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Evo is on its way to indy.


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To those who could care.. I turned 27 on Saturday and have been a home owner since I was 20. I've aligned my finances so that I could be completely out of debt in 3 yrs, and move on to a better house. Ive got a 1 yr old and her/her future is more important than an evo, especially when I have the rx7, evo was an impulse buy that I paid cash for.. thanks for playing
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To those who could care.. I turned 27 on Saturday and have been a home owner since I was 20. I've aligned my finances so that I could be completely out of debt in 3 yrs, and move on to a better house. Ive got a 1 yr old and her/her future is more important than an evo, especially when I have the rx7, evo was an impulse buy that I paid cash for.. thanks for playing





And I need tires soon too...

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To those who could care.. I turned 27 on Saturday and have been a home owner since I was 20. I've aligned my finances so that I could be completely out of debt in 3 yrs, and move on to a better house. Ive got a 1 yr old and her/her future is more important than an evo, especially when I have the rx7, evo was an impulse buy that I paid cash for.. thanks for playing



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To those who could care.. I turned 27 on Saturday and have been a home owner since I was 20. I've aligned my finances so that I could be completely out of debt in 3 yrs, and move on to a better house. Ive got a 1 yr old and her/her future is more important than an evo, especially when I have the rx7, evo was an impulse buy that I paid cash for.. thanks for playing


First, that's great - kudos to you. :cool:


Second, you don't owe anyone here any sort of explanation whatsoever. I'm not sure why the brzzdskdhgsadjahsglqyw dude thought he was in any place to chime in with his rhetoric, but I'm certain that you don't have to defend yourself to him or anyone else for that matter.

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First, that's great - kudos to you. :cool:


Second, you don't owe anyone here any sort of explanation whatsoever. I'm not sure why the brzzdskdhgsadjahsglqyw dude thought he was in any place to chime in with his rhetoric, but I'm certain that you don't have to defend yourself to him or anyone else for that matter.


Derrick = Stand up guy :)

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To those who could care.. I turned 27 on Saturday and have been a home owner since I was 20. I've aligned my finances so that I could be completely out of debt in 3 yrs, and move on to a better house. Ive got a 1 yr old and her/her future is more important than an evo, especially when I have the rx7, evo was an impulse buy that I paid cash for.. thanks for playing



Derek, you're doing right. No reason explain yourself to anyone. Especially James.

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To those who could care.. I turned 27 on Saturday and have been a home owner since I was 20. I've aligned my finances so that I could be completely out of debt in 3 yrs, and move on to a better house. Ive got a 1 yr old and her/her future is more important than an evo, especially when I have the rx7, evo was an impulse buy that I paid cash for.. thanks for playing


In the end certain folks here in this thread need to look in the mirror while wearing shirt that has manager on it, hold up the title of thier badd-ass Evo in one hand, their baby in the other, while standing in a house they bought and are paying for with a modded car still in the garage.


My guess they can't do half of that. Kuddo's to you for doing it all at a relatively young age.

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It is always tough enough to let a ride go that you enjoyed. But holy crap! To sell off a cool car then come on here to get judged for doing so is just crazy.


Seemed like a nice ride, and no one will take the memories, not even some crazies on this site.



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Loving the lack of comments from "whats-his-cock" you did the right thing as you already know and really people why would you come on a forum and really give a fuck why someone does anything, it's his life not yours so just mind your own damn business.
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