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People I dislike the most!!!!


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When couples have a serious disease and knowing theres a greater then 50% chance that there kids will have the same life threating disease.


What I don't understand is Y Y Y Y in the fucking world would you want to ever put your kids and yourself though that kind of pain and life? I think that should be considered as some kind of murder. It's just bullshit.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::dumb::dumb::dumb::dumb:




Edited by Comebackkid
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I hear ya. Same thing with Autistic kids. Parents will have one kid.. Autistic. They have another thinking he'll be fine. Nope. same. Then they have a few more. and then you have a house full of Autistic children. I couldn't imagine what those houses are like.


We have two kids. One is 17 (and a PITA).. the other is a 10 year old Autistic child. After I found out he was Autistic.. I got cut. Fuck that. There's no way in HELL I would want to bring another one into the world. Regardless of how they can be helped.. it's just sad.

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Dam that sucks. ^^^^


It's basically the same to me as having a life-threating genetic disease and having kids and me going out and killing someone. It should be against the law either way. I understand if the parents are completely healthy and having a kid, that's a totally different thing but knowing 'man how could you live with yourself.

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Because people are selfish. It's like couples who have a few kids, and they're all boys. The Bitch is willing to have another in hopes oh having a girl. The husband is as much of a dumb ass. He goes for it cause "she'll be happy" No, it confirms crazy.
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When couples have a serious disease and knowing theres a greater then 50% chance that there kids will have the same life threating disease.


Then please do this world a favor and don't breed as to not probably pass along your life threatening condition of being fatally stupid. :fa:

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Is that better?


It has nothing to do with that.


I must be the only one that thinks ops post was a little harsh. These people cant help it. Its genetic. Hes pissed because these people have bad genes.

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It has nothing to do with that.


I must be the only one that thinks ops post was a little harsh. These people cant help it. Its genetic. Hes pissed because these people have bad genes.


He must be mad at his parents for passing down the dumb dumb gene... yeah that's real, look it up on wikipedia. :dumb::dumb:


If that mouth breather can ever articulate anything he's trying to say, then maybe I'll chime in with something worthwhile.

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It's social engineering...and too bad it isn't implimented.


Smart, successful, hard working, good people should breed - the world needs more of these people.


The problem is the big mass of breeders in this country (and other countries) are the low-life people that can't figure out some simple birth control and suck the system dry of resources, while contributing nothing.

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You post something like this then call other people stupid? If I have to delete, warn, or ban anyone for following your lead you're getting infracted along with them.


Edit.. Nevermind Ill just ban him from the thread.

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Problem is people have rights, you can't stop them from fucking, you can't force them to get clipped, and abortion well thats a hot button topic isn't it? Or is having rights really a problem? Then would you rather have un-equal rights? This type of thing is pointless to discuss because nobody wins.
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When couples have a serious disease and knowing theres a greater then 50% chance that there kids will have the same life threating disease.


What I don't understand is Y Y Y Y in the fucking world would you want to ever put your kids and yourself though that kind of pain and life? I think that should be considered as some kind of murder. It's just bullshit.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::dumb::dumb::dumb::dumb:





I don't have a life threatening disease but some bad genetic deformities that would be 50% chance passed on. This is number 1 reason I got fixed.

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Okay I think everyone has the right to have kids but knowing that you have and disease that can or will kill your pride in joy?... Come on now


Well I agree with you, but thats not my point. Not everyone shares our morals, problem I have with some people is that their morals are nonexistant. Take the 5-6 year old girl of the people who moved into the next apartment a few months ago, stood there friday calling me a fucker because I wouldn't take her candy. Unfortunatly people can have whatever morals they want or are raised with so long as they aren't breaking any laws.

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