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Red Bull + Vodka


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Never had it.


Gonna make it in 5 minutes.


I know I can Google it.


I have 100 proof Smirnoff and a 4 pack of large with-Sugar Red Bulls


How do all you young'ins make this drink? Shakers? Ice? No ice? Some crushed ice? Special spoon and a sugar cube? :)

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Yes on the ice. Cubed, not crushed. Just pour both in until you achieve desired taste/potency. You can shake if you want to get all Double Oh Seven about it, but stirring usually suffices.


Let me know when you're ready to head out to Mynt; since you're drinking Red Bull and vodka, you now have an obligation to go chach it up downtown. :cool: I'll be the guy there with winning abs and awesome hair.

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Oh yeah, sugar cube and spoon is for Absinthe, and you can't buy the real stuff here.


You wouldn't want to shake anything with Redbull as it is carbonated.


You can also just mix the Red Bull and Vodka together, but that is the girly way of drinking it.

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they correct way is to hold said bottle of alcohol in one hand and a can of red bull in other hand


one large drink of vodka

one small drink of red bull


repeat this process until you can no longer walk


And then e-mail someone about a CL ad and tell them Flowmasters are ghey?


I've already been drinking straight out of a bottle... BRB.

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Yeah, it's my favorite beer at the moment. Leinenkeugel's Summer Shandy is in my fridge as well and is a close second at present.


Fancy glass came in some package deal that included a six-pack of Stella. Ashley got it for me at Sam's Club, I think?

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RB and vodka is jet fuel, scary thing with that stuff is you can drink it all day. (great for 4th of July). Even more scary is to listen to your heart beat at 6am when you are staring at the back of your eyelids......


JK, everything is good in moderation, enjoy....

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Yeah, it's my favorite beer at the moment. Leinenkeugel's Summer Shandy is in my fridge as well and is a close second at present.


Fancy glass came in some package deal that included a six-pack of Stella. Ashley got it for me at Sam's Club, I think?


Love that shit, and as far as the vodka/redbull...blech, can't stand redbull but vodka and sprite is delicious.

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