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Bad Moon Rising (Saturday, March 19th)


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If it stays clear into the early evening, you may get the chance to see a fairly dramatic moon rise tonight. Look to the east tonight just after sunset (around 8 p.m.) and you'll likely see the largest moon in memory.


Tonight is a supermoon, an event which occurs about every 18 years. The moon is at perigee tonight, which means it's about 31,000 miles closer to the earth than it is when at its farthest point (apogee). The moon appears 14% larger and 30% brighter at perigee than at apogee. It's a full moon tonight, and it's also forecast to be clear. Pretty rare event for us.


Viewing the moon as it rises (or as it sets) also gives the illusion of it being larger, as it appears against a terrestrial foreground, e.g., buildings and trees.


So, get someplace around 8 p.m. tonight where you have an unobstructed view of the east horizon and enjoy. :)

Edited by Doc
needed to add soundtrack for listening pleasure
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This sounds sweet! When I was younger my family and I took a trip to st.george island off the coast of FL. The island is not commercal at all and we had a moon rise that was so awesome I never thought I would see somthing like it again! This is going to be awesome!
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