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"As I understand it, the Libyan people will welcome us with open arms..."


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didnt laugh,


just sayin

I posted this on another forum.


Democrats bitched about Iraq. Democrats bitched about Afghanistan. Now Democrats support attacking Libya. It's hilarious.


Does anyone really think the US is involved in Libya for a different reason than Iraq and Afghanistan? It's oil. Only oil. Else we'd be in the Congo, China, Iran, North Korea, and everywhere else where governments kill their citizens when they uprise. Libya just happens to be one of the big oil producers, and instability there raised oil futures.


I'm loving this change. "just sayin"

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I wonder who will ask the question about how is this any different? I wonder what he will say?


It's already been asked and answered, and regardless of what is said, some people will continue to believe what they want to believe.


This thread could use a bit more fact, rather than exclusively opinion. Just sayin.

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It's already been asked and answered, and regardless of what is said, some people will continue to believe what they want to believe.


This thread could use a bit more fact, rather than exclusively opinion. Just sayin.


So post up some facts. You said it's been answered. Well post it up hombre!


The only thing I've read is that the Libyan people asked for our help. This is a half truth. The Libyan REBELS asked for our help, which is a small percentage of the Libyan population.


The Iraqi people asked for our help and protection against Saddam, not rebels trying to overthrow the government.


So why are we attacking Libya but not helping in the Congo or anywhere else were human rights violations run rampant?


So post up your facts man! Let's see it!

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I believe the "burden of proof" lies on you there captain, seeing as you first decided to make a point. It's up to you to prove points, not me to disprove them.


I'm pretty confident I'd be wasting my time anyway, so I'll just sit and watch this one.

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So post up some facts. You said it's been answered. Well post it up hombre!


The only thing I've read is that the Libyan people asked for our help. This is a half truth. The Libyan REBELS asked for our help, which is a small percentage of the Libyan population.


The Iraqi people asked for our help and protection against Saddam, not rebels trying to overthrow the government.


So why are we attacking Libya but not helping in the Congo or anywhere else were human rights violations run rampant?


So post up your facts man! Let's see it!


Congo is not asking for help, from what I have read about the Congo everyone in the country is corrupt or expects money for any sort of favor. It has been happening there for so long now that its the norm when outsiders come in. You can't help a country that doesn't want fixed.

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i havnt been following the whole Libya thing. i got wrapped up in the japan disaster.


Bush is laughing cause he figured his pet project would be a slam dunk. It wasn't. Bamalama ding dong is just as glassy eyed about this.


Then again if you were Bush would you have wanted to be running around the middle east with that idiot taunting you. I wouldn't.



It's funny because those statements have been repeated (or some variation of them) xx # of times by U.S. Presidents in the last 100 years. They have yet to figure out to let them kill themselves and let their gods sort them out. We're already the worlds babysitter. Wait till they bloody each other up a bit, then go in and take over. It'll make for great T.V.

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I believe the "burden of proof" lies on you there captain, seeing as you first decided to make a point. It's up to you to prove points, not me to disprove them.


I'm pretty confident I'd be wasting my time anyway, so I'll just sit and watch this one.


You came in here bitching about people posting opinions without facts, while you yourself aren't posting anything other than your opinion. The burden of proof is on your amigo. Else, :gtfo: I'm not here to convince anyone. If you aren't smart enough to see the blatantly obvious, trying to convince you would be mute. I simply posted post a funny picture.

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Congo is not asking for help, from what I have read about the Congo everyone in the country is corrupt or expects money for any sort of favor. It has been happening there for so long now that its the norm when outsiders come in. You can't help a country that doesn't want fixed.















There are tons more stories about this. They've been asking for help for years.

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Fuck Africa, Clinton already fucked that one up. Somalia was an utter cluster fuck due to politics. You don't curtail Special Forces, you let them do their job, case closed. Back in 2001 the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan called for our help to rid the Taliban and Al-Qaeda operations from that country. Ahmed Shah Masood would've run the country if UBL didn't order the hit on him. But in the same fashion, we also utilized the Kurds in Northern Iraq. These were real threats to the Middle East, Israel and the world. This was trash that had to be taken out. We fought more than just Iraqi's when I was there in 03',04', 05' and 06'. We caught folks from Sudan to Saudi there just to name a few. Hell te Chechnyan's are helping Taliban "snipers" in Afghanistan now from all their knowledge fighting the Russians. We could've stayed out of this Libya bullshit, but our country being the United States, gives into world and political pressure. I will agree, it's a good thing we're doing, but we've got enough on our plate, no need to hit the salad bar again.
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I believe the "burden of proof" lies on you there captain, seeing as you first decided to make a point. It's up to you to prove points, not me to disprove them.


I'm pretty confident I'd be wasting my time anyway, so I'll just sit and watch this one.


LOL, oh the irony.

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Bush is laughing cause he figured his pet project would be a slam dunk. It wasn't. Bamalama ding dong is just as glassy eyed about this.


Then again if you were Bush would you have wanted to be running around the middle east with that idiot taunting you. I wouldn't.


So fast the American people thought the Global War on Terrorism was going to be quick and swift like Operation Desert Storm. Once again, from the beginning GW even said it was going to be a long hard fight. Americans want the instant success or the quick solution. Turn back the pages of times from the Crusades to Israel's struggle. The Middle East has been a battle ground for thousands of years.

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I don't remember Obama lying about nuclear and/or chemical weapons of mass destruction in attempt to gain support, while completely ignoring the UN.


Also one could label me a democrat, and I was in full support of the Afghanistan invasion. Most democrats were fine with that campaign.

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