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Alex L.

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Thought id give the thread a bump.


Cody, you are a ricer. That ricer flybye you did to me on cleveland avenue followed by cutting me off while zipping across two lanes proves it. I clearly can see how you have a huge dent in the door of your contour racecar now.

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I did, in 2004. Way before your time, bruh...




Pretty hilarious when I read back through it now. Ahhh... to be 18 again.


So I was reading through this thread bashing this guy, came across this link ^ and ctfu at this quote "ha ha well son, I guess you could say that I went down autozones tacky aisle with a shit magnet on." Heading back to page 10, later.

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So I was reading through this thread bashing this guy, came across this link ^ and ctfu at this quote "ha ha well son, I guess you could say that I went down autozones tacky aisle with a shit magnet on." Heading back to page 10, later.


who invited you ....... :dumb:

just kidding, but youre still a fag

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Thought id give the thread a bump.


Cody, you are a ricer. That ricer flybye you did to me on cleveland avenue followed by cutting me off while zipping across two lanes proves it. I clearly can see how you have a huge dent in the door of your contour racecar now.


but he was just trying to stop you so he could get in your car then ask to bum a cig lol

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Thought id give the thread a bump.


Cody, you are a ricer. That ricer flybye you did to me on cleveland avenue followed by cutting me off while zipping across two lanes proves it. I clearly can see how you have a huge dent in the door of your contour racecar now.



Hmm I was wondering who that acne infested female was who flipped me off for no reason. Should of known it was your wife.


I had to get over and turn, and you were being a jackass and kept speeding up. And yes I "zipped" over so fast omg, going 40 MPH.


I have a dent because I got tboned?? In the school parking lot?? Since you know it all. GTFO with your shitty pontiac that couldnt even beat a contour.

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Hmm I was wondering who that acne infested female was who flipped me off for no reason. Should of known it was your wife.


I had to get over and turn, and you were being a jackass and kept speeding up. And yes I "zipped" over so fast omg, going 40 MPH.


I have a dent because I got tboned?? In the school parking lot?? Since you know it all. GTFO with your shitty pontiac that couldnt even beat a contour.


Apparently you didnt get t-boned hard enough, because you're still here posting.:dumb:

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In the school parking lot?? Since you know it all. GTFO with your shitty pontiac that couldnt even beat a contour.


Yes nikki it was in a school parking lot going 15 MPH... :yuno:

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Cody, the next time you report a post and it is some bullshit reason like bitching "trying to get their post count up" I will personally remove your account.


That is NOT what the report a post button is for. Stop being a bitch, put your man pants on, and deal with the shit you have started.


Unlike your parents I won't and don't have to take your bullshit or lip.

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appearantly my comment pissed our little ricer douche off. I can haz pm from him that i will post up when i can get a computer lol


You would do that because you cant argue without the whole forum behind your back.

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wagner, you are awsome, i love you. Home included lol. cody, heres the problem, your pm is nothing but trying to bash me, my car (yes he said f-bodys are red neck trash) and my girlfriend and im sorry, but i have better things to do than go act 16 again and pointlessly go back and forth bashing all day. Not to mention people on here have tried time and time again to prove a point/give you good advice, but you wouldnt even listen to them so why waste my time? Ill just let everyone else have fun to.
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Ok Cody, you want to play time for you to learn some life lessons the hard way.


Here is Cody's super smart answers to my reminder....


I didnt start that fucking thread... i didnt start all this... And If you couldnt tell i have been trying to stay away from all the shit but those cunts and there bullshit is what is preventing me... why dont you fucking lock the thread... its done by now.. you are no better then them by posting up saying what i did personally. Put your man pants on and do your job.



I didnt start that fucking thread... i didnt start all this... And If you couldnt tell i have been trying to stay away from all the shit but those cunts and there bullshit is what is preventing me... why dont you fucking lock the thread... its done by now.. you are no better then them by posting up saying what i did personally. Put your man pants on and do your job.


Wrong answer cody. See you in a week...



Its not an answer to shit... Fucking remove my account for all i care... You mods are a bunch of fucking douche bags... I got banned from ohiohondas the same way... telling the admins how it was, and how much of fucking dicks they are... your no better piece of shit than the rest.. OMGZQ forum police... gtfo like i care about a forum, you actually think you have some authority haha



I was going to ban you, give you a chance to cool down and maybe learn a thing or to. At this point I could care less, not going to ban you, and toss you to the wolf pack of CR.


Time for you to learn a lesson about actions and what happens afterwards.


Enjoy the ride bitch...

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...I got banned from ohiohondas the same way... telling the admins how it was, and how much of fucking dicks they are...



Looks like the common denominator in those two situations is you. Or it could just be a coincidence that both sites have "fucking dicks" for admins :rolleyes:

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Ok Cody, you want to play time for you to learn some life lessons the hard way.


Here is Cody's super smart answers to my reminder....








I was going to ban you, give you a chance to cool down and maybe learn a thing or to. At this point I could care less, not going to ban you, and toss you to the wolf pack of CR.


Time for you to learn a lesson about actions and what happens afterwards.


Enjoy the ride bitch...


.......wow. Cody, you have just won the award for being the dumbest mother fucker i have ever met. You didnt start anything? Guess what? People dont usually get there own thread on here unless you really piss someone else off/ do something really stupid. Not only that fact, again, several people on here have given you great advice (apologize, or leave for a while, and not just this thread). But again, you have done neither. so why you expect everyone to just like you all off sudden is beyond me. Not to mention some one calls you out on something stupid YOU did, and turn around and make jokes about his wife? Your a fucking tool.

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