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If you don't like just plain water - or even if you do....


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I love our water filtration system and I bring loads of it in containers to work, but honestly, I really don't enjoy sipping on plain water all day. It just nothing for me. I've tried adding all kinds of water enhancement drinks, powders, etc...and haven't enjoyed any of them until now.


I'm sure you've seen the commercials for Mio Liquid Water Enhancer. I had but not until the other day while in Kroger did I give it a try. WOW! I finally found a water flavoring system that isn't over powering, doesn't taste artificial and is relatively cheap.


So, if you're like me, and want a hint of flavor in your water, give it a try. I also make unsweetened iced tea by the pitcher. Just add a squirt of this to that and viola! Damn good Strawberry tea with zero sugar.





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i wondered about this


I'm hooked. Can't wait to go buy the other flavors. Will be great for when I travel. I really like the fact that it's not a powder.


I will also say just hold that shit completely vertical when you add it to water. It's like food coloring and if you get it on your clothes....well, let's just say you might not want to then put those clothes in the wash.

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Isn't overpowering? Yeah right.. I put two squirts into a glass and was choking. It's pretty good but a little bit goes a long way.


well, the idea is you control the amount by not putting in too much. so when used properly, it's not over powering. think about it, you get 24 servings from that small bottle.

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yea definitely over powering with 2 squirts. the stuff isnt bad, but for 5 dollars a bottle, ill just drink plain water


$3.99 at Kroger and $1 off Coupons online abound. Way cheaper than buying bottled drinks or even than buying the countless other crap. Hell, I've tried them all.

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I like how it touts natural flavor with other natural flavor all the while being loaded with artificial sweetener.


any word on what sweetener they are using? as long as its not one of the neurotoxin ones it should be fine in small quantities.

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my g/f drinks that stuff...havent tried it...


but i did just find the powder packs of Arnold Palmer 1/2 and 1/2 at meijer today...2.99 for 10 packets, so 169oz of water. better than the 3.79ish for 1 gallon by the bottle


taste was pretty close...seemed a hair more lemonade-y than the premade stuff, but still good.

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