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Spent yesterday at Childrens hospital


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Yesterday sucked. Actually the whole weekend did. Started out Friday with our 10 year old son Ryan throwing up and not holding anything down. Finally Monday rolls around and we see our family doctor and he said his heart rate was 160 bmp and he's severely dehydrated. He said go to Childrens. So we went down there. He had to have an IV put in to get some fluids and meds for his throwing up deal. That sucked even worse because he's autistic and just has a way about him. He actually was pretty good with the IV. We were all surprised.


Got an X-ray on his stomach and the doc said that he's really backed up (Constipation). Most likely from the crappy diet he has. He's VERY picky on what he eats. I need to start buying more fiber oriented foods for him. So now we are trying to give him 4 table spoons of M.O.M a day to unblock the shitfest in his colon/stomach. He's feeling much better but still hasn't eaten anything and is slowly drinking the juice mixed in with a table spoon of Cherry flavored M.O.M with his fruit punch. We got home yesterday about 6 pm.






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Your Son takes after his Dad. He's full of shit!




But really, that sucks. If he is so picky on eating, you could add a Powder Fiber Addative to his drinks / food.




That made my :lolguy:.


Yeah Doc said buy the cereal with "fiber" stuff in it. We already have those fiber one bars that I'll try on him when he's feeling better.


I'll look into those fiber additives when I go to the store. He used to be on miralax and that helped for a little bit. I'm going to try Benefiber to keep his shit running :).

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Colace capsules might help too. OTC stuff that helps draw moisture into the colon. Keep him hydrated and that clear stuff you mix up that provides fiber.....works. My wife takes it. TMI I know, but shit works. Pun intended.


Good luck man. When he does go, look out!


I know getting my 5 and 8 year old to eat stuff is a PIA. Go figure as there's not much food in this world that I won't eat. Hard to believe that at some point in my life I too was a picky eater. Part of it is that kids are so very sensitive to tastes and smells when young. My kids are texture eaters too. If it's not right when they chew it, out it goes. I remember when my son first starting eating bread. Now he eats a loaf a week!

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If he will do a smoothie, put some prune juice in with it. Works like a charm. I give my kids prune juice any time they are the least bit backed up and then I get the plunger ready.
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Got an X-ray on his stomach and the doc said that he's really backed up (Constipation).


Buck, have you tried more fried foods and beer? ;)


I went through the same thing with my kid. He was so bad we were giving doctor-order glycerin suppositories, tons of prune juice, fruits, etc, and still got bad enough we had to take him to Children's Urgent Care. After that and 3 trips to a GI specialist, he was put on Miralax. That made all the difference. I hated the idea of a little kid taking daily medicine.


My niece is on Miralax, only took em 8 months to relaize she was constantly constipated. Poor kid screamed every time she took a shit (she's 10 months old)


Yep, watching a little one cry after every poop is horrible. Since we're all sharing, my wife had to get scoped (hehe) last year for similar issues and is now taking Lactulose every day.


Who knew so many people had issues shitting?

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That made my :lolguy:.


Yeah Doc said buy the cereal with "fiber" stuff in it. We already have those fiber one bars that I'll try on him when he's feeling better.


I'll look into those fiber additives when I go to the store. He used to be on miralax and that helped for a little bit. I'm going to try Benefiber to keep his shit running :).


I was going tosuggest the fiber bars, they taste just like granola bars so hopefully he wouldnt be too picky about them. Goodluck man.

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Who knew so many people had issues shitting?


I read in some medicla journal that the number of people who have shitting issues is something like ~60% higher than who actually reports it.

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Aww poor guy, I have ulcerative colitus so I know how it feels to have your stomach constantly hurting. Try cracklin oatbrand, it taste pretty good and helps alot. Idk if hes to young but they gave me dicyclomine that helps with cramps every time! I how he feels better soon!
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That kid is going to take the best dump of his life soon. You may want to have a plumber on standby, just in case.


He's still not potty trained yet. Still in pull-ups (yes, that's even worse). His eating habbits suck. We got him peeing in the toilet for the most part, but hopefully after this stuff kicks in he might be better with it.


Have a chance to check out the new construction out there? Stepdad has been working hard on it - took a lot of booze and whores to build that shit.


Uhh.. no, that wasn't even remotely on my mind while my son had an IV in his arm and his heart rate was 180 bpm.

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