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Cheapest Bankruptcy Attorney


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Most of my debt is from getting fucked over by Toyota Financial while deployed last year. I hav spoke to attorneys about it every thing they did was legal, but fucked up.


Out of all my debt most of it is that, 20% cc and the. Some medical bills. I would try to pay it back. But with them asking about 9k for a car I dot have any more is retarded.


if medical bills came from a hospital, you can usually flip it over and fill out the medical assistance form on the back. depending on your income and qualifications, you might not have to pay anything. if it already went to collections i dont know if there is much you can do now.


im confused on your car situation. did the car get repod or totaled or did you sell it? if repod i dont think you have to pay for it any longer (i could be wrong and probably am on that). if you totaled it or sold it then you are still responsible for what you owe.

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Did you sign for the loan? Oh, I guess you're responsible for the debt regardless of current possession of the vehicle. You knew you were getting deployed, you should have handled all of your business before you left.


I was taking care of it, it's a long story. My credit was great till this point. I was trying to get my pay off while I was deployed when they looked into it they couldn't give me a exact number because it only showed I had made 11 paymens. I had the car for 3 years with only missing one payment, the one before I left. I worked with them for about 2 weeks trying to find out the issue then I told them I was not going to keep paying them if it was not going towards the loan and if they could not show me where my payment was going. After talking to the supervisor off and on he told me to not worry about it till I got home from my deployment and if I didn't want to continue paying tillthen he understood and hoped every thing could be figured out when I got home. So 5 months goes by and I return home, out proscess from the base go off orders. Get moved in to a new place and bought a DD. Contact them (6months has passed since my last payment) communication goes back and forth for about a month with them figuring this problem out... Turns out every time I deployed my contract had been rewritten and not properly linked to my SS# so all my payments were accounted for, except for the 6 not paid. So after understanding the mix up and offered to pay the 6monts worth of payments right then. The guy on the phone asks if I am still on military orders. I say no and then he tells me that they then will not accept the $1800 forthe six months that they need the whole amount of the loan + late fees + the cost of having a repossion company looking for the car. Of course I couldn't pay it. So I gave it to them. Got JAG Involved they looked into it and It was all legal. So I got fucked.


So most of my debt is from this. But now I have medical bills, and credit cards. So I'm just trying to get a fresh start and figure the sooner I file the better so it's over before I am 30.


Thanks for all the input and PMs. I will follow up for sure.

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if medical bills came from a hospital, you can usually flip it over and fill out the medical assistance form on the back. depending on your income and qualifications, you might not have to pay anything. if it already went to collections i dont know if there is much you can do now.


im confused on your car situation. did the car get repod or totaled or did you sell it? if repod i dont think you have to pay for it any longer (i could be wrong and probably am on that). if you totaled it or sold it then you are still responsible for what you owe.


Yes I am responsible for the difference. If I owed 10k and it sold at auction for 2k I owe 8k + fees along with repo fees.

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They will all charge the same. I filed back chapter 7 (don't have o pay anything back) in 2001. The law stated that you can not pay any creditor more than $600 in the last 6 months. So they charged me $600. Now that was 10yr ago, they have since changed the bankruptcy laws since then. But I don't know what they have changed.


My credit score is now around 700


I have 3 car loans, a morgage and some credit cards. Signing the paper work for a scooter on Friday. - Just saying you can rebuild your credit with time.



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Not to sound like a dick but are people really that upside down on things?!


I have friends that were in the lending business. He said you would not believe how upside down people are in things. Of course this was back when they were handing out loans to anyone. I also had once got myself into credit card debt. Not anything crazy, so instead of buying a bunch of shit and goin out all the time, I just scrimped everything I could and got back down to 0 debt except my house. :fuckyeah: I totally agree with you though, the lending and outta control spending in our country is what got us to where we are now. And dont think the recession is over by any means.

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I have friends that were in the lending business. He said you would not believe how upside down people are in things. Of course this was back when they were handing out loans to anyone. I also had once got myself into credit card debt. Not anything crazy, so instead of buying a bunch of shit and goin out all the time, I just scrimped everything I could and got back down to 0 debt except my house. :fuckyeah: I totally agree with you though, the lending and outta control spending in our country is what got us to where we are now. And dont think the recession is over by any means.


I had about 10k in credit card debt out of college and I slowly paid that shit off. HUGE weight off my shoulders now, cant understand how it got to be like that but I just scrimped and roughed it out for awhile.

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I have friends that were in the lending business. He said you would not believe how upside down people are in things. Of course this was back when they were handing out loans to anyone. I also had once got myself into credit card debt. Not anything crazy, so instead of buying a bunch of shit and goin out all the time, I just scrimped everything I could and got back down to 0 debt except my house. :fuckyeah: I totally agree with you though, the lending and outta control spending in our country is what got us to where we are now. And dont think the recession is over by any means.


When I was 18 bank of America gave me a 10k card and I was given a 5k card from some other company. Those cards came after I was approved for a 28k auto loan. I can see where people get upside down really fast. I wish I had known what I know now back when I was 18 that's for sure.


Hang in there Rhett with the right lawyer you will be fine.

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on a related note.






<--------- sent in the last payment for this guy (2 years early)


btw, tough going rhett. i am security forces currently in iraq. they (creditors) will get ya when you aren't looking. like ninjas

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BK laws changed in 05. It is not easy to file for a Chapter 7 unless you don't own anything.


Rhett should qualify for a Flush (Chaper 7) Is all of your debt CC? If it is, we need to talk before you do anything.


So do you have some secret to get out of a huge cc debt?

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LOL and you already filed bankruptcy once. LOL



BRB, filing for bankruptcy then down the road financing 3 cars, a house, and credit cards. AMIDOINITRITE?


The more you make the more you spend! All my bills are paid on time, no worries. It may seem like a lot to you! If I was at risk, don't you think I would have just got denied for the scooter. Like I said the more you make the more you spend.


I am glad you guys are concern about me/ now back on topic!

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The more you make the more you spend! All my bills are paid on time, no worries. It may seem like a lot to you! If I was at risk, don't you think I would have just got denied for the scooter. Like I said the more you make the more you spend.


I am glad you guys are concern about me/ now back on topic!

It should be the more you make, the more you SAVE AND INVEST.


3 car payments - seriously? It's not exactly a shocker you have filed bankruptcy in the past.

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It should be the more you make, the more you SAVE AND INVEST.


3 car payments - seriously? It's not exactly a shocker you have filed bankruptcy in the past.


This, i dont envy anyone with $1000+ a month in car payments.

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Yes but only while on Active Duty Orders (title 10) I was off of them. That's why the guy asked. And that's why it's legal.


But the payments you missed where while you were on active duty....


That doesn't make sense, I thought this is what banks were getting in tons of trouble for right now and all the Consent Orders were issued about.

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I would do anything possible to keep from filing. But, that is just me, and our current situation will net us debt free (almost) by the end of the year. Hopefully, owning the house outright, with only one car payment!







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Glad to see there are so many perfect people in thread that have never had even the slightest money problem.


Rhett, bankruptcy isn't all bad, its all pretty cut and dry, but I'm not going to discuss it here.

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