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FAIL at Tail of the Dragon


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I'm sure some of you have ridden "The Tail" before, here is a LINK to serve as a gentle reminder to know your limits. The weather is changing to our favor out there, ride safe and smart.

"The Tail of the Dragon, a magical stretch of road in North Carolina, has 318 curves in 11 miles. This is what happens when a motorcycle rider can't keep himself between the lines.

This had to hurt. It's impossible to know the speeds we're talking about in these images, but planting your side into a Chevy Blazer isn't going to tickle no matter how fast you're going. With spring threatening to break out at any time, there are going to be a lot more folks heading to the Dragon and if you do, remember to have fun but keep it at safe speeds above all else. That doesn't mean keeping up with your more skilled buddy, it means keeping yourself from plowing into a Chevy Blazer."

Edited by AOW
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Bet he let off the gas and ran wide , he was straight up when he hit ?? !! That gym shoe popped off with the quickness like always !

hope he's OK !!

Rookie with target fixation problems by how the bike is stood up and all. He probably would've made it if he wasn't riding over his head or atleast knew that you NEVER look anywhere but where you want to go in tight situations like that.

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God bless the guys at killboy.com as that is no doubt who snapped the footage, and once again damn the HRCA for canceling the Hoot. I will sorely miss the Dragon this year and all the other knuckleheads who ride it.

what is hrca and the "hoot"???

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