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Franklin Co Courthouse glass staircase; built by perverts for perverts(like me)


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Glass staircase not dress friendly


A glass staircase is causing women to rethink taking the stairs.

June 9th, 2011

08:44 PM ET


Comments (602 comments)




For years, women across America have dealt with glass ceilings. But now, women in Ohio have a new problem - glass floors.


A $105 million courthouse opened in Franklin County, Ohio, on Monday, but the builders seemed to have forgotten one thing - the bottom of the stairs, reports affiliate 10TV. The staircase is made of glass.


Dress wearers need to avoid taking the stairs, according to Franklin County Judge Julie Lynch, who wears dresses under her robes almost every day.


"I wear dresses because that's my personal choice," Lynch told 10TV. "When you stand under the stairwell, you can see right up through them.”



She speculates that men, who didn’t take half the population into account, designed the stairs.


Attorney Lori Johnson was startled by the transparent stairs. She worries not only about stares, but also how many cell phones have cameras attached.


“The next thing you know, you’re on the internet,” Johnson said, according to 10TV. “It sounds like a lawsuit in the making.”


While security guards warn women about taking the stairs, it seems most are just hoping people will be mature about the situation.


"They hope people will be mature? That's not a solution," Lynch said to 10TV. "If we had mature people that didn't violate the law, we wouldn't have this building."

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My wife had no comment.


Seriously, I have to laugh as my degree is in architecture and we all joked about this back during our first year of interior design. Now a firm actually fucking built it. The irony....

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Itd be different if the treads/landings themselves were glass, but its the damn riser...how many places have open riser and just planks for stairs? a lot...the stairs at my work have mesh risers, and that never crossed my mind til this article
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Isn't it kinda scary that the judges first thought was a sexest one which she admitted to on the news? Not exactly the kind of person I want to be making unbiassed decisions in the court system.




Also, would you actually be breaking any laws by standing directly under the stairs, with your head cocked back, just waiting for a show?

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