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Alex L.

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Cody got banned from Ohio hondas for a year for being a douche. You know how hard it is to get banned from that forum? You have to really step on toes. Looks like he still hasn't learned anything.


If you get banned from a Honda form you should quit life.

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You are a fucking dumbass. You are STILL missing the point and just digging deeper and not admiting when you are wrong.


Instead of just saying "well I guess I did not have permission to be in Alex's car, I was wrong and I am sorry". You come back with the typical answer of kids these days...


I am going to give you the advice that EVERYBODY else is in a straight forward way that even an slackjawed, sister fucking redneck would get.


1. Stop trying to defend yourself, you brought this on now deal with it.

2. Stop posting and just lurk.

3. Take a break from coming to meets, unless you want things to get worse.

4. Drop the you know everything, have an answer for everything, have a comeback for everything way of posting.


If you do not follow this advice from myself and others, things will get much worse for you. The heavy hitters have not even started in on you yet, and trust me that is not what you want...


It should look like this cody


Hey guys I'm sorry for any thing I have done to upset you. I am just trying to fit in and make some new friends I didn't realize i was just making every one mad. From now on I won't interrupt people, sit in every ones car, ask to drive your cars and not be a smart ass. Also I will leave the meets befor my curfew and stop asking for smokes / smoking around people that are older than me so I won't get them in trouble. Again I apologize for any thing I have done I hope we can move forward from this and become good friends




Cody h

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Go back and re-read. I did not pop anyones hood with out permission. One person says something and automatically thats the truth. I "think" you guys believe every fucking thing you read. I would never go to someones random car and just get in it. Idk what made any one think this.


i've read the thread, and there is some discrepancy as to whether you had 'permission' or not. either way, if someone wants to look at the motor in my car, and i'm o.k. with that, i will get in the car and pop the hood myself---


the only thing you have going for you is the fact that you're young, and expected to be somewhat stupid/socially inept. its still fucking annoying. and at 17, you shouldn't be smoking anywhere, let alone right next to someone who is irritated by cigarette smoke (which is at least 75% of the population).

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Cody got banned from Ohio hondas for a year for being a douche. You know how hard it is to get banned from that forum? You have to really step on toes. Looks like he still hasn't learned anything.


Alex, he is perma banned now for calling the owner (Rashy) a wetback, real fucking intelligent. I used to like Cody as I am friends with his older brother, but after his brother left for the millitary it seems that Cody's mouth got out of control. Its almost like he has to make up for his brother being awesome, by attempting to be, but fails 90% of the time. I remember the first time I met Cody his brother was like "he's such a douche and annoys me, lets leave him here". I was like nah he seems like a funny kid and I don't mind him being around us. Should have listened to your brother haha


Cody you know damn well that you act like a know it all, thus the reason we no longer speak. You also like to talk shit behind peoples backs yet when called out on it you backpeddle like a mother fucker, remember our conversation after the first time I met Chris and he tells me your talking shit...I haven't been to the meets so I can't comment on him getting in and out of cars without permission, but it sounds like something he would do, along with the smokin/drinking? I bet daddy wouldn't be happy if he happened to find out, hell he'd prob sell your prelude and get his money back that he has put in it :p


One day you will find the person that doesn't care about you being 17 and will lay you flat the fuck out for that mouth of yours. Maybe you should take a step away from the entire car scene i.e forums and meets for a while and do some serious soul searching and get back to being the old Cody. You'll have plenty of time to do that while polishing your block/transmission.


How close was you to being banned on Honda-Tech for nutswinging from silkyjohnsons dick, yes thats the guys username and trust me, you was hanging onto them hard. Your track record with forums isn't the greatest, banned from Ohiohondas (like alex said pretty hard to do that) not once, but numerous times. Nearly banned from Honda-Tech and now working on banishment from this forum....take a fucking chill pill, stop coming back with oh so clever and witty comebacks on a computer screen, and stop being a douche. Maybe people would like you a lot more if you would just chill and take a back seat instead of trying to be the focal point. I know you miss your brother and feel lonely but don't take it out on everyone you encounter.

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Reasons we hate cody:


8.) Drinking a beer, bragging about it, and falling asleep on the pavement (get some tolerance you fucking chode)


He shouldn't be drinking, this was posted on Ohiohondas a year or so ago.



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Wow omg I cant believe this fucking ogre looking piece of shit is still talking. Go drown yourself in wendy's fucking milkshakes, you insecure piece of fucking trash.


quoted for butthurt. maybe i'll make it my new sig.:gabe:

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Wow omg I cant believe this fucking ogre looking piece of shit is still talking. Go drown yourself in wendy's fucking milkshakes, you insecure piece of fucking trash.


Surely he meant frosty here, rather than milkshake. Surely.

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Welp, to be honest, I dont have an issue with Cody at all. I think its funny that people are giving him so much credit for not liking him. Interesting...


But, then again, I dont have a big problem with many people on here I guess.

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Welp, to be honest, I dont have an issue with Cody at all. I think its funny that people are giving him so much credit for not liking him. Interesting...


But, then again, I dont have a big problem with many people on here I guess.


Its cause you see everything with roses hearts and unicorns around it.

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Alex, he is perma banned now for calling the owner (Rashy) a wetback, real fucking intelligent. I used to like Cody as I am friends with his older brother, but after his brother left for the millitary it seems that Cody's mouth got out of control. Its almost like he has to make up for his brother being awesome, by attempting to be, but fails 90% of the time. I remember the first time I met Cody his brother was like "he's such a douche and annoys me, lets leave him here". I was like nah he seems like a funny kid and I don't mind him being around us. Should have listened to your brother haha


Cody you know damn well that you act like a know it all, thus the reason we no longer speak. You also like to talk shit behind peoples backs yet when called out on it you backpeddle like a mother fucker, remember our conversation after the first time I met Chris and he tells me your talking shit...I haven't been to the meets so I can't comment on him getting in and out of cars without permission, but it sounds like something he would do, along with the smokin/drinking? I bet daddy wouldn't be happy if he happened to find out, hell he'd prob sell your prelude and get his money back that he has put in it :p


One day you will find the person that doesn't care about you being 17 and will lay you flat the fuck out for that mouth of yours. Maybe you should take a step away from the entire car scene i.e forums and meets for a while and do some serious soul searching and get back to being the old Cody. You'll have plenty of time to do that while polishing your block/transmission.


How close was you to being banned on Honda-Tech for nutswinging from silkyjohnsons dick, yes thats the guys username and trust me, you was hanging onto them hard. Your track record with forums isn't the greatest, banned from Ohiohondas (like alex said pretty hard to do that) not once, but numerous times. Nearly banned from Honda-Tech and now working on banishment from this forum....take a fucking chill pill, stop coming back with oh so clever and witty comebacks on a computer screen, and stop being a douche. Maybe people would like you a lot more if you would just chill and take a back seat instead of trying to be the focal point. I know you miss your brother and feel lonely but don't take it out on everyone you encounter.


As insulting as that post was, it was the blunt truth. I was able to get past all of the insults and see what your points were. That honestly felt like most caring thing you have ever said since or before my brothers (and bens) departure. lol And Im being dead serious. I still dont believe most are being serious in this thread, but it is what it is. As for the people that dont know me.. Well meet me before you judge me.


Chris, your apology letter truly sounds liek how i feel and what i am thinking.

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As insulting as that post was, it was the blunt truth. I was able to get past all of the insults and see what your points were. That honestly felt like most caring thing you have ever said since or before my brothers (and bens) departure. lol And Im being dead serious. I still dont believe most are being serious in this thread, but it is what it is. As for the people that dont know me.. Well meet me before you judge me.


Chris, your apology letter truly sounds liek how i feel and what i am thinking.


I'm serious, I don't like you.


Stop posting. What is so hard about that? See how things work then come back. Do you have some obsession with CR that makes you unable to stop?

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my issue with that statement is, its easy to just basically say '' i agree with what you said'', but that just doesnt work. Going around and getting in peoples shit just isnt right and you (cody) better be thankful that the people you disrespected, are nice guys. as for what you keep saying about most people are just fucking around cause they dont actually know you, there is a big difference between some one just spreading that word that your annoying (bc possible opinion), and telling people that your going around getting in peoples shit that you had no right to. So i can almost garuntee that most of the people that are saying they dont like you, probably dont

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While we're all giving you CR life lessons, you should also follow through with what you say you're going to do. In retrospect, what follows doesn't really seem surprising, given that you apparently like to come across as an irresponsible know-it-all.


I'm looking to buy for a ticket to the Memorial Tournament for Friday, June 3. I only need it for Friday, so if I can get the ticket back to you on Saturday if need be. It doesn't have to be a clubhouse pass - just a grounds admission pass will be fine.


You're the first to respond:


What you looking to spend. I can hook you up...


BTW the clubhouse pass is nothing special at all. Maybe because I enjoy being out in the heat, or maybe cause Im 17 and cant drink legally haha. Message me and I can see what I can do. And Ill explain to you the whole deal.. ;)


Great, here you act like a used-car salesman ("What you looking to spend...?"), and then you proceed to tell me how a clubhouse pass isn't special, like I need your unsolicited advice. Looking past that, I decided to send you a PM.


PM sent.


Bump for everyone else.


Aaaaaaand....about three weeks go by, and no response from you whatsoever.


Haven't heard anything back from the codyh guy, so bumping this again.


And, in fact, I still haven't heard back from you.


So, thanks for being a jackass: you jump into my thread, tell me you can help out, ask me to message you, and when I do you don't have the fucking decency to reply.


Pro Tip: Try to stop being you for a while and see how that works.

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While we're all giving you CR life lessons, you should also follow through with what you say you're going to do. In retrospect, what follows doesn't really seem surprising, given that you apparently like to come across as an irresponsible know-it-all.




You're the first to respond:




Great, here you act like a used-car salesman ("What you looking to spend...?"), and then you proceed to tell me how a clubhouse pass isn't special, like I need your unsolicited advice. Looking past that, I decided to send you a PM.




Aaaaaaand....about three weeks go by, and no response from you whatsoever.




And, in fact, I still haven't heard back from you.


So, thanks for being a jackass: you jump into my thread, tell me you can help out, ask me to message you, and when I do you don't have the fucking decency to reply.


Pro Tip: Try to stop being you for a while and see how that works.



Clubhouse ain't shit when you roll up in a lude.

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