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Did some speed tests on wireless...results inside


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FWIW, I upgraded my sales team to Verizon MiFi 4G cards for their use and here are some basic tests using speedtest.net on the iPad.



Speeds in Mbps:


My WOW on a linksys Router

Down 7.32

Up 1.06


I think the above upload is limited by WOW.


Built in 3G from AT&T

Down 1.17

Up .12


Verizon MiFi 3G

Down 2.28

Up .81


Verizon MiFi 4G

Down 7.59

Up 4.76



Of course the above will vary during the day and based on location, etc....but the MiFi 4G is light years above the other options.


Thought I'd share.

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You should be seeing 8Mbps down / 1Mbps up on your current WOW package. That said, I've seen many, many times that the wireless router is the bottleneck (going hardwired to the router = proper speeds).


What are your ping times with each? I've noticed the cellular data always has very high ping times.

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You should be seeing 8Mbps down / 1Mbps up on your current WOW package. That said, I've seen many, many times that the wireless router is the bottleneck (going hardwired to the router = proper speeds).


What are your ping times with each? I've noticed the cellular data always has very high ping times.


I know...you and I have talked and the linksys speeds are normally in the high 7's to mid 8's. It varies depending on the time of day. I did these tests right before posting here.


My router is right off the modem and my main PC is hardwired. The router is about 6 years old but just plain works so it's here to stay until it dies somehow.


The main point was that I was impressed with Verizon's 4G speeds. We all have iPads and the way corporate has our VPN set up, the built in 3G from AT&T won't work, so we use MiFi's. Besides, it's how they access the net via their laptops when on the road or at home if access isn't free or provided. Heck, based on the results, I'll keep my MiFi in my bag for use everywhere. Jury is out on battery life. Haven't tested that yet.

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Wow. That's good info and pretty impressive numbers. I'm not up to date on the 4G info, but does all of Columbus have 4G now, or is it in just parts of Columbus, or what?


I get 4G coverage on Verizon at my house in Canal Winchester near Slate Run Metro Park

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Why is your AT&T 3G so slow? My iPhone 4 routinely does ~3Mb down and 1.6Mb up. WOW and TW need to step their game up.


Not sure. I've seen it vary but the built in 3G on the iPad has always been slow in comparison. I"ll have to test my iPhone. It's okay, but still, I'll tether to the MiFi if I need to update large apps.

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I am not sure what the numbers mean you have given, but I spent last week connecting to my moms 3g verizon mifi and it was horrible. Would upgrading make it alot better?


See my results above comparing the older 3G Mifi vs new 4g. For me and my sales team, we are now enjoying the use of them. 7x-8x the speed.

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Granted I'm not on a 4g card, just phone, but I rarely get more than 3 bars here at mi casa on Sancus about a mile from Polaris mall. The max I've gotten is 5.2 mbps down and 4.5 up. Still quicker than my home internet, but I wish it were what some people have seen.
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Why is your AT&T 3G so slow? My iPhone 4 routinely does ~3Mb down and 1.6Mb up. WOW and TW need to step their game up.

WOW offers 15 down / 2 up...for now. That all digital transition was for more than just some extra HD channels. :)

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sprint 4g on an EVO in Hilliard with 2 out of 3 bars brings in 3.97down, 1.96up and a ping of 97, which is right on par for what i'm paying for with my att u-verse. hot spot time maybe as long as sprint doesn't go all data package verizon on me
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