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Dear Cr


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You are correct on all terms, you are a troll, your car is slow, I have nothing to worry about. And you are the ugly side of Cr. Hence why I have no reason to race you because I gain absolutely nothing from it. When I beat you the excuse is , well you have a gto, you should have won. So we can just chalk it up and admit that I'm better than you. It'll make your life much easier to live through once you admit my awesomeness. Btw, that was really awkward last nite that you would bring your babies mom out and show her off to me like I gave a dam


LULZ. arent you the one that got mad that i called her my "baby's mom" and didnt call her my girl, boo, main bitch, or whatever it is you call your lady?

i'm pretty sure it was you that got butthurt on one of my posts where i said that. thats why i pointed out my "baby's mama".


As far as you being better than me, it wont happen. Better than me at raquetball maybe, but thats because I have never played. As far as the race goes, I think you're more worried about what your excuse would be when you lost. you'd have to tell all your friends "I got beat by some ginger tool in a beat dick 21 year old toyota that looked like it was about to throw a rod." and you're worried about how your precious gto would look getting beat by "the slowest car on cr" I can understand that since your car's reputation means everything to you.. I'd hate to see a for sale sign on the gto because you got beat. Its a shame you dont still have the camaro. :fa:

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LULZ. arent you the one that got mad that i called her my "baby's mom" and didnt call her my girl, boo, main bitch, or whatever it is you call your lady?

i'm pretty sure it was you that got butthurt on one of my posts where i said that. thats why i pointed out my "baby's mama".


As far as you being better than me, it wont happen. Better than me at raquetball maybe, but thats because I have never played. As far as the race goes, I think you're more worried about what your excuse would be when you lost. you'd have to tell all your friends "I got beat by some ginger tool in a beat dick 21 year old toyota that looked like it was about to throw a rod." and you're worried about how your precious gto would look getting beat by "the slowest car on cr" I can understand that since your car's reputation means everything to you.. I'd hate to see a for sale sign on the gto because you got beat. Its a shame you dont still have the camaro. :fa:




I call my gf the wife. again you didn't have to point nikki out. Didn't recognize her, and when I saw her nothing came to mind so obviously she wasn't shit to me. And on the life scale, I'd say I'm winning. Let's check out your track record, you drive a supra that is as beat dick of car on Cr. -1 pt, you hang of with Martin -2 PTs. You and your bm look like you just got of the meth express train -2 points. You find a babysitter for your kid so you can troll around spraying the freeway with smoke and think it's cool -4 points. Your doing a bang up job so far, shall I continue? Naw let's hop to the next subject



You read a qoute from somones sig and think you know the story. Let me break down the cliff notes cause i know your slow and need pop ups to understand.... Had an lt1, spent too much money trying to keep up, relized it was a dumbass move sold it. Raced Paul and lost, funny part was the car was pretty much sold by then anyways, what you didn't know is that Paul wouldn't run me from a dig. But that's neither here nor there.


As for my racquetball I love how it keeps getting brought up in a manner that I should be ashamed of it. Yes I play, I'm good, and in my own little tiny community of racquetball I'm kind of the shit.


What do you do that's nationally recognized, minus being a complete failure? When your parents talk about you, do they smile or sigh? When your baby's mama introduces you to people does she point at you and say that's him? Or does she walk you up and introduce you with hand shakes? When your son says dad, does he smack his fore head in disappointment or hold his arms out?



No need to reply I already know cause when you pointed your boo out last nite she tried to hide behind someone else. In essence she was saying, omg I failed at life by attaching myself to this guy and people will know that I actually had physical interaction with this herpe walking fuckstick named Aj.



I'm just saying

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I call my gf the wife. again you didn't have to point nikki out. Didn't recognize her, and when I saw her nothing came to mind so obviously she wasn't shit to me. And on the life scale, I'd say I'm winning. Let's check out your track record, you drive a supra that is as beat dick of car on Cr. -1 pt, you hang of with Martin -2 PTs. You and your bm look like you just got of the meth express train -2 points. You find a babysitter for your kid so you can troll around spraying the freeway with smoke and think it's cool -4 points. Your doing a bang up job so far, shall I continue? Naw let's hop to the next subject



You read a qoute from somones sig and think you know the story. Let me break down the cliff notes cause i know your slow and need pop ups to understand.... Had an lt1, spent too much money trying to keep up, relized it was a dumbass move sold it. Raced Paul and lost, funny part was the car was pretty much sold by then anyways, what you didn't know is that Paul wouldn't run me from a dig. But that's neither here nor there.


As for my racquetball I love how it keeps getting brought up in a manner that I should be ashamed of it. Yes I play, I'm good, and in my own little tiny community of racquetball I'm kind of the shit.


What do you do that's nationally recognized, minus being a complete failure? When your parents talk about you, do they smile or sigh? When your baby's mama introduces you to people does she point at you and say that's him? Or does she walk you up and introduce you with hand shakes? When your son says dad, does he smack his fore head in disappointment or hold his arms out?



No need to reply I already know cause when you pointed your boo out last nite she tried to hide behind someone else. In essence she was saying, omg I failed at life by attaching myself to this guy and people will know that I actually had physical interaction with this herpe walking fuckstick named Aj.



I'm just saying



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I call my gf the wife. again you didn't have to point nikki out. Didn't recognize her, and when I saw her nothing came to mind so obviously she wasn't shit to me. And on the life scale, I'd say I'm winning. Let's check out your track record, you drive a supra that is as beat dick of car on Cr. -1 pt, you hang of with Martin -2 PTs. You and your bm look like you just got of the meth express train -2 points. You find a babysitter for your kid so you can troll around spraying the freeway with smoke and think it's cool -4 points. Your doing a bang up job so far, shall I continue? Naw let's hop to the next subject



You read a qoute from somones sig and think you know the story. Let me break down the cliff notes cause i know your slow and need pop ups to understand.... Had an lt1, spent too much money trying to keep up, relized it was a dumbass move sold it. Raced Paul and lost, funny part was the car was pretty much sold by then anyways, what you didn't know is that Paul wouldn't run me from a dig. But that's neither here nor there.


As for my racquetball I love how it keeps getting brought up in a manner that I should be ashamed of it. Yes I play, I'm good, and in my own little tiny community of racquetball I'm kind of the shit.


What do you do that's nationally recognized, minus being a complete failure? When your parents talk about you, do they smile or sigh? When your baby's mama introduces you to people does she point at you and say that's him? Or does she walk you up and introduce you with hand shakes? When your son says dad, does he smack his fore head in disappointment or hold his arms out?



No need to reply I already know cause when you pointed your boo out last nite she tried to hide behind someone else. In essence she was saying, omg I failed at life by attaching myself to this guy and people will know that I actually had physical interaction with this herpe walking fuckstick named Aj.



I'm just saying


Ha ha ha ha ha someone defently had their Hateraid this morning. That was an epic service right there.

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Could somebody post up a pic of Aj and his babymamma? I wanna see what these kiddies look like


Do not do that. I don't want my screen to get cracked from all the ugliness. It's already cracked from when I first saw his car.


Phil, you're amazing.

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Do not do that. I don't want my screen to get cracked from all the ugliness. It's already cracked from when I first saw his car.


Phil, you're amazing.


Well I guess I'll just be CR's fastest hillbilly, but at least I don't dress like Slowmaro. Why all this talkie and no racie?


Glad to see u admire my style

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I call my gf the wife. again you didn't have to point nikki out. Didn't recognize her, and when I saw her nothing came to mind so obviously she wasn't shit to me. And on the life scale, I'd say I'm winning. Let's check out your track record, you drive a supra that is as beat dick of car on Cr. -1 pt, you hang of with Martin -2 PTs. You and your bm look like you just got of the meth express train -2 points. You find a babysitter for your kid so you can troll around spraying the freeway with smoke and think it's cool -4 points. Your doing a bang up job so far, shall I continue? Naw let's hop to the next subject



You read a qoute from somones sig and think you know the story. Let me break down the cliff notes cause i know your slow and need pop ups to understand.... Had an lt1, spent too much money trying to keep up, relized it was a dumbass move sold it. Raced Paul and lost, funny part was the car was pretty much sold by then anyways, what you didn't know is that Paul wouldn't run me from a dig. But that's neither here nor there.


As for my racquetball I love how it keeps getting brought up in a manner that I should be ashamed of it. Yes I play, I'm good, and in my own little tiny community of racquetball I'm kind of the shit.


What do you do that's nationally recognized, minus being a complete failure? When your parents talk about you, do they smile or sigh? When your baby's mama introduces you to people does she point at you and say that's him? Or does she walk you up and introduce you with hand shakes? When your son says dad, does he smack his fore head in disappointment or hold his arms out?



No need to reply I already know cause when you pointed your boo out last nite she tried to hide behind someone else. In essence she was saying, omg I failed at life by attaching myself to this guy and people will know that I actually had physical interaction with this herpe walking fuckstick named Aj.



I'm just saying


well i'm not about to sit here and tell you what i think of your "wife" or your family over a stupid race you're scared to run. I'm also not about to try and bring out your character flaws that lead people to dislike and stray away from you. I'll just say this.





...And don't take offense to what I said, All of the trolls on cr are gay. I know this."




I guess we know why you're not allowed to say faggot in front of your "wife".

so tell us, what are the consequences you speak of, what's got you so scared to say it?


Oh, btw who does your nails?

your "wife" has an adam's apple. busted.











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