starting to realize I can not control everything. Control is a mear illusion that gives us a false sense of stability, and false hope. I may never go to church due to the fact that I do not believe in organised religion but my feeling of what is out there is defently starting to make it self known. Btw dont worry about the long post I type them up all the time:cool:


God making people disabled to give other people life changing epiphanies is why I don't believe in god.



However, seeing as how this has obviously affected you in a positive way (having someone else's situation bring yours into perspective), I am glad that you are re-energized. I also hope you stay positive about your goings-on, and good luck with everything.

Honestly man God making people disabled is a gift really. These people that are disabled can walk through life with the ingorance that we all wish we could posess. These people become happy because the sun is out, they get to go on a walk, the birds are chirping, or they have just found a beautiful flower. The simple things will have the stongest impacts on them and I envy them because of that. I wish that some days I could have it so simple and be able to find joy and the little things instead of having what feels like plates full of food stacked on top of one another in a never ending balencing act between sanity and compleatly falling off my rocker.

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I wouldnt agree with its a gift. Its just all they know. Im sure if they knew more about the world around them and just how much history there is behind it, they would want to go out and do shit to. Just like V8 Beast said earlier, its all we know, and we make everything seem worse than what it actually is.


I always try to tell myself it could be worse, whenever something doesnt go the way i planned, or something bad happens. Staying level headed is what makes for good communication skills, good friendships, and not letting the little things pick you apart. Once youve found how to do that, then you'll be good.


But I agree with you, that when you see people who are disabled, have missing hands or limbs, missing eyes, fractered skulls, or people without jobs or families, and you have all of that, your problems melt away. Ive let myself forget what all i DO have a few times, and working in retail, you see all walks of life, and you become grounded fairly quickly.

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Who said God made them disabled? Perhaps it was permissive will, not direct will. It happened and God didn't intervene. Assuming there is a God, to say you don't believe in him because people are retarted or get cancer, or get murdered is ridiculous. "Ohhh if there was a God why would he allow these things to happen boo hoo." Sometimes bad things need to happen for the greater end. My brother got destoyed by an IED. Literally blew his butt off, shredded and burned the skin on his entire back and back of his legs, had a massive laceration in his stomach and his body riddled with shrapnel. The medics working on him didn't think he was going to survive. By God's grace he did. He has spent the last year in the hospital and has just now began rehab. He also has numerous reconstructive sugeries ahead of him, and will still never be the same. Ask him if he doesn't believe in God because something so horrible happened to him. Ask my parents if they don't believe in God because something to horrible happened to their son. The fact is, as a result of this horrible incident, my brother has been re-evaluating his point of view on life, made decisions to change his life and who he is as a person, and his relationship with my father has improved immeasurably. They are closer now than they have ever been. Is that to say that he would want to go through it again? No. However people that previously never gave two thoughts about a God, as a result of this indicent, also started question things in life and praying for my brother. People who hadn't prayed in years felt led to pray and in turn to rekindle or start new their relationship with this "God." So essentailly if there is a God, he used this horrible occourance for the great good.


Romans 8:28-"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,j who have been called according to his purpose."



So say God doesn't exist because we don't live in a perfect world is ignorant in my point of view. But again, that's just my point of view which has no merit or bearing on anything.


Carry on.

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Who said God made them disabled? Perhaps it was permissive will, not direct will. It happened and God didn't intervene. Assuming there is a God, to say you don't believe in him because people are retarted or get cancer, or get murdered is ridiculous.



So say God doesn't exist because we don't live in a perfect world is ignorant in my point of view. But again, that's just my point of view which has no merit or bearing on anything.


Carry on.



If you believe in a god, and you believe that he is an all-knowing, all-encompassing, omnipotent deity, then yes, whether actively or passively(even though that doesn't make any sense), he made, or allowed them to be made that way. Don't get annoyed simply because I call out the fact that such ideology's should play by their own rules. Let me quote Epicurus:

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is impotent.Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Whence then is evil?"


I wasn't actually trying to get into a theological debate as they are pointless, everyone will decide for themselves what they choose to believe in, just making light of the "well god put that disabled person there so you could feel good about you" sentiments. Again, don't take it so seriously, I certainly can understand that being in said situation could be very moving, and make one appreciate the things ones does have, when compared to someone who has problems that most of us can't fathom.


The next logical line of reasoning(for myself anyway) would be to try and figure out why good/bad things do in fact happen, outside of divine designation/intervention. In my eyes it's simply because we as people are imperfect, high-level functioning mammals. Also as we delve deeper into gene-therapy, stem-cell research, even singularity events, we learn that most disabilities should be eradicated within a certain time period. So we'll be able to accomplish what god could or would not.


If you want to say that I'm ignorant because I deny the existence of a "loving" god, who "loves" you more than anything else(even shuffleboard), yet would allow terrible things to happen to you, due to the "bigger picture", then as you said, that's your point of view. I would ask you what is not ignorant about insulting someone who does not believe in the same unproven idea as you ? Because I consider myself relatively well-educated, especially in regards to religious ideology/philosophy/conundrums/, and whatnot.


What happened to your brother was terrible, and I was sorry to read it. His service is much appreciated by myself, and many, many on this board.

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