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Prius kill stories


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Reading that initial post was the fucking best laugh I've had today. I actually think I've been at a light and on 270 with that guy though. Although the best race I've had YTD was a minivan with a guy my age driving it who went triple digits to try and pass me on the right.
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the prius tops out at 108... yeah.. i know.. it does 107 easy.. does 108 easy.. and you still get 15mpg... but that's it.. you can't go faster than 108.. trust me.. i tried when racing an M3 down a highway.. all downhill.. only reason he beat me ( i had low profiles on the car) is because he tops around 150.



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OMFG, there is a Prius chat web forum? I think I'm going to be sick.


I hope I get next to one of these tools who tries to race any one of my cars, I'll just run the automotive confused loser off the road.


The last Prius I got stuck behind had a big bumper sticker that read "TREE HUGGER!", I wanted to end him, I don't even understand why this brings about so much rage in me. :fuuuu:

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I hate the Prius more than anything. The people that drive them feel like they're an elitist group saving the world. I can't wait til their batteries start dying.


i've said it many times: whenever i see a prius, it takes every last bit of slef restraint to avoid the urge to ram it with whatever i'm driving at the time.


I'm so glad I'm not the only one.

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