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Those into photography may be interested for obvious reasons. I'm sure remote control car guys too....




Surfed around there for a few weeks before making another investment in a full set of replacements to my collection of aging higher end rechargeable and charger for my photo gear. Interesting how things have progressed in even just a few years.

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I beat up about four dozen Maha Powerex 2700mAh's over the past few years, but some cells in them are starting to fail. The CW204 Charger was the best in it's day, but 4hr charges of four at a time are taking their toll.


Check out the new CH9000 charger. It's bad-ass. This go-round I'm going with the 2400mAh Imedion's. Although many talk well of the 2000mAh Eneloop's too. I stayed with Maha as they have superior customer service. They replaced 8 batteries for me at N/C even after they were out of warranty.

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