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well generally people tend to get uglier as they age, so good god i'd hate to see recents.....


Says the honduh guy from hilliard. :dumb: Yeah, I bet you're a real beauty queen, princess.


EDIT: found your picture.



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ok this thread went downhill fast. CHODY. put your car together and stop driving a contour to the meets. Steven. powdercoat ur wheels bruh u cant pull off the spray paint theme.





I am starting to lose the tiny strand of will power i have to put up with you.

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Here is my list of Cr kitchen warriors


Phil- arrogant, self indulged dick head

Hal- angry, snobbish, look down everyone Asshole

Steve- meat head

Dover- angry meat head

Cody- immature, no confidence, easily swayed pussy

Aj- trashy Ginger

Brandon- a dancing jungle bunny

Scott- a whiny middle aged hillbilly

Paul- ????

Gape- an outsider, never really accepted in large groups so instead of just admitting defeat, he embraced bein an outcast and wanted to rebel :rolleyes:

Ray- as usual your old, but more like an old pimp. I'm swinging from your nuts ray.

Brian Carter- you are the Cr of Bryant gumble

Doc- you are older than ray, but no pimp. You are dumble dorf

Alex- nothing new, your still the dirty Ginger

Leigh- your a mystery to everyone else, but I know the real Leighburt. The one who is has OCD. Yes you do, yoo obbess about being fast because this is your rookie season, you will learn grass hopper. But non the less your still a grease monkey


Fuck you cr

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Here is my list of Cr kitchen warriors


Phil- arrogant, self indulged dick head

Hal- angry, snobbish, look down everyone Asshole

Steve- meat head

Dover- angry meat head

Cody- immature, no confidence, easily swayed pussy

Aj- trashy Ginger

Brandon- a dancing jungle bunny

Scott- a whiny middle aged hillbilly

Paul- ????

Gape- an outsider, never really accepted in large groups so instead of just admitting defeat, he embraced bein an outcast and wanted to rebel :rolleyes:

Ray- as usual your old, but more like an old pimp. I'm swinging from your nuts ray.

Brian Carter- you are the Cr of Bryant gumble

Doc- you are older than ray, but no pimp. You are dumble dorf

Alex- nothing new, your still the dirty Ginger

Leigh- your a mystery to everyone else, but I know the real Leighburt. The one who is has OCD. Yes you do, yoo obbess about being fast because this is your rookie season, you will learn grass hopper. But non the less your still a grease monkey


Fuck you cr



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Here is my list of Cr kitchen warriors


Hal- angry, snobbish, look down everyone Asshole


Fuck you cr


Don't forget that people like to label me as narcissistic too!

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Oh and I forgot my favorite




James/ spam- you are the lowest piece of shit on this board. You are the dripping after though of runny shit, you are the part of semen that makes my hoes spit. How do you even live with your fat ass self? Let's do the run down. Now I dont kno u, but what I know is this....




You live with your grand mother while posing to attend school while your dad pays for your living expenses because he thinks your trying to better your life while all your really doing is taking up oxygen that old people could be using. Some how you forced your overweight self onto some poor or desperate skank who unfortunately reproduced from I sure to be pre mature ejaculation. Now you won't spend your time with the creation you came up with but instead buy car parts for a ride that you can't put together because your in way over your head. To top it off you attempt to bench race and fail miserably for that lousy fuck you call an uncle only to find out it didn't happen. Then you break his car while trying to "test" it out, or knock off some dig pulls and now won't pay up for your mistake. Seriously, if aids had aids you would be it. I hope to god Patterson lights your shit on fire and sends you the remains you fuck. I personally think people like you are worse than herpes.

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Oh and I forgot my favorite




James/ spam- you are the lowest piece of shit on this board. You are the dripping after though of runny shit, you are the part of semen that makes my hoes spit. How do you even live with your fat ass self? Let's do the run down. Now I dont kno u, but what I know is this....




You live with your grand mother while posing to attend school while your dad pays for your living expenses because he thinks your trying to better your life while all your really doing is taking up oxygen that old people could be using. Some how you forced your overweight self onto some poor or desperate skank who unfortunately reproduced from I sure to be pre mature ejaculation. Now you won't spend your time with the creation you came up with but instead buy car parts for a ride that you can't put together because your in way over your head. To top it off you attempt to bench race and fail miserably for that lousy fuck you call an uncle only to find out it didn't happen. Then you break his car while trying to "test" it out, or knock off some dig pulls and now won't pay up for your mistake. Seriously, if aids had aids you would be it. I hope to god Patterson lights your shit on fire and sends you the remains you fuck. I personally think people like you are worse than herpes.




Damn im glad i keep my personal life seperate.

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And as for Chris- stop fucking posting you short, fat, chladmyia having retard. U are suppose to be a sponsor. Granted your company fucking sucks but a sponsor non the less. You are not even a troll, you are the fucking munchkin from the wizard of oz, we get it, you bought a car that I wouldnt stick a dog in. it's not fast, it's not cool, it's a fucking pile of horse poop. Yeah your cool because you associate yourself with us at meets, but you act just like the ricers. You draw too much attention to yourself that is unneeded, your not me. When I do it, I get shit done, when you do it, I have to come clean it up. You almost killed your wife because your too dee dee dee to relize when it's ok to race and not. News flash rainman, rain plus slicks does not say let's race. Scott went and got a tetnus shot after riding in your car. You are our embarrassment, do us all a favor, stop fucking posting. Do what Leigh does, come out, stfu, and let the men talk. When I go out of my arena, I shut the fuck up and let the men talk. Learn your place
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And as for Chris- stop fucking posting you short, fat, chladmyia having retard. U are suppose to be a sponsor. Granted your company fucking sucks but a sponsor non the less. You are not even a troll, you are the fucking munchkin from the wizard of oz, we get it, you bought a car that I wouldnt stick a dog in. it's not fast, it's not cool, it's a fucking pile of horse poop. Yeah your cool because you associate yourself with us at meets, but you act just like the ricers. You draw too much attention to yourself that is unneeded, your not me. When I do it, I get shit done, when you do it, I have to come clean it up. You almost killed your wife because your too dee dee dee to relize when it's ok to race and not. News flash rainman, rain plus slicks does not say let's race. Scott went and got a tetnus shot after riding in your car. You are our embarrassment, do us all a favor, stop fucking posting. Do what Leigh does, come out, stfu, and let the men talk. When I go out of my arena, I shut the fuck up and let the men talk. Learn your place



So, how do you really feel? :yuno:

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And as for Chris- stop fucking posting you short, fat, chladmyia having retard. U are suppose to be a sponsor. Granted your company fucking sucks but a sponsor non the less. You are not even a troll, you are the fucking munchkin from the wizard of oz, we get it, you bought a car that I wouldnt stick a dog in. it's not fast, it's not cool, it's a fucking pile of horse poop. Yeah your cool because you associate yourself with us at meets, but you act just like the ricers. You draw too much attention to yourself that is unneeded, your not me. When I do it, I get shit done, when you do it, I have to come clean it up. You almost killed your wife because your too dee dee dee to relize when it's ok to race and not. News flash rainman, rain plus slicks does not say let's race. Scott went and got a tetnus shot after riding in your car. You are our embarrassment, do us all a favor, stop fucking posting. Do what Leigh does, come out, stfu, and let the men talk. When I go out of my arena, I shut the fuck up and let the men talk. Learn your place


Why restrain yourself now?:fuuuu:

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Guest Spam
Oh and I forgot my favorite




James/ spam- you are the lowest piece of shit on this board. You are the dripping after though of runny shit, you are the part of semen that makes my hoes spit. How do you even live with your fat ass self? Let's do the run down. Now I dont kno u, but what I know is this....




You live with your grand mother while posing to attend school while your dad pays for your living expenses because he thinks your trying to better your life while all your really doing is taking up oxygen that old people could be using. Some how you forced your overweight self onto some poor or desperate skank who unfortunately reproduced from I sure to be pre mature ejaculation. Now you won't spend your time with the creation you came up with but instead buy car parts for a ride that you can't put together because your in way over your head. To top it off you attempt to bench race and fail miserably for that lousy fuck you call an uncle only to find out it didn't happen. Then you break his car while trying to "test" it out, or knock off some dig pulls and now won't pay up for your mistake. Seriously, if aids had aids you would be it. I hope to god Patterson lights your shit on fire and sends you the remains you fuck. I personally think people like you are worse than herpes.


You actually listen to chris and leigh? :dumb: Desperate for new material? :dumb: Trying to make yourself feel better for breaking your own shit? :dumb: Leigh wouldnt have a running car is it werent for me :dumb: Chris would have a running car if it werent for Erik and me :dumb:


Chris and Leigh shouldnt try to turncoat too quickly just to "fit" in with a bunch of pretend hustlers. Tell leigh i want my cable back ASAP. I think his free use of it has come and gone. Thanks.

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Says the honduh guy from hilliard. :dumb: Yeah, I bet you're a real beauty queen, princess.


EDIT: found your picture.




And who the fuck is this corn ball??? This guy would get his ass kicked if he came out to a meet doing some clown ass shit like this. Please waive your money around like that outside of your mothers kitchen you broke dick ferry. Note to self, adults don't take pictures of cash, they drop the black card. Do us all a favor, bring that money, and your car and race the grand prix. I'll give you the hit since I know your ragged out Honda needs help.

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And who the fuck is this corn ball??? This guy would get his ass kicked if he came out to a meet doing some clown ass shit like this. Please waive your money around like that outside of your mothers kitchen you broke dick ferry. Note to self, adults don't take pictures of cash, they drop the black card. Do us all a favor, bring that money, and your car and race the grand prix. I'll give you the hit since I know your ragged out Honda needs help.


That picture is as old as the internet my man.

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You actually listen to chris and leigh? :dumb: Desperate for new material? :dumb: Trying to make yourself feel better for breaking your own shit? :dumb: Leigh wouldnt have a running car is it werent for me :dumb: Chris would have a running car if it werent for Erik and I :dumb:


Chris and Leigh shouldnt try to turncoat too quickly just to "fit" in with a bunch of pretend hustlers. Tell leigh i want my cable back ASAP. I think his free use of it has come and gone. Thanks.


That annoys me. Seriously, you even used "me" correctly earlier in your post. Why couldn't you just say "Erik and me" like you're supposed to. It's not that hard.

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You actually listen to chris and leigh? :dumb: Desperate for new material? :dumb: Trying to make yourself feel better for breaking your own shit? :dumb: Leigh wouldnt have a running car is it werent for me :dumb: Chris would have a running car if it werent for Erik and me :dumb:


Chris and Leigh shouldnt try to turncoat too quickly just to "fit" in with a bunch of pretend hustlers. Tell leigh i want my cable back ASAP. I think his free use of it has come and gone. Thanks.


Tell Leigh yourself, you have his number. And who is fake hustlin??? I get mine in chunky back, anytime I go out there I get $. Don't let it fool you son, if I say I going to take those lil kids lunch money, I'm getting some lunch money. I was taught well by my mentors

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Tell Leigh yourself, you have his number. And who is fake hustlin??? I get mine in chunky back, anytime I go out there I get $. Don't let it fool you son, if I say I going to take those lil kids lunch money, I'm getting some lunch money. I was taught well by my mentors



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And as for Chris- stop fucking posting you short, fat, chladmyia having retard. U are suppose to be a sponsor. Granted your company fucking sucks but a sponsor non the less. You are not even a troll, you are the fucking munchkin from the wizard of oz, we get it, you bought a car that I wouldnt stick a dog in. it's not fast, it's not cool, it's a fucking pile of horse poop. Yeah your cool because you associate yourself with us at meets, but you act just like the ricers. You draw too much attention to yourself that is unneeded, your not me. When I do it, I get shit done, when you do it, I have to come clean it up. You almost killed your wife because your too dee dee dee to relize when it's ok to race and not. News flash rainman, rain plus slicks does not say let's race. Scott went and got a tetnus shot after riding in your car. You are our embarrassment, do us all a favor, stop fucking posting. Do what Leigh does, come out, stfu, and let the men talk. When I go out of my arena, I shut the fuck up and let the men talk. Learn your place


Phils tampon full?

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