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Promised wife once car was in garage, patio was next. We were looking into poured/stamped concrete, and not the standard 4 white rectangles kind, the decent looking stained, paverish, kind. Anyone have this done ? Recommendations ? Wanting it to have at least 2 partitions, a grilling/standing area, and decent sized sitting/eating area. Wouldn't be doing it till the weather warms up a bit, but I'm trying to figure out prices, timeframe, and whatnot.
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heres mine i had done 2 summers ago...its ballin. $8/sq ft which was really cheap (even compared to some cr members who do concrete full time that i asked for an estimate, and wouldnt even give me a quote for a stamped pattern, but still came in $200 more overall for a basic swirl finish than i ended up getting the whole thing done for).


shawn kirk - 614-596-9742


that whole patio was $3200, its right at 400 sq/ft (16x20 rectangle, 10' fire pit circle off the corner, 2x3 grill area off the side)



Edited by evan9381
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Thanks for the info everyone, and Evan, that's a great looking patio, and very similar to what we are wanting. Adding names to the list. Once we decide exactly the layout we want we can try to get some estimates.
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I love my stamped concrete patio. It turned out great. I used a company called Professional Precision Concrete (PPC). Since I did my driveway at the same time they cut me a 10% discount, then I beat them up a little on price by telling them what the competition was bidding. It got them to come down another few thousand. My biggest problem was getting companies to bid on what I wanted. PPC was the only company to bid exactly what I described. I actually had one contractor say "Oh, you don't want that" when I described the patio idea I had.


Evan, I love what you did with yours. I wish I had done a fire pit with mine, that's the only mistake I made.

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Don't you kind of need to know their price in order to beat it? Hence, tell me their price and I will beat it.


i guess i didnt type it out the way i was thinking it late last night...i was thinking of it as "why not offer the best price from the get go"...my bad.


but i will say, i hate shit like that...for example, i went and looked at a gun at vances, then went to gander mountain...GM was like $50-60 more, and they said they'd beat vances price. you know what though, i would rather spend the few dollars more from the vendor who offered me the best price from the start, and not someone who has much higher prices, then has to offer to beat someone else to get the business


rick - thanks...i need to get some updated pics now that i have the bricks for the pit ring in place, new grill, new patio furniture, and my wood rack. im definitely happy with it.

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Evan, let me ask you something real quick since anytime someone on here mentions concrete work you gotta point out that you got a way lower price then I gave you. I dunno why you wanna make that point that I somehow ripped you off or something. I gave you price on what you explained to me what you wanted done. I thought it was a fair price from my point. I price everything I bid on from past experiences. Now I will agree that you got a good deal on what was done at your house but how am I to know that he did everything that you mentioned to me that you wanted done. I told you when I was there that I price match. I know I told you cause I tell everyone that. Ever since the economy has took a turn down the construction market has been effected big time. Now every Tom, Dick, and Harry that does construction are doin stuff for stupid cheap prices. Since then I have told every one person that I give a bid on that I do not care nor will I be hurt if they got other bids and if they feel that mine is to high then I will price match the one that they feel is fair if they want me to do the work. If I feel like I cant do the job for that price I tell them to go ahead and let the other person do it. I am not here to rip anyone off, I want to be as fair as I can be and be as most helpful as I can. I get pm's all the time from people here asking me what they should do in different situations and I give them all the knowledge I know of about it.


Now back to the question I have for you, I dunno what you do for a living nor do I really care, but I can almost guarantee that there is someone out there that is more then willing to do it for alot less then what you get paid. Now does that mean I should go on here and try to talk bad about you? Nope. If walmart has cheaper groceries then krogers even on the same products, should I bad mouth krogers? Nope. I dunno why you are so butt hurt over a FREE estimate that I gave you. I didnt do one ounce of work for you yet for some reason every post about concrete you gotta talk bad about me. Hell I think in one of the threads awhile back you actually mentioned my name. I'm sure I could of went down to Home Depot, picked 4 guys looking for work and paid them 100$ a piece and could of did your patio for way less then the guy did it for. Then would that give me any room to bad mouth them?


Now as far as giving Rob a deal, its my company and I will give whoever I feel like 10% off the cheapest bid. Its not that I dont have the best prices out there, it because there is no best price in times like these. There are huge companies that buy work just to keep their employees busy. How do I know? Cause I bid against big companies like Kokosing and a few other ones. I know what their bids are on stuff cause we get to see them. They are literally making 0 dollars for the company. They make enough to pay the workers and thats it. So this is why I tell everyone to get a few bids out there from a reputable companies and if they beat mine then I have no problem price matching theirs. Rob just got lucky and I felt the need to offer him 10% off the best price. Call it a CR discount if you want.


Also if anyone wants to see some of my work, then look my company up on Facebook. Its in my sig. I am not a cpu person and still working on an actual website so as soon I get it figured out which I am having someone come over this weekend and finish it up for me and make its right, I will contact Anthony and become a vendor. Then you can see everything I do.

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It's cool, Sam. I know your work and you've been on CR since the beginning.


People fail to realize that in a line of potential contractors, you don't always know what the people after you bid and sometimes don't see what the people before you did. That being said, you throw a bid out there based on factors and experience and hope the customer will give you the chance to negotiate if you don't have the lowest bid. Then you take that and figure if it's even worth the job if you have to take it up the ass.

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I have seen first hand what happens when someone gives a "deal" on work. You end up paying someone else to fix their mistake.


You pay for what you get and there are plenty of shady contractors and parts hangers that will put it to you all while talking about "quality".

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I have seen first hand what happens when someone gives a "deal" on work. You end up paying someone else to fix their mistake.


You pay for what you get and there are plenty of shady contractors and parts hangers that will put it to you all while talking about "quality".


Sometimes that happens and sometimes it doesnt. Sometimes you get lucky and a cheap price ends up being what it is, a cheap price. I wasnt trying to start a war with Evan, I just dont understand how he is mad at me for only giving him a free estimate. :confused:


Rob, all my info is on Facebook on my companies page. Feel free to call me with any questions or if you want a bid, let me know. They are always free.:)

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