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questions about tax on a home


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So if I am purchasing a home that is a dump ass shit hole, and the taxes are like 4500/yr, how can I dispute this? Is it likely I would get them reduced? The house is basically not liveable, and might not be for some time. For reference its around 110k. The way the mortgage calc is breaking it down, is it would be around 1000/month, most of that being tax (like 400).


How does one approach this?

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Well what is it appraised value currently on the auditors website (where they compute taxes) compared to what you are buying the house for? If there is a significant difference than yes you should be able to dispute the value.
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If its a big enough difference, which it is, they should adjust the value, but you'll probably have to pay for an appraisal or two plus some other minor fees. However the tax savings should cover than in a few months time. On the auditors website you can estimate your taxes based on whatever amount you want to. So figure out what it is annually on the sale price and that's roughly what it should be, which sounds like about half of what it is now.


GL, do a search on here, pretty sure evan did this awhile back as have others. Or just call the auditors office for info, it's pretty common w/ this market.

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Do they base it off of current value? Or estimated value after i drop a metric fuckton of cash to fix it?


That's a two sided question. They should base it off current value, however, if the house is really in the shape you say it is, they probably will make you wait until its livable and cleaned up before they will grant the reappraisal. Not only that but any major improvements, (HVAC, roof, windows, etc etc) will require a permit from the city and that will go on record and add to your homes value.

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"should" and "likely" arent good words when it comes to adjusting the taxes. if i buy this place i want to know for certain that I wont be paying the stupid high taxes that are on it right now...


Call the auditors office, but they won't give you definitive answer until all the paperwork is done and they've reviewed the case. I'd say you have a very good case, but nothing is ever sure.

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Just file a grievance with the current sale price as the value. Usually they will grant that as the current market value




I don't know if they will adjust it this year though. I know Marysville requires it to be filed between Jan. 1 and Mar. 21 or something like that.

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If you have already purchased it, you can file a complaint with the auditor by printing off the form from the website, filling it out, and mailing it in. The deadline to do so is.... wait for it...... TODAY!
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talked to realtor, it has some severe structural damage, i think estimated at 20-30k. still will look at it but who knows if a bank would want to issue a loan on it..


No lender I know will touch that....sounds like it would never pass an inspection.


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