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Anyone ever get Tennis Elbow?


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I injured my right arm back in February. It's not getting much better and just when I think it is, I must re injure it.


Doing some research I am likely going to best get a tennis elbow splint. Was wondering if anyone here has ever had this and what you found has best worked to heal it.


Looking at something like this:




or this



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I hurt my arm in October while working in Texas. Actually it while riding a bike after work one day. I didnt realize at first how fucked up my arm was. I waited till mid Movember to go to an urgent care in San Antonio because I couldnt even lift a cordless drill anymore. They diagnosed me with tennis elbow and sent me acoss the street to a physical therapist and they explained in more detail what I had done. I decided to pack up and go home since I was to leave for Thankgiving anyway.


First thing I did when I got home was go see my family doctor and the original diagnosis was confirmed through testing and I was set up for like 8 weeks physical therapy. I went through all of that and did everything I was told to do along with wearing that support in your OP. I wasnt seeing that much relief and thought it was even getting worse at times.


After physical therapy I was sent to an orthopedic surgeon and I recieved my first cortizone shot. I continued to wear the support and do the daily simple exercise that I was asked to do. Since November I havent used my arm for anything more than daily living and it felt great for the last 6 weeks. Almost 100% I thought until I started actually using the arm while working on my car over the last week.


My arm now feels as bad as it did when I first injured it and Im going to be going back to the surgeon, hopefully this week. I was told that I would be given a couple of cortizone shots and then possible surgery when I first saw the guy.


This is the hardest injury I have ever had to try and overcome. Shit hurts and its affects my daily life not to mention I eventually want to get back down south to work. Its a tough battle and I wish you luck in your healing process.

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Yep, this shit hurts. Like a burning aka tearing feeling in my forearm. I think I aggravated it Saturday when I was lugging my camera gear around. Lenses and bodies are heavy. Heck, I couldn't even carry my daughter up the stairs easily. I think what caused it was when we were climbing in Arizona. Likely was weak and going downhill but that didn't help.



I hurt my arm in October while working in Texas. Actually it while riding a bike after work one day. I didnt realize at first how fucked up my arm was. I waited till mid Movember to go to an urgent care in San Antonio because I couldnt even lift a cordless drill anymore. They diagnosed me with tennis elbow and sent me acoss the street to a physical therapist and they explained in more detail what I had done. I decided to pack up and go home since I was to leave for Thankgiving anyway.


First thing I did when I got home was go see my family doctor and the original diagnosis was confirmed through testing and I was set up for like 8 weeks physical therapy. I went through all of that and did everything I was told to do along with wearing that support in your OP. I wasnt seeing that much relief and thought it was even getting worse at times.


After physical therapy I was sent to an orthopedic surgeon and I recieved my first cortizone shot. I continued to wear the support and do the daily simple exercise that I was asked to do. Since November I havent used my arm for anything more than daily living and it felt great for the last 6 weeks. Almost 100% I thought until I started actually using the arm while working on my car over the last week.


My arm now feels as bad as it did when I first injured it and Im going to be going back to the surgeon, hopefully this week. I was told that I would be given a couple of cortizone shots and then possible surgery when I first saw the guy.


This is the hardest injury I have ever had to try and overcome. Shit hurts and its affects my daily life not to mention I eventually want to get back down south to work. Its a tough battle and I wish you luck in your healing process.

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