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Religious/Philosophic Discussion

Guest Hal

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Scientific theory is much different than mathematical or philosophical theory.


okay i believe that God is real, in your shoes (assume) that their is a God,

if God is real, and created all things (which the bible states) wouldnt he have given us the capacity for science to study and to learn, (bible also says that) those are not the only things i have as far as science goes ,dont you think he would allow us to explain him through science and i believe it is possible to do so

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You believe in the christian god, i believe in a a much different god, that created a set of rules for environment and the universe to abide by. Everything else, he has no control over. I dont believe in divine intervention. I do believe in free will.
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You believe in the christian god, i believe in a a much different god, that created a set of rules for environment and the universe to abide by. Everything else, he has no control over. I dont believe in divine intervention. I do believe in free will.


i believe in both

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then look at the complexity of dna the different parts it would not function if it were not in the exact order its in how would evolution put the pieces in perfect order through a random mutation?


Any animal has a seemingly boundless amount of lines of genetic code in its body, and with more pieces come a greater possibility for error. Here's an example: I'd venture to guess that most people on here have had cancer at one point in their life (if not right now), but the cancers were small enough that the immune system took care of them without any ill repercussions.


Evolution happens through mutation. When a mutation gives an individual an advantage the others don't have, it is more likely to reproduce, thus giving it a better chance to pass its ("mutated") genes on to the next generation.

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I understand history and that our country is more religious now then it was 100 years ago.


Coming from someone who studies history, you're wrong. Our country tends to be less religious (conventional religions) now than it was 100 or 235 years ago. I'm all for philosophic and religious discussion obviously, but it's difficult to argue your point of view on the history of religion in the United States.

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Evolution as a counter argument to intelligent design has flaws. For one, we cannot prove evolution as a law, it remains a theory because of holes. Keep in mind guys, when talking about theory we are not talking about absolutes.
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Here are some topics to get us started:


1: Does God exist? If yes, why do you think so? If no, why do you think not?Yes i believe God exists because i see so many things that show he does in nature in life in everything


1(a): Can the existence of God be proven or disproven scientifically or logically? Yes i believe it can


2: How do you think the universe was created? (i.e., Not just the big bang, but what cause it)

2(a): Is there a sound basis for the theory of intelligent design?absolutely i think so their are a lot of things that show it i do not believe in evolution one bit i see things that disprove it


3: If God exists as an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent being why does evil exist? because evil is not a thing evil is an absolute absence of good


You don't need to believe in evolution, it's a testable scientific theory. To state anything otherwise just shows your lack of understanding of the topic of evolution.

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You don't need to believe in evolution, it's a testable scientific theory. To state anything otherwise just shows your lack of understanding of the topic of evolution.


Be Thorne, believe that theories are absolute because they survive testing. Ignore multiple theory revisions and failed theories alike.

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So you don;t believe in a testable sciencetifc theory but you do believe in book written in a time when the earth was still flat.



This is exactly why i hate religion. It makes otherwise rational people stupid.


Thorne, you're closing in on being completely pointless. Move past the insults and post constructively or not at all.


Earth was not so widely believed to be flat throughout history. That's a myth. During the Roman Empire for instance, they believed the Earth was round. Wait, that's not convenient for arguments about ignorance based on specific time periods. Regardless of when the Bible (or more specifically, its books) was written, you can't dismiss it so easily. If you want to dismiss more specific parts, you can do that with history and science.


Now, please move beyond insults about people's intelligence. If you can't make an argument without making things up or otherwise trying to bully someone, please just leave this thread alone.

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Thorne, you're closing in on being completely pointless. Move past the insults and post constructively or not at all.


Earth was not so widely believed to be flat throughout history. That's a myth. During the Roman Empire for instance, they believed the Earth was round. Wait, that's not convenient for arguments about ignorance based on specific time periods. Regardless of when the Bible (or more specifically, its books) was written, you can't dismiss it so easily. If you want to dismiss more specific parts, you can do that with history and science.


Now, please move beyond insults about people's intelligence. If you can't make an argument without making things up or otherwise trying to bully someone, please just leave this thread alone.

his book states that the earth sat on pillars.

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Don't twist my words chief,






Watch .


I didn't twist your words. A theory is not absolute as you are presenting it. I know perfectly well what the difference is between a hypothesis and a theory. You are claiming (maybe by accident because of poor wording?) that a theory is absolute. Please, don't insult my intelligence with anymore bullshit. Read your posts again and try to tell me your are not presenting the theory of evolution as near absolute, if not completely absolute.


If you want to move down that path, I'd be happy to point out some rather large scientific theories that were completely wrong, incomplete, or otherwise required modification because something was amiss.

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his book states that the earth sat on pillars.


I'll let him answer your ridiculous arguments. If you want to pick things apart by arguing semantics, you will still be unable to refute the major claims of God and divinity.

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Ok, Here it goes.



I can't consider a book "Absolute" That has no real science in said book. IF the bible was really expected to be taken as an absolute wouldn't you expect some of the basics to be right????



Theory vs Scientific theory.



There is a huge diffrerance


Thorne, do you even realize what you're arguing? What point are you trying to prove by arguing the evolution of science? You cannot seem to understand that you have yet to post a single argument relevant to religion or philosophy. All you have done is try to bash prior civilizations understanding of science(s).


Do you have anything to say that actually moves your point forward? Would you prefer to resume your personal attacks on someone that believes "a book" is absolute? Would you like to let him try to explain his meaning?

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That's a pretty good flow.


You're starting to wear on my nerves. I am without a doubt smarter than you. Do not think that I am unaware of what a theory is or how science (not pseudoscience) is practiced. Either come up with a relevant argument or start your own thread to try to teach people 6th grade science concepts. People here are thinking at a higher level than you seem to be able to right now. Get on board or get out.

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I guess my issue here is, this is a person that I would wager believes that creationism should be taught in schools. Which as a rational person who does not talk to invisible sky daddy's who grants me special wishes. I find this appalling down right child abuse.



When I hear someone say that don't "Believe in evolution" immediately I have to question that persons intellect . It's not something I try to do and I feel bad for doing it . But we currently create vaccines based on EVOLUTION. You don't have to believe in the vaccines for them to work.



There is this mind set that people have where that have a absolute answer. Religion and Creationism are examples of this. It's lot easier to go "God" Did it then to actually understand evolution.



So sorry for my rambling but I wanted to try and give you some insight into my thought process on this topic.


1. He did not say he believes in creationism. If he does, that's flawed as we can prove it's incorrect. Let him expand upon his views before attacking.


2. There are scientists who do not believe in evolution as presented. You cannot discount someone simply because they do not accept a theory as fact. Without dissent, where would we be?


3. God's existence is absolute if only in our minds. You cannot argue that. You also cannot prove in absolute terms, at this time, (even if evolution becomes a law) that God does not exist. It's easy to say God does not exist because conventional religion got things wrong.


How do you logically refute a God that functioned as a creator but as nothing more? That means this God would not be bound by Christian rules.

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There are only two real and original thoughts in here...


And Hal just cuz you can quote multiple people dosnt make you smart it means you just completed some random 101. No doubt you can formulate a sentence but don't pick on people cuz you think you are better than they are,as that dose not prove your point.


Discussions about religion or any persons belief is just dumb. Due to people always taking it as an attack.


Ya know the biggest issue I have with atheists is that they are worse than jesses Jackson when it comes to pushing their belifes on you.


I don't really have anything to add just couldn't sleep.


But all should live by this. I have my own beliefs and they do not require you to believe them.



Who cares it's all the matrix anyway

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