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Cooper Park Complex


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I think there are some other threads that have info..


I really didnt think things were that bad tonight. I felt like the people who were opposed were using so much OPINION instead of facts that it could easily sway our way.

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Anyone have the email address for city council members? I want to say a couple specific things about tonight.


I will try to post them on here after I get some rest. Thanks for all the support guys (and Gals). It didn't seem to go well tonight, but hang in there.


The problem with this format was that the opposition was allowed to make up any lie they wanted with impunity. Remember the guy near the end that claimed that Arshot basically hosed the city after getting a 10 year tax abatement on the 5/3 building? Mr Schottenstein seemed especially upset at that comment because he never asked for 1 penny of abatements on that building.


The opponents also said it was shameful for Mr Schottenstein to dangle jobs in front of the people in a neighborhood like Franklinton. The opponents of this project are the ones who should be ashamed of themselves. I bet they all have good jobs, while the people in Franklinton are starving.


City Council votes on Monday. Until then, we can help by continuing to flood city hall with letters, phone calls, and Emails. The Arshot people will be working to point out the lies of this evening with the council members.


Thanks Again,


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I don't think it was that bad, I think most on city council will see thru the bullshit some of those people were spewing, like the noise created from the racing cars jake brakes! They're probably used to a small group complaining and making irrational comments on issues like this.
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Yes, please post up email addresses for council. Although I couldn't make it down, I did manage to watch bits and pieces thoughout the evening. There was a LOT of B.S. from the opposition. All the "alternatives" as usual, had no funding but to ask for the city to spend to redevelop. The last straw for me was the final speaker (who seemed to have a wierd fascination with prostitution anyway) who wanted to insinuate that motorsports was a "male" sport and would further the prostitution issue in the area!!!


I did enjoy the older lady from the area who "called out" Greenlawn Cemetery for their poor maintenance. She is right, for all the discussion of "bird sanctuary" and "care for veterans" and "peaceful reflection" - if you drive down Brown Rd (?-west side of the cemetery) - the fences are falling down/damaged and have been for years - great neighbors!

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Yes, please post up email addresses for council. Although I couldn't make it down, I did manage to watch bits and pieces thoughout the evening. There was a LOT of B.S. from the opposition. All the "alternatives" as usual, had no funding but to ask for the city to spend to redevelop. The last straw for me was the final speaker (who seemed to have a wierd fascination with prostitution anyway) who wanted to insinuate that motorsports was a "male" sport and would further the prostitution issue in the area!!!


I did enjoy the older lady from the area who "called out" Greenlawn Cemetery for their poor maintenance. She is right, for all the discussion of "bird sanctuary" and "care for veterans" and "peaceful reflection" - if you drive down Brown Rd (?-west side of the cemetery) - the fences are falling down/damaged and have been for years - great neighbors!

I thought it was an AWESOME plus to have someone who is an ACTUAL ornithologist and member of the audobon society there talking about how it WOULDNT affect the birds. that was a REAL plus for us, which i realize might have been missed by most.

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Yes, please post up email addresses for council.


Ok, I don't know where to find ALL of the current Emails. But you can go to http://www.coopertalk.com & click on "How else can you help?" Bruno has Email addresses on there for council before some of the new members were seated this year. Make sure you don't send a note to someone who's not there anymore.


A couple things to keep in mind:


1/ I can't tell you who's votes we are still working on, so I would send lettlers to all of the current councilmen. (And always be sure to copy council president Andrew Ginther on all correspondence.)


2/ (I probably don't need to say this to you guys, but figure I should play it safe.) If you send Emails, be sure to be positive in your comments. Personal attacks or slams on our opponents will work against us big time. Be sure to take the high road. There were a few opponents last night who hurt their cases with their condescending attitude to council.




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Channel 6 Website



Video on site as well

Public Zoning Meeting About Cooper Stadium


COLUMBUS -- Councilmember A. Troy Miller, chair of the Zoning Committee, held a public hearing Tuesday night to discuss the application to rezone Cooper Stadium from a rural district to a commercial planned development district.


The room was filled with half for the race track saying it would be a good step to revitalize the area and half against the race track saying it would create a nuisance that isn't there now.


City Council held a first reading on the Cooper Stadium zoning application Monday night. There was no public comment allowed during that meeting.


The next possible date City Council could take action on the application would be Monday, June 27 at 6:30 pm during the regularly schedule Zoning Committee meeting.


Per rules of Council, three speakers will be allowed to speak in favor of the application, and three will be allowed to speak in opposition.


All speakers will have three minutes each to present with speakers addressing City Council in the order their slips were submitted to the City Clerk's office.


Speaker slips are available at the City Hall security desk located at the Front Street entrance to the building beginning at 8 am on the day of the hearing.


Speaker slips are not accepted before hearing dates.


It is the policy of City Council that speaker slips must be delivered personally by the individual wishing to speak.


A security guard will time stamp each speaker slip that then can be placed a box to be collected by City Council staff.


Those wishing to provide written testimony or other documentation should provide no fewer than seven copies to the Zoning Committee Chair prior to the hearing.


Signs and banners are not permitted in Council Chambers.



Quote from City Cousel Facebook page








For Immediate Release: June 23, 2011




For More Information:


John Ivanic, (614) 645-6798


Web – Facebook – Twitter




A statement from Columbus City Council President Andrew J. Ginther regarding the proposed rezoning and redevelopment of Cooper Stadium:




Cooper Stadium was once a vibrant and exciting place to catch a baseball game, one of Columbus’ greatest assets, and a source of pride for the Westside. It now sits empty and neglected, a shell of its former self. However, I believe this historic site can once again be an asset in our community – a focal point of entertainment, job creation and economic development.




Arshot Investment Corporation, a local developer, has invested more than 3 years of time, research and resources in an extraordinary effort to build community support and consensus for their proposal to redevelop Cooper Stadium. They have proposed a $40 million investment to breathe new life into this site; to build a half-mile racetrack, an automotive research and technology center, a hotel and restaurants. The development is expected to create at least 300 jobs at a time when they are desperately needed.




The proposal has met opposition, and there have been many questions posed to the Developer and to the City. I know that I and every member of Columbus City Council have heard the concerns, and we have listened to our constituents. We have pushed back on the developer, and worked to make sure that the community’s concerns were not just considered, but that they were addressed by the developer.




The Southwest Area Commission supports the development, and the Southwest Civic Association has signed good neighbor agreement with Arshot which clearly outlines community expectations. City Council has focused on strong, enforceable standards in the zoning legislation, adding additional language to hold the developer accountable.


What’s more, we expect that many of the terms of the good neighbor agreement and the Council zoning legislation will become part of the special permit the developer is required to obtain from the Bureau of Zoning Adjustment (BZA).




It’s through our zoning code and the terms of the special permit that we have the ability to truly hold Arshot to their word. The City will have the ability to enforce the terms of the special permit, to monitor for compliance and to take action to revoke the permit if necessary. That is, if you don’t follow through on your word, we’ll shut you down.




In the past few months, City Council has received hundreds of e-mails, letters and phone calls regarding Cooper Park. While some members of the community still express concern surrounding the development, there are just as many, if not more, who are supportive of the motor park concept.




I believe this development has tremendous potential to provide much needed jobs, educational opportunities and create a regional entertainment attraction that will help create the momentum needed to keep the Westside on the right track.




That is why Monday evening, I will be supporting the rezoning application and I urge my colleagues on Council to do the same.




I do want to acknowledge the leadership of our Mayor. Like Council, Mayor Coleman has taken a critical approach to this development, and has challenged the developer to do more to address community concerns. Because of the Mayor’s efforts, we have a much better proposal today.


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Currently in a minor debate with someone over Cooper Park.


His argument - "I think a racetrack would be bad cause one it would kill columbus motor speedway. And like i stated before it would take the stuff like the xgames amd some concerts away from nation wide arena and the schott center. So yeah lets build somthing that will take away from others places. Good idea."


Really? Who still goes to Columbus Motor Speedway other than to watch demo cars drag old campers around the track?

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this morning, NPR (WCBE) reported that Council president Ginther (as I heard from a few friends yesterday morning) is voting FOR the rezoning needed for the complex on Monday and that he will attempt to convince the other councilmen to vote FOR....The report on WCBE was overwhelmingly teeming with positive vibes for this project
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this morning, NPR (WCBE) reported that Council president Ginther (as I heard from a few friends yesterday morning) is voting FOR the rezoning needed for the complex on Monday and that he will attempt to convince the other councilmen to vote FOR....The report on WCBE was overwhelmingly teeming with positive vibes for this project


That's good news.

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This is what I had hoped for from city council, they see a great opportunity to save a Columbus landmark and bring jobs as well as business to an area that desperately needs it. I will be spending my money there, thats for sure!
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