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Meat Video


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It shows some idiot $8/hr workers throwing chickens around, kicking pigs and cows, etc. Then it also shows just normal slaughter and it's very bloody and quick, yet they make it seems like there is some other way to get food rather than killing animals. It's a propoganda video that hits some pretty major fallicies that the anti-meat industry uses.


Thanks for the cliffs. So, maybe not as bad as I envisioned it.

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The one thing that bothers me is its not so much 'the industry', but just the random assholes that work for them when it comes to physical abuse. Those animals are the owners livelihood. Hurting those animals hurts production and quality. If I own a car dealer, I dont want my f'n workers doing things that destroys the quality of my cars, either. Livestock are no different.


Oh, and vegans and the like who push this propaganda (not that there aren't problems that need to be divulged) are a bunch of f'n bigots and hyporcrites. If you are one and take offense to this, plz feel free to contact me for an adult conversation on the subject. I'll be sure to cut out the cussing and sarcasm.

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The one thing that bothers me is its not so much 'the industry', but just the random assholes that work for them when it comes to physical abuse. Those animals are the owners livelihood. Hurting those animals hurts production and quality. If I own a car dealer, I dont want my f'n workers doing things that destroys the quality of my cars, either. Livestock are no different.



My thoughts exactly, and the vegan movement's propoganda of "look what the owners condone!!!". Yeah bullshit. What many people call "factory farms" are still family owned farms that have large contracts and these morons that work there are effing with the owner's kids future. To think an owner would condone that is ridiculous.


At the same time a kick to a 1500 lb cow or a 1,000 pig.... not really as bad as it looks

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People don't care about other people or even themselves, can we really expect them to give a shit about animals?


As LJ put it, you can only kill animals so many different ways. Regardless of how it's done someone is going to think it's cruel.

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