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Alex L.

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dude, you need to take a 'couple week' vacation from the forum, and the car meets. it's fairly clear to a neutral third party observer (me) that you're just as annoying in person as you are online. no one likes an annoying 'cling on', who just doesn't shut the fuck up. next time you go to a car show, keep your mouth shut 99% of the time, be respectful, and don't touch anyone's car, or get in anyone's car. i've been going to car meets well before i bought my '87 GT, in 1998. i've never had anyone jump in my car, or pop the hood to look at the motor. i'm not sure how i'd even respond to that, i'd be so shocked--but i can guarantee it wouldn't be good




Go back and re-read. I did not pop anyones hood with out permission. One person says something and automatically thats the truth. I "think" you guys believe every fucking thing you read. I would never go to someones random car and just get in it. Idk what made any one think this.

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So, chris said you could open his hood? Because i was there when you did it, along with 4-5 others and we all looked at you with a blank stare and asked what are you doing... We need chris to comment on this.
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Yes chris said to open his hood. He said dont be a retard pop it, I said where is the latch, he said where all other latches are on cars, I looked for a second, found it, popped it. Then we put the plastic tube in the bay as a hood prop. Why would I care to see his motor again? I have seen it many many many times.


Who are you btw??? I am assuming I know you???

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:lolguy: it's not nice to insult yourself bruh.



Ya i am rubber you're glue whatever you say bounces of me and sticks to you...:fuckyeah:


Another timeless, awesome comeback from nick. I remember when i was in elementary school.


PS respond with "Oh that was like last year." Cause that is also super creative.

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Ya i am rubber you're glue whatever you say bounces of me and sticks to you...:fuckyeah:


Another timeless, awesome comeback from nick. I remember when i was in elementary school.


PS respond with "Oh that was like last year." Cause that is also super creative.


Not a comeback, just pointing out the facts. You are in fact a inbred fuck, that is still here. (when everyone clearly wants you to stfu and go away)


I am neither inbred, nor a fuck nor a sweaty ogre, so please... Keep trying. Maybe some day you'll come up with something insulting.

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Cody, take Kirks advice here. Log off, back away from the keyboard, and chill for a moment. You are really coming off like a prick here, and I've never met you. Worse than that, based off the impressions some good folks on here are giving me, I wouldn't want to meet you.


Now that's not entirely fair, and I tend to get along with just about anyone that can manage some basic respect, and courtesy. I do try to judge folks for myself, and not be swayed by some internetting bullshit. Not only that, but I remember your intro thread being relatively decent for someone your age. However in this case we have, at the very least, one person who says you were in, on, or whatever to their car, and regardless of how you remember it, man up, apologize about it, and be done with it. Someone opens my car door without my expressed permission I assume they are trying to steal from me. That would not be a very good situation.


Back to the lecture at hand, even fail of fucktastic proportions can be righted. The only reason I am not calling you a complete and total fucking moron is solely due to your age, which predispositions you to moronic shit anyway. How ? Chill the fuck out, don't attract so much awful attention. Respect others stuff, like you want your stuff respected, and let's not interject with an opinion on every possible topic, or criticism. Of course, what the fuck do I know anyway?


Unless this is some clever ruse(actually take back the clever part), and now I look like an idiot. In which case fuck all you guys.

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Cody, take Kirks advice here. Log off, back away from the keyboard, and chill for a moment. You are really coming off like a prick here, and I've never met you. Worse than that, based off the impressions some good folks on here are giving me, I wouldn't want to meet you.


Now that's not entirely fair, and I tend to get along with just about anyone that can manage some basic respect, and courtesy. I do try to judge folks for myself, and not be swayed by some internetting bullshit. Not only that, but I remember your intro thread being relatively decent for someone your age. However in this case we have, at the very least, one person who says you were in, on, or whatever to their car, and regardless of how you remember it, man up, apologize about it, and be done with it. Someone opens my car door without my expressed permission I assume they are trying to steal from me. That would not be a very good situation.


Back to the lecture at hand, even fail of fucktastic proportions can be righted. The only reason I am not calling you a complete and total fucking moron is solely due to your age, which predispositions you to moronic shit anyway. How ? Chill the fuck out, don't attract so much awful attention. Respect others stuff, like you want your stuff respected, and let's not interject with an opinion on every possible topic, or criticism. Of course, what the fuck do I know anyway?


Unless this is some clever ruse(actually take back the clever part), and now I look like an idiot. In which case fuck all you guys.


Only car I got in that i didnt have permission from was Alex's supra. I thought I had permission. (which Im sure I did but he can easily change what he said) But I said It was my bad. Im sorry. Alex knows me so its not like a stranger was getting in his car... I never got in anyone elses without permission. I appreciate the advice, and I will take it. Atleast one guy can be a decent person on here.

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I don't remember saying to open my hood but I also don't remember what I ate for dinner last night.


And thanks for the concern every one but if it didn't upset me then I must have been ok with it for some reason


Protip for cody log out of cr for 2 weeks at end of 2 weeks log in and lurk for another 2. After the 4 week process and your ready to post again don't

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Only car I got in that i didnt have permission from was Alex's supra. I thought I had permission. (which Im sure I did but he can easily change what he said) But I said It was my bad. Im sorry. Alex knows me so its not like a stranger was getting in his car... I never got in anyone elses without permission. I appreciate the advice, and I will take it. Atleast one guy can be a decent person on here.


I put the lie in bold for easier reading.

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Just cant believe this sweaty inbred fuck is still in here.


You obviously have not met him. What compels you to fight the proven fact that people now think you are a douche? Getting mad at people over then internet about something they pointed out about you is not going to fix anything.

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Wow omg I cant believe this fucking ogre looking piece of shit is still talking. Go drown yourself in wendy's fucking milkshakes, you insecure piece of fucking trash.


Its past your bedtime isnt it?


As for an age related issue, that is not the case. There are many people that go up to meets as well as post on here that are the same age as you (my girlfriend just so happens to be an example) they know how to handle themselves as well as respect other members and their vehicles. It really is not that hard to do, trust me I joined when I was 16 and went out to meets every weekend and as far as I know I didnt have anyone hating me (or at least not the entire board). I think you should take kirks advice and take a small vacation from the site as well as the meets. After a small vacation come back and try to handle yourself in a calmer manner and see what happens, if we dont like you at that point maybe you should consider finding another group. Im trying to not hate on you at this point because honestly Im starting to feel a little sorry for you, I think that after calming down and not constantly trying to prove something to us (whether it be that youre on our level or whatever) or trying to fit in, you could be a useful part of CR. Just sit back and take a breather for a couple weeks and stay quiet and calm when you come back.

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I clearly remember alex saying " stay the fuck out of my car cody ". I also remember you smoking next to mr auto x after I told you he doesn't want smoke around him " it doesn't matter we are out side" does not work for an excuse on that one
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I clearly remember alex saying " stay the fuck out of my car cody ". I also remember you smoking next to mr auto x after I told you he doesn't want smoke around him " it doesn't matter we are out side" does not work for an excuse on that one


wow, just wow. All i can say to this is, if this is true, and he really had the balls to say that, hes a true douche. That shows a complete lack of respect

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Only car I got in that i didnt have permission from was Alex's supra. I thought I had permission. (which Im sure I did but he can easily change what he said) But I said It was my bad. Im sorry. Alex knows me so its not like a stranger was getting in his car... I never got in anyone elses without permission. I appreciate the advice, and I will take it. Atleast one guy can be a decent person on here.


You are a fucking dumbass. You are STILL missing the point and just digging deeper and not admiting when you are wrong.


Instead of just saying "well I guess I did not have permission to be in Alex's car, I was wrong and I am sorry". You come back with the typical answer of kids these days...


I am going to give you the advice that EVERYBODY else is in a straight forward way that even an slackjawed, sister fucking redneck would get.


1. Stop trying to defend yourself, you brought this on now deal with it.

2. Stop posting and just lurk.

3. Take a break from coming to meets, unless you want things to get worse.

4. Drop the you know everything, have an answer for everything, have a comeback for everything way of posting.


If you do not follow this advice from myself and others, things will get much worse for you. The heavy hitters have not even started in on you yet, and trust me that is not what you want...

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