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Funny story about shit not working out when people leave. 3/4 stores were in the red when I got there, 3/4 were in the black when I left. 3 /4 are closed now. I must have done something right. And my file clerk job is a little more detailed than what you think, I meAn I am in charge of oh..... 190 business accounts worth over 200 million. I mean real entry level stuff at chase. My confidence is at an all time high because whatever I touch becomes gold. You keep battling it up pal. Maybe more time in the books, less time conjuring up cool e battles lil guy. I'm sure one day you'll be 1/10 of the man I was at 22 years old.


Sounds like there is some other explanation because one person cannot take 3 retail stores and put them in the black. You probably shouldn't be taking credit for other people's hard work. I know, it's not your style to admit other people are better than you, but you really shouldn't take credit when you don't deserve it.


Wow, 190 accounts? That's so many. How can you even count that high? You're in charge of peanuts, big guy. You keep thinking you have the Midas touch, you're arrogant and fool hardy to allow such trivial things to inflate your ego so much.


More in the books? Honestly I'm surprised you're even literate. You're telling me to go kit the books? I'm pretty sure I read more in a month than you did during your entire college career.


I can only hope that I am never 1/10 of the man you were/are. I would probably kill myself for dropping to such a low level. You have to realize, I don't rate myself against you. That would be like having a debate with a 1st grader, it's simply ridiculous. Seriously, I've had more intellectually stimulating discussions with 7th graders. You're foolish, arrogant, immature, and frankly stupid. Go back and read everything you have posted over the past month. You are so unbelievably retarded that I can have no respect for whatever hiring manager decided to bring you on at Chase.

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Phil, you're just like Johnny Bravo. Completely inept in almost every way, but still holding onto a massive (undeserved) ego.



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Right here! Calm yourself, fuck.







Let's see..... I see an STI with an exhaust and..... yep nothing else. Nada. Most likely a BOV under the hood, and that's about it. Sweet factory fast car bruh.




Does anyone else notice that it looks like his throat is trying to tear itself out of his neck?

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Let's see..... I see an STI with an exhaust and..... yep nothing else. Nada. Most likely a BOV under the hood, and that's about it. Sweet factory fast car bruh.




Does anyone else notice that it looks like his throat is trying to tear itself out of his neck?


Haha, like you would know ANYTHING about my car. Go hop in your sweet Toyota! :lolguy:

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Haha, like you would know ANYTHING about my car. Go hop in your sweet Toyota! :lolguy:


and he's back.


they always come back. careful with some of the low overpasses with that wing bro---shit. see you at the meat. i'll be in the primered civic with the fake BOV and neon lights under the car. :fuckyeah: hope to get some 'runs' in with that beast. i've been busy trying to get my car ready for the pro-drifting circuit, so we can do some parking lot runs

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and he's back.


they always come back. careful with some of the low overpasses with that wing bro---shit. see you at the meat. i'll be in the primered civic with the fake BOV and neon lights under the car. :fuckyeah: hope to get some 'runs' in with that beast.


I had to check up on the thread and see how many pages you guys added since like 12 hours ago.. you guys crack me up. I'll make sure to be careful for those low overpasses don't worry. And no thanks.

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Cliffs anyone?


New guy tries to set up meet


People flame him thinking it will make them look cool


New guy fights back


People flame more


People flame each other


And here we are


Standard CR dumpster fire of fail and space AIDS

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Some kid with 8 posts and an alien in his throat says he doesn't like this forum but we should all hang out in some parking lot with him


People flame him for very good reasons


New guy takes the internet super serious and turns into a crying bitch


People flame more


People flame each other


And here we are


Standard CR dumpster fire of fail and space AIDS



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I never said I "didn't like this forum" I just said I wasn't a fan of it and use others, like other subie ones that are actually useful? And what were your "good reasons" for bashing on my meet idea? And you keep saying just stand around in some parking lot. Do you do something TOTALLY different at Home Depot? Because if so I'd like to know, that's exactly what I do when I go.

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I never said I "didn't like this forum" I just said I wasn't a fan of it and use others, like other subie ones that are actually useful? And what were your "good reasons" for bashing on my meet idea? And you keep saying just stand around in some parking lot. Do you do something TOTALLY different at Home Depot? Because if so I'd like to know, that's exactly what I do when I go.


:dumb: This is an F-BODY FORUM!!!!

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