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Help me spend $400...


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Check the combo specials at Microcenter and shoot for the new core series. i7 2500k/2600k with free motherboard if you can afford it, otherwise a lower end core sandy bridge with mobo will suit your needs for quite some time.
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Quick search:


CPU: $180



Motherboard: $80



Ram: $42



Video Card: $96



MUST use Microcenter for the CPU - their prices are simply the best anywhere. Everything else is Newegg.


If you can add another $70 to your budget, you could go i7 instead of i5. If you aren't going to play any games, no HDMI hookup, etc, you could go far cheaper on the video card.

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Quick search:


CPU: $180



Motherboard: $80



Ram: $42



Video Card: $96



MUST use Microcenter for the CPU - their prices are simply the best anywhere. Everything else is Newegg.


If you can add another $70 to your budget, you could go i7 instead of i5. If you aren't going to play any games, no HDMI hookup, etc, you could go far cheaper on the video card.



Microcenter will match all of NewEgg's pricing. And there's a Senior Member here that can hook you up. (date specific tho).


Also, I'm less than impressed with the performance of my 2010 series Core i5 so...

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Microcenter will match all of NewEgg's pricing. And there's a Senior Member here that can hook you up. (date specific tho).


Also, I'm less than impressed with the performance of my 2010 series Core i5 so...

They may match prices - but they charge tax, and much of Newegg's product line is free shipping (or shipping cheaper than the tax would be on the item).

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I built a system at Micro center for my HTPC for less then $300 after mailin rebates.


amd phnom x4 at 3.2 (free Asus mobo) was going to get the i3 for the same price ($99) but they didn't have any free mother boards .


4 gig of ram

nvidia 210 gt (1 gig ram)

500 gig western digital blue Hdd (price matched from newegg)

dvd burner will be adding a blu ray player her shortly

and a 600 watt 2 pole power supply.


and a couple fans from a case we had. Running windows 7 ultimate 64 bit is quick and quiet.

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If you wont spend an extra couple dollars to support a local business you should just go kill yourself. Seriously.

23 stores across the country is hardly a local business. I guess I should also buy at Walmart since that is local too, right?


Wow, you're a cheap mother fucker.

And very proud of it. If I can buy a product I want for less elsewhere, I choose to do that.


- Buy used when possible/logical (never buy a new car, for instance, that's for suckers).

- Buy online when cheaper

- Be patient - good deals take time

- Research what you buy

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There is only one in columbus. There are 20+ walmarts in columbus. Youre logic has failed

So having a single store in an area makes a place a local business? So if Microcenter opens up another store here they are no longer local? Quite the logic you run with.

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Local. Def: primarily serving the needs of a particular limited district


23 stores in america, next closest being cleveland, i would say its local. We arent dealing with hypothetical.

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23 stores across the country is hardly a local business. I guess I should also buy at Walmart since that is local too, right?


There is only one in columbus. There are 20+ walmarts in columbus. Youre logic has failed


Micro Center is based right here in Hilliard. You don't get much more local than their HQ being here. I buy from them as they've been a customer of mine for years. Rick Mershad is a good guy and runs the place now. His brother is even more down to earth.


I bought all the stuff for my PC build from them. Why? Because fucking sales tax is nothing compared to being able to walk into their store and return or exchange something with a real live human being.

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In the grand scheme of things, Microcenter is STILL a local business, Joe. Thier headquarters are here (hilliard), and iirc started out here, as well.


The company managed a humble start with a tiny investment in a small, 900 sq. ft. storefront in Columbus, Ohio, which housed all the products available at the time. Micro Center was one of the first dealers to be authorized by Apple Computer and a year later was the 16th dealer to receive IBM authorization.


That being said, i'd shop online and then go instore. Those guys have always taken great care of me, and ill continue to shop with them, till they stop. :)


Good lukc on the PC build!

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microcenter employs people locally, newegg far as i know has no distribution centers in ohio. thats the point he is driving at. the money you spend helps pay for local peoples paycheck which then hopefully gets spent here possibly where you work to then help pay your paycheck.



isnt there a new chipset for the i7 thats supposed to have come out or is coming out newer then the 1366? or and i off base here?

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