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SHTF Discussion


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Step 1. Find Scotty


Step 2. Do what he says


Step 3. Find beer


Step 4. Procure cartons of cigarettes and red bull.


Step 5. Bring bitches


^^ Head over to the farm where we have horses and food, water and plenty of ammo for various guns long shooters and hand guns. My brother in laws are both Scotty types too. They will no doubt be there first. :bangbang:


Calling Bill too:



Edited by TTQ B4U
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If SHTF, I'd stick with NATO calibers and common police rounds. If they're long gone, there would probably be some of it laying around. This is assuming both the Military and Law Enforcement are long gone. 5.56, 7.62, 9mm, .40S&W, .45ACP (possibly) and good ol' 12 gauge. Personally, I've got more long guns than handguns for a reason. You can also look at the popular hunting calibers aswell. Granted, it is only but one side to the equation, but it is also an equalizer of sorts. Not to mention, I consider firearms to be a bargaining tool aswell. I'm not bringing 50 weapons with mr because it ain't really feasible. After the basics of food, water and shelter, communication would be a large hurdle.


You need to STFU....your giving away all the good ideas. :asshole:






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SHTF Plan A: Mad Max.

Much fuel, a car made of randon metal parts with sharp edges, a secure watering hole, and hot bitches in chain linked attire. Mel Gibson is optional.


SHTF Plan B: HMWBGDL (Horror Movie Where Black Guy Dies Last).

I send all the white people in first for everything. Then live off of their rations and use their equipment after they die.

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People seem to be on the right track here. When it comes to the zombies idea that is very unlikely and will never happen. SHTF will be something that will change the fate of humanity forever, but not end it in my mind. I see something along the lines of a big natural disaster, civil war, maybe some crazy people shooting nukes off. It will throw off the grid for sure and electric will be gone. That means no cell phones, no tv, no radio, nothing. Back to the old days. When this happens mass histaria will ensue. Some things to think about are the poor in the inner cities that will riot and will not be preped thus taking to the streets and trying to take what they need with force. Also think of all the bottom feeders not getting their fix. There will be alot of drugies, and drunks running around going crazy because for once they have to face life and not ignore it. Home protection will be key and I will not hesitate to put a few rounds into anyone that will try to harm the friends and family that will be holed up with me. There is only so much one can do so it will be key to group up with others that are trusted and preped as well to have a better chance at survival. As far as guns a good 12 or 20 ga shotgun, 9mm hand gun, some form of 223 rifle would be good to have because there will be more ammo to be found. Also a good compound bow or a cross bow would not be bad either because the arrows can be re used if not damaged. Also game numbers will began to drop dramatically so a good way to store and presserve meat will be key as well.
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Also look into a diesel vehicle because they can be made to run off of fats and oil. It will be hard to get gas without your own pump to take it from the gas station but something tells me no one will stop you. If you do not have a diesel no worries because no one will be working at the car dealership so just break in and take the keys to whatever you want and drive off with it that is what I will do.
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Something i've only seen posted once or twice is that people need to find out who they can trust before this happens. I thing going back to a militia style of defense is your best bet. Short wave or FM commo is going to be up there as well. At a minimum some type of Gen III NVG's. pvs7's, 14's, or ANVIS. We don't want to be getting into trouble with out of state guys that have the same goal/intent. Non perishable food items, water, personal hygiene items. I have my own plate carrier and chest rack for molle gear. I'm not going to try and make it on my own.
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