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Radiation in Japan


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This is not my field of study so I'm kind of kidding and kind of thinking out loud.


Right now, the amount of radiation in a twenty mile radious from the nuke plants is leaking per hour, what most people get and are safe in a year.


With that said, what are your thoughs on these things:


How long can that level be contained and do you think yet will keep it from getting worse?

With the levels being so high, what kind of side effects are the people there going to have? Is this the start point for the zombies attacking?



It's like they are throwning a cup of water on a bon fire to try and put it out.



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If worse comes to worse we load up the fatboys and fly over the big pond and deal with this ourselves. Again.




In all seriousness longterm radiation is likely going to lead to birthdiffects and complications of potential exposed parents. Increase in disease or health complications, cancer, etc. I haven't been following it to closly how bad is the leak?

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I think most of it is media hype honestly.


Here is a good article based on the other side.


There are just too many groups and people against nuclear power to think this isn't getting hyped up in their favor. Especially when Obama has come out talking against Nuclear. I beleive in government influenced media, so it is easy for me to brush most of this off.

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I would've thought they had some sort of fail safe in place for such an occassion. I understand the diesel generators went out, but you would think, they'd have plans A through Z covered. I can only assume once everything goes to shit, there will be a major overhaul of their Nuclear energy program. I think with any exposure, there could be signs of radiation poisoning. It won't be severe like Depleted Uranium, but it'll probably be mild stuff like nausea, vomiting and the shits. The other stuff would probably not happen, but depends on if it magically got 10 fold worse.
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The reactors are ~41 years old. Judging their fail-safes compared to what we have now is apples to oranges.


Not really, because the majority of nuclear plants are as old as the one in Japan. Nuclear Power is extremely safe, mainly because of the fact it is the most heavily regulated industry on the planet and we really go nuts with safety and for good reason, had we not, we would have 130,000 irradiated Japanese people running around Japan right now. A lot of people's concerns with nuclear power are born out of ignorance and misinformation. It makes me very reluctant to enter a debate or discussion when people says things like "Nuclear reactors could explode [a la warheads]!" (Not that people here say that, but I've become jaded)

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I've been following the situation very closely via lots of different sources and other than maybe some really nut job hippie types I don't hear it being reported as "dooms day" or actually as bad as it really probably is.


If you could go back and read the reports from each day as they came in you'd see japan minimizing the situation as much as possible. Then you'd see things get worse, yet they continue to minimize it even to the UN and US (which they've asked for help since yesturday.) The UN and US sent people to check it out after a few days ago when our ships got in range of the island and then got out of the wind due to reading higher than comfortable radiation. Once our people checked it out they found that 400 miliverts/hour are detectable up to 50miles from the reactors, (100miliverts/year is enough for increased cancer risk) so its much more radiation than a human should be exposed to according to AP, BBC, and NPR sources. This is a deciding factor in having US people pull back to 50miles from the plants. Its also a reason the US and UN isn't doing a lot to help for now (we're letting them nuke their own I guess, which is probably better than having our servicemen glow in the dark for another country.)


The comment about Obama being against nuclear is false (if you can believe anything a dem says) because he has been saying through this whole situation that he's for nuclear energy. Hey something he and I agree on:-)


In the end I'm still waiting for Godzilla because as far as I'm concerned I saw him hit Japan last in 1985 so they are way over due.

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Next problem is these plants and everything within a decent radius has been hit with unsafe radiation for days now and radiation is a cumulative problem so even if it ends right now its still a serious environmental disaster.
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I've been following the situation very closely via lots of different sources and other than maybe some really nut job hippie types I don't hear it being reported as "dooms day" or actually as bad as it really probably is.


If you could go back and read the reports from each day as they came in you'd see japan minimizing the situation as much as possible. Then you'd see things get worse, yet they continue to minimize it even to the UN and US (which they've asked for help since yesturday.) The UN and US sent people to check it out after a few days ago when our ships got in range of the island and then got out of the wind due to reading higher than comfortable radiation. Once our people checked it out they found that 400 miliverts/hour are detectable up to 50miles from the reactors, (100miliverts/year is enough for increased cancer risk) so its much more radiation than a human should be exposed to according to AP, BBC, and NPR sources. This is a deciding factor in having US people pull back to 50miles from the plants. Its also a reason the US and UN isn't doing a lot to help for now (we're letting them nuke their own I guess, which is probably better than having our servicemen glow in the dark for another country.)


The comment about Obama being against nuclear is false (if you can believe anything a dem says) because he has been saying through this whole situation that he's for nuclear energy. Hey something he and I agree on:-)


In the end I'm still waiting for Godzilla because as far as I'm concerned I saw him hit Japan last in 1985 so they are way over due.


Can you show a link to the specific figures you posted? Not that I don't beleive you but I have not seen actual number yet.


and as for Obama that was just an impression I got from the news obviously not substantiated, lets not even get started how contradictory and worthless I think he is, sorry I made the comment in the first place. Just hope we get a Regan to replace him like this country did with Carter.

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This will not help bring more nuclear energy to the U.S., because people will continue spouting off unreasonable concerns about how dangerous nuclear reactors are - that's the bad part. This should, however, keep someone from building a nuclear reactor on the beach of a wide, deep ocean, in an area known for seismic activity - that's the good part.


As far as I can tell, it's bad for the Japanese people near it, yes. Is it bad for the retards getting concerned and gathering iodine pills on the pacific coast of the U.S.? No.... they'll be fine.


People need to learn or be taught more about the dangers of radiation, and how it works. It's a shame that it's so misunderstood.

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Can you show a link to the specific figures you posted? Not that I don't beleive you but I have not seen actual number yet.


and as for Obama that was just an impression I got from the news obviously not substantiated, lets not even get started how contradictory and worthless I think he is, sorry I made the comment in the first place. Just hope we get a Regan to replace him like this country did with Carter.


this current posting on yahoo gives some much smaller numbers http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110318/ts_nm/us_japan_quake


but they are numbers for you. I'm not sure how to search back to the news reports from yesturday, but I'm pretty sure I was reading the yahoo AP report where I found those above mentioned numbers.


Also if you find that report it will have a section in it where Japans guy admits some of the reactors and fuel ponds have no water cooling them. Something the US was telling them was true via flyovers of drones or possibly satellite imagery. They also eventually admitted that several of the reactors have lost a bit of the casing and another had a crack.

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If you can find the report from afternoon today the japs guy said something kinda humorous and telling about the US/Japan disagreement on the situation. he said something along the lines of, "we know that reactor #3 now has water on it due to the steam coming out of the area." It didn't have steam before the helicopter air drops and other efforts through mid day.


This kinda proves a point, where there's steam, theres water and heat so if there's still heat and no steam... I think even an amature can look at photos and find the answer.

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This will not help bring more nuclear energy to the U.S., because people will continue spouting off unreasonable concerns about how dangerous nuclear reactors are - that's the bad part. This should, however, keep someone from building a nuclear reactor on the beach of a wide, deep ocean, in an area known for seismic activity - that's the good part.


As far as I can tell, it's bad for the Japanese people near it, yes. Is it bad for the retards getting concerned and gathering iodine pills on the pacific coast of the U.S.? No.... they'll be fine.


People need to learn or be taught more about the dangers of radiation, and how it works. It's a shame that it's so misunderstood.


Right, and for example, 3 mile island was the worst nuclear disaster in our nations history and the immediate fatalities at the plant totaled a whopping ZERO and it's debatable whether the radiation release had any effect at all on residents near the area. And that plant suffered a full meltdown, but did not fully breach the containment vessel. The vessels and practices for nuclear plants have come a long way since even that incident. Nuclear, when carried out under proper procedures, is by far the safest option.

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I think most of it is media hype honestly.


Media is way over hyping things. I mean it's probably a bad situation but doesn't seem to be anything close to Chernobyl (from what i've gathered). I feel bad for the people of Japan, and Libya for that matter.

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Not really, because the majority of nuclear plants are as old as the one in Japan. Nuclear Power is extremely safe, mainly because of the fact it is the most heavily regulated industry on the planet and we really go nuts with safety and for good reason, had we not, we would have 130,000 irradiated Japanese people running around Japan right now. A lot of people's concerns with nuclear power are born out of ignorance and misinformation. It makes me very reluctant to enter a debate or discussion when people says things like "Nuclear reactors could explode [a la warheads]!" (Not that people here say that, but I've become jaded)


Oh, I'm not arguing against their safety. I'd set up camp next to a stack for the rest of my life without a worry in the world. The rest of the world seems to be a bunch of idiots though. Like you said; they went through a 8.9 (?) quake. That's pretty rowdy. I'm all for more nuclear power in this country.

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also bear in mind these reactors were tested to be strong enough for 8mag earthquake.. thats a pretty hefty one.. I dont think having a 9mag earthquake was something they could have forseen.


the radiation drops have gone from,iirc, 292miliservents (or however that is spelled)to 279 as of this early afternoon.. i dotn know what they are at now, but they have been dropping.

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Keep in a mind a 9 quake is 10 times the energy of an 8, also. Short of deliberate intention of destruction, the reactors were very unlikely to ever see anything approaching the severity of what they went through, and they did so without suffering a total meltdown. (On top of that they are a lackluster design with regards to safety, not the worst but not the best either.)


IIRC Chernobyl was something like 16,000 milliSv. Even 3 Mile Island was a more dangerous situation than this.


People frantically buying Iodine pills are total idiots. Even if there was danger, they just would be saving themselves from Thyroid cancer while they die from a multitude of other cancers or actual radiation sickness.

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an honest look on the situation me thinks


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