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Panel style interview on Thursday! Help!


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If it is the targeted behavioral type interview like mentioned earlier in the thread, I can help a little bit. I did that exact kind of interview for Progressive for about 3 hours, and it helps tremendously to think of situations you've had before where you had to make difficult choices and how you made them. Don't just think about work situations, bring up something from college or another area and how you handled the situation. You can exaggerate things slightly, but if you make something up completely you'll stumble on it when they ask you to go into detail and it goes downhill from there.


If they start asking those questions, here's a good method to make sure you answer everything in full. Describe the situation and who was involved, describe the task you were given, explain what you did to accomplish the task, and then tell them the end result. Cover all bases.


Progressive was very clear with me that I would be doing that specific interview though, and even had some example questions I would be asked so that helped. If you've got any more questions about the behavioral interview stuff send me a PM.

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Well I'm here!


Interview went well. It was arranged in 2 groups of 2 people. The hiring manager and a colleague (who I know). I would be working for the manager, and with other person. It went well, very laid back.


Second 2 were people I knew of, but never met. This went less well, but still well. They were young, and were a bit uncomfortable asking the questions, which I became uncomfortable answering. It went well though. I would be working with them, but they do not work for the hiring manager.


One in each group came from my department, so they know what skills I have, It just boils down to if they have someone more qualified, or they identified well with.


The girl in the second group was a car fan. I asked her what she drove, she said she used to have a DSM! I was shocked at her using those words. Turns out it was a GS-T 2nd gen. She sold it though.


We shall see.


Thanks to everyone for the thoughts and info. It was appreciated.


The one question that tripped me up is the elementary: What is your biggest weakness. I biffed on that one big time. Took me about 20 seconds to even spew words.


Other than that, it went very well.

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Well folks, I got the job!


Got a call today and was offered the position!


20% raise, work at Polaris instead of Easton and best of all, I will be working with educated people!


I accepted and start May 23rd!


Thanks for all the help guys!

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Well folks, I got the job!


Got a call today and was offered the position!


20% raise, work at Polaris instead of Easton and best of all, I will be working with educated people!


I accepted and start May 23rd!


Thanks for all the help guys!



When you buying the B8 ? :fuckyeah:

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Boat ?



Boat > You.


What happen to:


"I'd buy one now if I could afford it".


Must be itchin for another gay hatchback. :dumb:


U mad bro?


No me gusta B pillars in my way. I need a 2 door. When the S5 has the 3.0 Supercharged, then maybe.


gimme job? :gabe:


haha, i'll see what i can do after I get in there a while.

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You own 3 Audi's - you can't call anyone a yuppie.



Should have clarified,


Powell Yuppie.


All us poor folk in the hood hope to be like you some day oh master.


Be Nitrousbird, look down on everyone in Reynoldsburg, despite until recently living there and proclaiming it a great place to live. :lolguy:

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Should have clarified,


Powell Yuppie.


All us poor folk in the hood hope to be like you some day oh master.


Be Nitrousbird, look down on everyone in Reynoldsburg, despite until recently living there and proclaiming it a great place to live. :lolguy:

- Living in Powell does not make one a yuppie.

- I moved away from Reynoldsburg 3 years ago.

- I commented even before then that the taxes were getting out of control and the area was on a downward spiral. Tax issues started in 05-06 time frame, area started showing signs of going down in the 07-08 time frame.

- I comment about all the money you are blowing, and then you are somehow poor folk? Makes sense.

- Any positive comment made here about Reynoldsburg in the past couple of years was likely timed at the same time I was trying to sell my rental property prior to renting it out.


Reynoldsburg was once a pretty decent area to live. Reasonable property prices/taxes, crime was in check, the outskirts were growing, lots of good shopping, close to things to do, etc.


Things have changed. Massive tax hikes, businesses closing down, increase in crime, property values have went to shit. Get the picture?

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