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guy plows through crowd of cyclists in BR


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This is why bikes NEED to yield to cars and keep their head on a swivel. "I was legally right" is a stupid epitaph.



Experiment for you cyclists who get hated on by cars:


First question; Do you wear the tights? Cycling garb?

You'll find people much more sympathetic if you dress in regular clothes.

Drivers, especially commuters, are more willing to make way for folk riding their bike *some where* for some *reason*.

If you're just out because it's a hobby, out for a larf, out for shits and giggles... why should I make way for you when I've got shit to do? Being clad in riding garb immediately puts the label on you, and you're much less likely to get sympathy from commuters.... and I kinda agree... and kinda dont. The roads are for everyone who pays taxes.... but they're not a play thing. They were made to get people and goods from point A to point B, anyone using them for something else should kindly duck out of the way of folk with things to do.


Try riding in normal clothes (and not riding like a dick) and see how many hates you don't get.




That cyclist owes you paint.

I applaud your statements that bridgesthe gap and see things from both sides.


Im out there to train. Its my sport like softball soccer or lifting might be yours. And when im in the zone i can get pretty agressive(agressive meaning turning on red as long as traffic is clear sort of thing.) I worry about me and have to be an offensive rider because if im hit, the conseques for the rider are deadly vs consequences for drivers are some paint and body damge. All i ask is to not be hit. Thats it. Ill move around you and your car if i need to. People dont often consider that people die, regardless of who is at fault, while cycling.


What a retarded way to die. Im a firefighter/medic and i chose to do a job that exposes me to a number of risks on multiple levels. Ill be damned after taking these sometimes calculated risks that i get runover by a car riding my bike.


On a personal note it find bitchy when people complain about riders as if its such a huge deal when the potential for death is so graet. Like cyclist dont drive....I get that no one, myself included, likes to wait in line, sit in traffic or have any one impead their progress when they're trying to go somewhere eshpeshly for work. But for christ sake it really not that big of a deal. I rarley see cyclist, of course some of you who are more rural probably see more.


I think it comes down to accepting that they're people different from you. They're your neighbors, friends, and maybe even faimly. These people ride bikes and if they are doing their best to stay out of your way as you pass them, dont give em any shit. Treat people with respect and how you want to be treated.




all this being said i realize that most people are decent citizens and that the extream of both cyclist and drivers are the real problem here.

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First question; Do you wear the tights? Cycling garb?

You'll find people much more sympathetic if you dress in regular clothes.

Drivers, especially commuters, are more willing to make way for folk riding their bike *some where* for some *reason*.

If you're just out because it's a hobby, out for a larf, out for shits and giggles... why should I make way for you when I've got shit to do? Being clad in riding garb immediately puts the label on you, and you're much less likely to get sympathy from commuters.... and I kinda agree... and kinda dont. The roads are for everyone who pays taxes.... but they're not a play thing. They were made to get people and goods from point A to point B, anyone using them for something else should kindly duck out of the way of folk with things to do.


Try riding in normal clothes (and not riding like a dick) and see how many hates you don't get.




That cyclist owes you paint.

While I see your point, wearing tights is like my uniform to ride, just like football players, baseball players, etc have their uniforms. I really don't have much trouble with cars. It is like riding a motorcycle, ride like you're invisible.

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Would you wear tights and pads to play backyard football? No, you'd be called a homo. Cyclists are the only folk I know that get fully decked out to practice. I was once passed on the Little Miami trail by a guy who WAS NOT AWARE THAT HIS TIGHTS WERE TRANSPARENT when stretched, and he was wearing underwear. What fucking wanker.


These people ride bikes and if they are doing their best to stay out of your way as you pass them, dont give em any shit.

That's just what we're talking about here, the people that don't. Do us a favor and call other cyclists dicks when you see them being dicks. Behavior modification is everyone's job. ;)

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I do this at Best Buy at Polaris all the time. If you're dumb enough to try and drive in front of the stores if you're in a hurry, then you can wait for my happy ass to cross the cross walk in front of you :)

Ass. Besides, it's you who's gonna get hit eventually. It's not so much the speed they move at that I was referring to, but the fact that hardly anyone even looks where they are going. You may have the right of way, but you're not surrounded by an impenetrable shield.


Btw, I've had people pull that "Im gonna walk extra slow to be a self important asshole". I actually hit a guy's backpack as he crossed in front mo me with the front of my car. The look on his face, lol. Fuckin dick. Got into last fall with a lady at the end of my block when her fuckface 12yr old wouldn't get out of the street with his friends on their skateboards. She had the audacity to yell at me because I didn't come to a complete stop.

Both these instances, I wasn't in a rush, I didn't provoke and the "slow" parties were both very obviously doing it to be dicks.


You gotta watch who you poke with a stick. Being an asshole for no reason will eventually bite you in the ass... or hit you in it with it's bumper. ;)




Yes, Brian. We all saw it. It was very amusing and I'm sorry nobody will acknowledge it. Whatta bunch of micro dicks. Good job, buddy.

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Would you wear tights and pads to play backyard football? No, you'd be called a homo. Cyclists are the only folk I know that get fully decked out to practice. I was once passed on the Little Miami trail by a guy who WAS NOT AWARE THAT HIS TIGHTS WERE TRANSPARENT when stretched, and he was wearing underwear. What fucking wanker.




The problem here is that there is nothing different between practicing riding and actually riding. Have you ever sat on a true "road" bike with skinny tires and a rock hard seat? Thats what the shorts are for with padding. as for the top spandex, sure I could wear a t-shirt and I have before, but it blows around gets in the way and can chafe moving body parts very quickly. It also does not wick away sweat etc. If I go out for a slow ride with the family thats a totally different story but generally it's about having the right equipment for the job.

Oh and you don't wear underwear with spandex. :cool:

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The problem here is that there is nothing different between practicing riding and actually riding. Have you ever sat on a true "road" bike with skinny tires and a rock hard seat?

I've put 50+ miles at a time on one. I wear dedicated underpants and jogging shorts, and a T-shirt that breaths and wicks. If i want more padding, I'll get a different seat. If I start racing, I'll lower my drag coefficient. If not, I don't see the point in getting dolled up.


Hell, if you're training, shouldn't you try to MAKE things a bit harder?

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Ass. Besides, it's you who's gonna get hit eventually. It's not so much the speed they move at that I was referring to, but the fact that hardly anyone even looks where they are going. You may have the right of way, but you're not surrounded by an impenetrable shield.


$$$ :cool:

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