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I live in the wrong state....


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There's a big group of Yamaha's going this year too.. too bad I don't have $5k it'd take for the 10 days or so driving from OH.


Shit... then you start clicking on the related links showing that 86 Azimut and I really get pissed when the video stopped and I was still sitting in my house staring at Columbus Racing the Ohio internet board... wow, reality check...

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There's a big group of Yamaha's going this year too.. too bad I don't have $5k it'd take for the 10 days or so driving from OH.


Shit... then you start clicking on the related links showing that 86 Azimut and I really get pissed when the video stopped and I was still sitting in my house staring at Columbus Racing the Ohio internet board... wow, reality check...



i did the same :(

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There's a big group of Yamaha's going this year too.. too bad I don't have $5k it'd take for the 10 days or so driving from OH.

Miami is about 1200 miles.


Say towing @ 10MPG round trip @ $4.00/gallon = $960. You could make the trip uncomfortably in 1 day (17-18 hours) or cake in two. So add $200 tops for hotels there and back. Then whatever you spend fuel for the boat, food, booze, and lodging while you are there. 2k tops total, and that is just blowing cash, and assuming shitty mileage to/from and top dollar gas prices.


Looks like a fun trip worth making for sure.

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Those long PWC trips will beat ya up. I did the Canada Cross about 10 years ago, from Catawba to Leamington and back. Little chop on the way over and huge swells on the way back. Sore for a week after.
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Miami is about 1200 miles.


Say towing @ 10MPG round trip @ $4.00/gallon = $960. You could make the trip uncomfortably in 1 day (17-18 hours) or cake in two. So add $200 tops for hotels there and back. Then whatever you spend fuel for the boat, food, booze, and lodging while you are there. 2k tops total, and that is just blowing cash, and assuming shitty mileage to/from and top dollar gas prices.


Looks like a fun trip worth making for sure.


I made it out here to Phoenix 1900+ miles in 2 days. I barely ate anything (wasn't hungry) drove to Tulsa first day 800 miles or so (I didn't leave until noon and got there just after midnight). Second day I drove 1100+ in about 17 hrs, only stopped for gas, didn't eat. I have to drive back in about a week, not looking forward to it, will never do it again. Shit sucks.

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