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Dog Attacks and My Rights


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if the ORC says its ok to shoot it, shoot it. shit if someone comes at you bro, on your own property, you can shoot their ass too under castle doctrine, what makes a dog an exception to this rule?


Almost anything would be an exception under the Castle Doctrine, based on what you just said.

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In Ohio you can kill a dog that is attacking or chasing you.


955.28 Dog may be killed for certain acts - owner liable for damages.


(A) Subject to divisions (A)(2) and (3) of section 955.261 of the Revised Code, a dog that is chasing or approaching in a menacing fashion or apparent attitude of attack, that attempts to bite or otherwise endanger, or that kills or injures a person or a dog that chases, threatens, harasses, injures, or kills livestock, poultry, other domestic animal, or other animal, that is the property of another person, except a cat or another dog, can be killed at the time of that chasing, threatening, harassment, approaching, attempt, killing, or injury. If, in attempting to kill such a dog, a person wounds it, the person is not liable to prosecution under the penal laws that punish cruelty to animals. Nothing in this section precludes a law enforcement officer from killing a dog that attacks a police dog as defined in section 2921.321 of the Revised Code.


Print this and put it in your neighbors mailbox with a note that just says


"Next time your dog corners me, this will happen"


(dont sign it. ;) )

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if the ORC says its ok to shoot it, shoot it.


Say your weimaraner comes onto my property and goes "roof roof" as im opening my garage...You saying you'd be ok if I pulled out a .44 and put a slug in his head, seriously?

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Say your weimaraner comes onto my property and goes "roof roof" as im opening my garage...You saying you'd be ok if I pulled out a .44 and put a slug in his head, seriously?


Yeah, that sounds about right. You should keep your dog under control and on your own property.

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Say your weimaraner comes onto my property and goes "roof roof" as im opening my garage...You saying you'd be ok if I pulled out a .44 and put a slug in his head, seriously?


if someone did this, i would shoot them. :masturboy:

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I know that last time I mentioned something like this. It turned into a multi page arguement. But I would go next door and introduce yourself chat with the guy a few minutes. Then say something about the incident.


Maybe I missed it but what type of dog was it?

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I know that last time I mentioned something like this. It turned into a multi page arguement. But I would go next door and introduce yourself chat with the guy a few minutes. Then say something about the incident.


Maybe I missed it but what type of dog was it?



I wanna know too lol :dumb:

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As a side note. My neighbors dog growled at my son while I was working on my landscape. It got chased off by a shovel. Which I think could have served two purposes. One shutting the dog up and two burying it.


They have not let there dog run around since that day cause they saw what happened.

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I almost shot a doberman once that was attacking my dog but it ran off like it knew it was about to get .223 to the face. My dog (German shorthaired pointer) still almost died from a massive infection from the bites around his neck. We had to drain the Puss out of his neck twice a day for a couple weeks. Granted I live on a farm and not in the city, still don't know where that dog came from.
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I almost shot a doberman once that was attacking my dog but it ran off like it knew it was about to get .223 to the face. My dog (German shorthaired pointer) still almost died from a massive infection from the bites around his neck. We had to drain the Puss out of his neck twice a day for a couple weeks. Granted I live on a farm and not in the city, still don't know where that dog came from.


this would warrant shooting a dog over...NOT having a goldendoodle run up to your car window and licked the glass...

Edited by Panduh
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I waited till I cooled off, nobody answered the door.


Some good info in here and sent to me via PM. I think at this point I am going to contact animal control.


It is a black lab about 70-80 LBS and they also have 4 brown labs all the same size and all aggresive. Their entire back yard has an wife fence with an electric fence on the inside of it. The lady beside me said there have been "issues" with them in the past and to call animal control.


The dog got close enough I could have kicked it. My fear is there are little kids out all the time and families walking. I would hate for something to happen and a kid get attacked.


I want to limit my liability and exposure so using a gun is last ditch if something drastic is happening. I already put the pepper spray in my car and have no problem giving old sparky a nice blast.

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Mistakes happen so hopefully nobody shoots if their life truelly isnt in danger. Tho, this doesnt sound like a mistake, so i feel animal control is your only option. Sounds like the owner has been confronted before, so no need to confront him.
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I live in the same area. Animal control has already taken the dogs for observation and found them to be no danger. The dogs have bitten an infant and the mother already to the point an ambulance took them for further inspection. They have also cornered other people in the neighborhood. Animal control stated the electric fence is good enough to ensure the dogs can not get out. The guy has no intention of changing and cares nothing for the dogs so good luck is all i have to suggest.
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Pretty sure animals are considered "property" in the State of Ohio so the worst thing that could happen (as far as the law is concerned) would be a civil suit (if you shot it).


Shooting a dog is illegal in ohio unless it is an immediate threat to the life of people or livestock

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I live in the same area. Animal control has already taken the dogs for observation and found them to be no danger. The dogs have bitten an infant and the mother already to the point an ambulance took them for further inspection. They have also cornered other people in the neighborhood. Animal control stated the electric fence is good enough to ensure the dogs can not get out. The guy has no intention of changing and cares nothing for the dogs so good luck is all i have to suggest.


Thanks for the info man, that is along the same thing that Rita said. I don't think it got out from the fence, the garage door was open and he called the dog in from the garage.


The backyard of that place looks like a battle field from all the holes those dogs dug. IF that dog big my infant, it would be dead, do not pass go, do not collect $200, dead and made into kung pow chicken.

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Few years ago 2 pits came into the yard and attacked my dog. I got the shotgun and lit one of them up. Not sure if it killed it because it ran off but even if it didn't kill it that dog had a miserable few weeks. Called animal control out. They didn't do shit. They knew who's dog it was but never investigated further than asking them if it was their dogs. It was a huge waste of time even calling them out. I'd say if you get the chance kill it if it comes back on your property. You'll be doing everyone in your neighborhood a favor.


What $1500 worth of vet bills looks like after they were finished with him. Surgically implanted tubes to drain fluid and he lost an ear in the deal. He was 11 at the time and I'd raised him from birth. One of the best dogs I've ever owned and although I knew he was old and short time I didn't want him going out like that so I paid whatever I had to in order to keep him around. He made it another 2 years.


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I work on garage doors, and for some reason nobody ever puts their dogs away when they call to get their door fixed. 99% of dogs back off if you don't, and I am in the dogs yard, on their turf. If I go somewhere where the dog doesn't seem to be backing down, I get my hammer out, and hold it by the head instead of the handle. I have only had to crack one once, but he got away fast. If I was in my yard, and a neighbors dog charged me, I would hold the hammer by the handle, and make their dog retarded with one swing.
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