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The weekend wrap up...


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Drove around in the fiero yelling "TITTIES" as loud as possible and random people on the street. Got some pissed off and they started running after me. Guys can't take a complement anymore :lolguy:
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Thursday and Friday....Vacation days with a shit ton of yardwork as I burned and slaved for 10hrs one day and 12 hrs the next.


Saturday, we had a party for family here and I fail to remember past 10pm but was told I behaved well. :lolguy:


Sunday we headed out east to our farm house/property for some horseback riding, ammo testing and fishing. My 8yr old is turning out to be quite a shot with his .22cal pellet gun too. My brother in law also brought out a bobcat with a scoop to help us dig us a nice sized fire pit where we had a large bon-fire. We also moved a few boulders around the pound. Rumor was we also had a couple showcases of fireworks, but of course we didn't shoot them off in Ohio :masturboy:


Yesterday, I crashed during the afternoon. Wife and I napped outside on the deck as the kids played for about 3hrs in the kiddie pool and sprinklers. We finished the weekend off by doing a nice cookout with neighbors last night then we all headed over to watch Dublin's fireworks.


All pretty typical family stuff. I'll live vicariously through all you younger pups. Just post me some women if you would. :gabe:

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Seperated tire on the boat trailer on 70E just outside of Zanesville with no spare, waiting 2 hours for a tire service and a $300 14" tire


Insane chop on the lake we drove 80 miles to get to. Uncomfortable and no fun


Boat trailer was shot with a pellet gun by teenagers in the campground we stayed at Sunday night.


Oh yeah and I lost my sunglasses in the lake.

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Friday - work, fishing


Saturday - work, went to ex-father-in-laws for a party and some fireworks


Sunday - rest, fishing


Monday - sleep, hiked around Hocking Hills, rest

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Saturday - worked on some cars off the clock


Sunday - Went to Port Clinton and got engaged to Erica (autoxqt), had an awesome cookout with my Mom's side of the family, got back in time to catch the CR cookout.


Monday - Slept in, ran some errands, cooked out with the immediate fam, ran over to friends of Erica's family for a bit, went back home and watched the Whetstone fireworks with some close friends from our front yard.

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got stuck in traffic for 2 hours trying to get downtown for red white and boom. payed $20 for parking

insulted a bunch of woman by telling them they were high maintenance.

box squatted 505 with green bands, deadlifted 610lbs

picked up the 335 from service


went downtown and insulted more woman by telling them they were mean hearted or high maintenance, met a group of african americans that wanted to "get whiteboy waisted"

benchpressed 550lbs to my chest.

changed the oil in my truck

installed a jb4

helped a friend to some projects around his house

went to flannigans left went to lowes and then got some mexican food

went to a friends house and got "her blender unstuck".

went for a walk around downtown, then came back watched a movie while eating some cheesecake then passed out on her couch, left and crashed on my other friends couch then woke up went home, cleaned some of my garage, murdered out the rest of my trim on the 335, changed the oil in my bike took a shower, did laundry then researched various religions. yelled at some people that parked on my street to watch fireworks as their car alarm went off for 5 minutes then went to bed..............

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Sounds like everyone had a good weekend, smoking Hawk you sound like the typical powerlifter lol.


My weekend consisted of:


Friday- Work 1/2 day then started on the wheels. Around 7pm we went downtown and watched the fire works on the water.


Sat- Finished the wheels ( even though i need to wetsand the rears and put another coat on) then had some people over.


Sunday- Cook out with the family followed up by a cookout with my second family (cr). Had a good time i finally got to meet jones in person. Went home to a few jack/coke w/ a splash of vanilla vodka and watch trasnformers. Farkas stopped by to wake the neighbors up with his AE86.


Monday- Car show all day, hung out with major payne as well as ipseric. Cook out with the family yet again, went creeking and fishing with the family. Taught my 5 year old nephew how to skip rocks, catch creek chubs and crawfish. From there we went to the westerville fireworks w/ turboking15 (Lee-high).

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Friday - Went to Mongolian BBQ with my family for my birthday dinner. Took my nephew to Red, White, and Boom. Slept.


Saturday - Smoked a roast for lunch then took a drive. Finished the night with some good old fashioned homework.


Sunday - Went to a cookout with the in-laws. Saw Green Lantern.


Monday - Nothing worth reporting.

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Spent it finding a place to live in Columbia, SC where my wife is starting grad school.


Thursday - Wife and I drove towards Columbia, SC 7pm-2am after picking up a rental Altima at the airport.

Friday - Woke up and got to Columbia to meet a guy with apartments for rent at around 1pm. His sucked so we essentially drove around looking for places until dinner. After that we went to some Oyster bar for some food and drinks. Met some people who were going to a yacht club the next night for fireworks and invited us (everyone is 20x nicer down there).

Saturday - Drove around most of the day continuing the search. Decided to go out to the lake where the yacht club was and while trying to find a decent restaurant to no avail, we settled for the usual lakeside bar to eat at. We then realized we were on the opposite side of the lake to where the club was and decided to hang around and watch the fireworks over by some park. Lake is like buckeye lake, just much larger (Lake Murray)

Sunday - Visited the house we decided to rent on Saturday for some pictures, drove the 500 miles home, returned rental late, and got hit with a bunch of fees for doing so.

Monday - Family cookout.


Pretty lame, but we like a good roadtrip

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Friday worked

Saturday- cleaned my house and played with the kids

Sunday - Sat on my arse and didnt do anything for the first time in ages.

Monday - Took my family to Dublin for the fireworks. Mom wanted to go see Smokey Robinson. Afterwards played pick up basketball until like 1am. Then I played video games with the kids... got 3 hours of sleep... Remembered why I stopped playing on work nights... Hate life right now.

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Saturday - Nothing during the day, hang out with CR at night.

Sunday - Nothing during the day, had cookout with CR, saw newly engaged friends.

Monday - Nothing during the day, dinner at my Grandma's, Fireworks with newly engaged friends.

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Visited family in MA. Cookout with old friends canceled. Hung out with some other friends.


It was good to see family and hang out with friends I haven't seen in a year or so. But otherwise, it was kinda Meh. At least I got a week off work. :)

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My weekend started out shitty, but was overall good.


Friday - Got let go from work for no reason and with no warning. Got to hang out with the wife for the first time in 2 weeks. Watch Red,White and Boom from the CPD heliport on W. Broad.


Saturday - Slept in for the first time in two weeks. Spend $200 at Home Depot and bought some new toys. Got our dog a much needed grooming session. Cookout at the in-laws.


Sunday - Church, more shopping, Night at the Roxbury on TBS, and Mexican food for dinner. (lots of margharitas too).


Monday - UA parade, another cookout and UA fireworks. Ran into my old co-worker there too, which was fun.

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Friday- worked and watched the fireworks and got drunk

Saturday- woke up came to work drank that night

Sunday- transformers for the second time Mongolian BBQ, CR Cookout(About Killed CodyH) Which i still may do.....In my dreams(*thats not a threat)


Monday-Flannagans drinks hotel room and sex lol

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