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Anyone heard of these "info sessions"?

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So a friend of mine from hs called me up the other night asking if I was interested in meet a bunch of successful business owners. They have an "info session" at the Holiday Inn in Worthington tonight. So I went to find out what this is about. Ended up being a how to be an independent business owner with Amway and LTD being the company you sell products for. At first I was interested, the speaker was talking about how much money you can make on the side from your regular job.


Said basically you have your own website and sell products for different companies. Then started talking about the more people you can get to join the more money you can make down the road.... that's when it got fishy. Basically a pyramid scam...


So my "sponsor" (friend) who invited me keeps trying to get me to come back to these meetings and start my team with him. He gave me some audio cds to listen to and wants me to meet up with him tomorrow to get me to join in. I read a bunch of info online about this and its basically a scam and you have to invest money to get started. I was told originally no money needs to be invested.


Anyone else ever gone to these or someone tried to talk you into it? Needless to say I won't be going to anymore of these, but now I got to ignore his calls to me. Hes been doing this for well over a year and a half...

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I've got a good friend that started doing MonaVie...I had to stop talking to him because he wouldn't shutup about it. Plus, I heard from a mutual friend his wife and mother of 3 young kids had to go back to work and is pissed.


It's sad. If you're going to be a true entrepreneur, do your own company and develop your own products and services...otherwise, you WILL get lumped with the other crappy MLM (Multi-Level Marketers) that live on credit cards and sell other poor saps on how much money they could make.


Of course, you also realize that you'd be PAYING this winner of a friend for every sale you made. :) And then, you'll have to turn around and start selling all of YOUR family and friends...


MLM works in two instances:

1) You truly have a network of more-money-than-brains people that will buy anything from you.

2) You start your own MLM (Thirty-One Gifts?)

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Definitely don't join that group. If you want a real business opportunity I can let you join a conference call for a network marketing group I am a part of, and if you like it you can get started with a minimum investment. ;)
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Ugh I hate those scams. My wife's best friend who was also her maid of honor meet some guy who was selling make up and face wash shit. It was like he was selling every infomercial that is out on tv. He got her roped up in this crap and she decides to take the list of all the people involved in our wedding and call them to try and sell them crap.


I had so many family members calling me super pisse off. Most of them have private unlisted numbers. So now both my wife and I hate her guts. If my wife ever got within sight of her I'm sure a fight would break out.


Anyone know if I can take any sort of legal action against this?


I think the perfect outcome would be if this guy realized he has milked her of all the "sales leads" he can then leaves her to go on to the next victim.

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