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I shot myself


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No they don't. There is no such thing when it comes to firearms. It's negligence, and not accidental.




quick story about negligence. completely my fault.


friend brought over a 243 that we were shooting in the back field of my rents. there was 4 of us shooting it off the deck. friend A tells me theres 4 rounds in the chamber, one shot for each of us. the other 3 take their shots, i take mine. thinking it was empty i went to set it on the railing and it discharged, about blowing a hole in the side of the pool.


very thankful nobody was injured and learned some serious lessons that day. Glad i kept it down range at all times.

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quick story about negligence. completely my fault.


friend brought over a 243 that we were shooting in the back field of my rents. there was 4 of us shooting it off the deck. friend A tells me theres 4 rounds in the chamber, one shot for each of us. the other 3 take their shots, i take mine. thinking it was empty i went to set it on the railing and it discharged, about blowing a hole in the side of the pool.


very thankful nobody was injured and learned some serious lessons that day. Glad i kept it down range at all times.


Negligence. Sorry bro never trust what someone tells you about a weapon. Glad it turned out ok.


I dont trust a gun shop, weapon is always cleared even after watching the gun shop employee clear or check the weapon himself.


And what scotty said.

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Thanks for sharing.


That guy is tough as hell! He put a .45 caliber round through most of his leg and calmly set the gun on the ground and walked away.


Makes you wonder- If you don't hit a vital (chest/head) that perp is going to keep coming- even with the "ballistic" shock of a .45 acp.


I say props to that guy- that's embarassing and painful- #@Q% happens. Sure military and cops or those that think they are military or cops are probably less likely to have events like this happen with guns but there are a lot of "normal" people out there with them as well. Do you guys carry chambered? If I had a holster I don't think I would?

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quick story about negligence. completely my fault.


friend brought over a 243 that we were shooting in the back field of my rents. there was 4 of us shooting it off the deck. friend A tells me theres 4 rounds in the chamber, one shot for each of us. the other 3 take their shots, i take mine. thinking it was empty i went to set it on the railing and it discharged, about blowing a hole in the side of the pool.


very thankful nobody was injured and learned some serious lessons that day. Glad i kept it down range at all times.



Main Entry: negligence

Part of Speech: noun

Definition: carelessness

Synonyms: disregard, failure, forgetfulness, heedlessness, inattention, inattentiveness, laxity, laxness, neglect, neglectfulness, oversight, thoughtlessness, unpreparedness


No accident.


I'd go with shitty holster as well. I've never liked the index retention holsters. It sounds like the guy isn't a bad guy, he was actually prepared, had the bleeding stopped by the time the EMT's arrived. I'd guess a lot of people don't carry much of a FAK with them. I always have a good FAK in my car or in my bag that I'm carrying, it's helped quite a few times.

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I refuse to use any type of button release holster. How about all the ND's because of the SERPA holsters, fingers comes right off of the release button onto the trigger LOL
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quick story about negligence. completely my fault.


friend brought over a 243 that we were shooting in the back field of my rents. there was 4 of us shooting it off the deck. friend A tells me theres 4 rounds in the chamber, one shot for each of us. the other 3 take their shots, i take mine. thinking it was empty i went to set it on the railing and it discharged, about blowing a hole in the side of the pool.


very thankful nobody was injured and learned some serious lessons that day. Glad i kept it down range at all times.


4 in the chamber? Holy shit!

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