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Are 94-04 4.0 -- Good First Cars?


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Are 94-04 4.0 Mustangs -- Good First Cars?


So Basically, I was in Kroger earlier looking at automotive magazines and I came across the "Mustang Performance (1994-2004)" magazine. I began reading and skimming through it a bit, and there was a article in there about their performance, etc. Paraphrasing, saying they're great cars; and according to a few CL ad's and a few other sources, good first cars. Since you guys tend to know what you're talking about, what I obviously was asking was; "Are 94-04 4.0 -- Good First Cars?" Just as the title says.



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  Not Brian said:

Good first cars for who?

Your daughter? No. Son? Maybe, but not for Winter.

It's for me, lol.


  TurboRust said:
that being said 94-98 had the 140ish hp one that liked to blow headgaskets

the 99-04 had the 195 hp split port motor which was much better and had no headgasket issues.

I am looking at anything between 94-04, but I may reconsider. I will try to get which ever I can get cheapest.

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  T Rex said:
Do you like Mustangs? Everyone here will have there own opinion on what a good first car will be. But the biggest question is what are you looking to do with this automobile?

Yeah, I personally like the 94-04 body style a lot, but I am not a fan of the ones older than that and the newer ones are "eh". I found a 96 Mustang GT (4.6l V8 Manual) with 169,000 miles on it for $4,000. First of all, since it's my first car, I am sure a V8 will be ridiculous on my insurance, and secondly; the high miles on it kind of sketches me out a bit. But I did find a few other ones for less miles on them (auto and manual V6)'s for about the same price. I'm kind of torn between manual and automatic too. Also trying to decide between convertible, non-convertible. Again, like I said, all those things like (V8, sun-roof, or convertible top) will probably drive my insurance up as well. I will look into whatever I can find that I like, and in my price range, as well as which will be most cost efficient in gas and insurance rates.

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  jeffro said:
beat me to it. the v6's that they came with are okay.


also, theres a difference between 96-98 and 99-04 body style

I know, I am saying I like them both.


  DuffGTP said:
Id go ahead and call insurance companies now and get quotes on what you're thinking about getting before getting your heart set on a certain Mustang you do find only to realize you can't afford the insurance on it.

Good point. What will be cheapest, do you think?

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  DuffGTP said:
Non-vert v6 94-98 not red, if you're set on a Mustang.

Okay, thanks. That's what I have found mainly in my price range. Usually either 96's or 98's it seems. I peeked at Camaro's for a bit, but I think I like the Mustang better.

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  DuffGTP said:
It's your first car, there's nothing wrong with getting something cheap and cheap on insurance until you can save up and get something you really want. And that way once you do get the car you really want, you have something you can dd and use the whole winter

Very true. The one's I've been looking at (Mustangs) are within the potential price range, thus the only thing I am necessarily worried about it insurance rates. I still have been looking at Camaro's and Firebird's along with the Mustang's. I don't know what I like best though.

Edited by Brendon
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Autotrader man. Great place to start looking at models/prices and then go to specific forums looking for info once you know what you want.


I suggest NOT getting a V6 mustang. Too many better performing cars for same or less money.

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  spankis said:
Or maybe look around for a V6 car that's been swapped to a V8. That way it's a slow V6 according to the VIN# and insurance. I'm sure there are some out there.

Okay, I want to get as much performance out of it preferably, but anything that'll make my insurance is great. I looked online this morning for rates on insurance. I guess whomever in the house is considered the cheapest to insure would be on the most expensive/powerful car and I would be on the cheapest one to insure, right?


  MKV Aaron said:
Autotrader man. Great place to start looking at models/prices and then go to specific forums looking for info once you know what you want.


I suggest NOT getting a V6 mustang. Too many better performing cars for same or less money.

I actually just got an AutoTrade magazine the other day. Could you think of any off the top of your head by any chance; so I could possibly consider?

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  Not Brian said:


  Not Brian said:
just wondering. I wouldn't even consider an old clunky rwd car as a daily driver in Ohio but that's me.

True. Because of the snow/rain? it'd make a great drive in the summer/spring months though.

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  Not Brian said:
Summer fun would teeter-totter into winter death though.

One of my friends owned a 98 Camaro, and he spun out so easily during the winter a while ago, and screwed part of it up. He's lucky he didn't have to pay to repair it and I bet his insurance sky-rockett'ed after that. I just love the look of those cars (Camaro/Firebird/Mustang).

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