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Ugh... Need Window Tint...


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when did you have that done? i'm trying to get a gauge on the pricing since a lot of people commenting in here, got it done like 4 yrs ago :)


I had mine done last week.


Maybe your quote was more because you have a 5-door hatch as opposed to mine, which is a 3-door.

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this is the only guy i let touch my windows. he is a great person and is good at what he does. u wont have a prob.




the guy who used to work for quality is yusef an he will work with you on best time.. even stay super late. ive always been able to get mine in same day if not a few days


yusef @ A 2 Z window tint 614.374.1065. groves rd and hamilton rd area thats where ive taken all my cars for years ... the tint on the srt has been on there for 3 and a half years now go there you WILL NOT BE DISSAPOINTED















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so, am i the only one that is kinda disappointed in the job A2Z did? my car reeks of cigarette smoke from them and i can't roll my windows down to air it out :(


there is also lots of little gaps where they missed covering the window. my husband is going to take it back when he gets a second.


he also said it looks like they nicked my trim when they were slicing the film :(


so now i have a question...who does tint where they remove panels and get all the windows done really well? i might have to get it redone in the future. if it's not perfect, it will bug the shit out of me. there's a spot in one of my front windows that i can see day light and it just drove me nuts on the day i drove it back home.



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This was my experience with Quality in January, I don't take my car anywhere else.


I'll tell you why.


Took the new hotness to get tint yesterday, it was pretty dark when it was done. I asked why the front windows were shiny. He said at the time it was the angle I was looking and also I was looking through the window then the windshield which wasn't tinted. I said ok, I had 2 kids with me so I was focused on getting them in the car. Get to this morning once I saw it with the sun up, front windows were very different than the back. I was just about to call when MY phone rings. It was Quality and he apologizes, he started a car this morning with the same tint I bought and he notices the tint in the box is labeled wrong. He immediately thought of me and my question of why it was "shiny" and called me to fix the car. I did not have to call. How many business owners do that the next day after the work has been paid for in full. He told me to bring it back in and he will fix it within an hour. Great customer service and honesty. This is why this is the 6th car they have done for me.


My car did not smell of cigarette smoke afterward. And the tint goes all the way to the top of the windows, no gaps.

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so, am i the only one that is kinda disappointed in the job A2Z did? my car reeks of cigarette smoke from them and i can't roll my windows down to air it out :(


there is also lots of little gaps where they missed covering the window. my husband is going to take it back when he gets a second.


he also said it looks like they nicked my trim when they were slicing the film :(


so now i have a question...who does tint where they remove panels and get all the windows done really well? i might have to get it redone in the future. if it's not perfect, it will bug the shit out of me. there's a spot in one of my front windows that i can see day light and it just drove me nuts on the day i drove it back home.




a good tint guy won't have to remove anything to get tint fully on the window, including up to the top and down below the window seal at the bottom. I used to know a guy locally and he'd down a ton of my cars, but over the years I've lost his number/he's moved shops, sucks to cuz he was the shit.

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so, am i the only one that is kinda disappointed in the job A2Z did? my car reeks of cigarette smoke from them and i can't roll my windows down to air it out :(


there is also lots of little gaps where they missed covering the window. my husband is going to take it back when he gets a second.


he also said it looks like they nicked my trim when they were slicing the film :(


so now i have a question...who does tint where they remove panels and get all the windows done really well? i might have to get it redone in the future. if it's not perfect, it will bug the shit out of me. there's a spot in one of my front windows that i can see day light and it just drove me nuts on the day i drove it back home.



give them a call to fix it they won't have any problem fixing it for you.


Sucks u were the one who's didn't go well lol

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so, am i the only one that is kinda disappointed in the job A2Z did? my car reeks of cigarette smoke from them and i can't roll my windows down to air it out :(


there is also lots of little gaps where they missed covering the window. my husband is going to take it back when he gets a second.


he also said it looks like they nicked my trim when they were slicing the film :(


so now i have a question...who does tint where they remove panels and get all the windows done really well? i might have to get it redone in the future. if it's not perfect, it will bug the shit out of me. there's a spot in one of my front windows that i can see day light and it just drove me nuts on the day i drove it back home.




keep us posted and let us know what happens.....

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i will...he's waiting for a good/dry day to take a real good look at the job...


Any updates?


Going in one hour to A2Z. I am staying while they do it since reading the above story is making me a bit cautious.


Let us know, I'm getting mine tinted in the next couple of weeks

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I'm calling them today after work and telling them my husband is bringing the car there for them to fix. Some of it is bubbling up and you can see where the tint ends...like they used just enough to cover the window but not go all the way to the corners. Im pretty damn annoyed
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I'm calling them today after work and telling them my husband is bringing the car there for them to fix. Some of it is bubbling up and you can see where the tint ends...like they used just enough to cover the window but not go all the way to the corners. Im pretty damn annoyed


They did the same thing on one of my rear windows, they said it was because how far the gasket sits in on my windows. They didn't fix it even though the other one was cut fine. Keep us updated, would like to know if they fix the corner issue on yours.

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I tried to take pics with my phone...can you see the lighter area? That's where it's not covering. I don’t think you can see the other issues from the pics I took...


Sorry, I'm using picasa on my phone and I don’t know how to get a .jpg link...




Gotcha, yeah that picture came out. Yeah that film definitely wasn't cut right. Mine was due to a different issue with the window gaskets apparently. You'd still have it turn a lighter color where the tint doesn't lay flat over the dot matrix but it should have still been cut to fit the entire window.

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Ok so I obviously can't roll down the windows yet so the edges are tbd.


They fit me in the next day from when I called so that was nice. Quote over phone was $200 but when I got there it was $250 for the tint that wouldn't fade. With tax it was $300 so I could have gone to quality for that price. (I forget if quality charges tax)


While I was there they showed me a problem area and even got some old residual stickers off that I was having a hell of a time with so + for that.


Ok experience I guess. I have done 3 cars at quality so my final verdict would be if I had a nicer car I wanted done I would go with quality. Regular daily drivers/beaters A2Z is the way to go.

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Ok so I obviously can't roll down the windows yet so the edges are tbd.


They fit me in the next day from when I called so that was nice. Quote over phone was $200 but when I got there it was $250 for the tint that wouldn't fade. With tax it was $300 so I could have gone to quality for that price. (I forget if quality charges tax)


While I was there they showed me a problem area and even got some old residual stickers off that I was having a hell of a time with so + for that.


Ok experience I guess. I have done 3 cars at quality so my final verdict would be if I had a nicer car I wanted done I would go with quality. Regular daily drivers/beaters A2Z is the way to go.


...not at that price!


Quality quoted me $249 for a 4 door sedan + windshield stripe....





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The windshield stripe is kinda trashy IMO.



I am not going THAT dark. I think I will keep it at the front's 50%. Just a little something to help when the sun is in that damn annoying spot the Mirror and Visors miss :mad:



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