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Game time snacks


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I'm the headcoach for my son's t-ball team. The original head coach ended up showing only at 2 of the first 3 games and she was 10-15 minutes late each time. So I took over the spot. We are doing snacks after games, anyone have suggestions for 3 and 4 year olds?


I've thought about healthy stuff, but you know kids don't want that stuff after a game. Most of the parents seem like level-headed people. I don't know if they are health freaks though.


I was thinking of getting a pack of those 8oz Gatoraid bottles, but Capri-sun's might be easier. I have no idea how good all these kids are drinking out of an open top bottle. I'm not sure on snacks, maybe some cheese crackers or some fruit snacks and a pack of mixed chip bags.


This is the first week we are doing snacks, this is why I ask. I'm sure we have plenty of parents who have done this more than I. People are a little different than back when I was a kid so I'm unsure.

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I would say to be on the safe side (with crazy health nut parents) get some fruit or veggie packs. Giant eagle has individual packs that have peanut butter and celery or apples, ranch with carrots, etc.
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When I played we always had oranges sliced, apples sliced, fruit snacks, trail mix, capri sun etc


Sometimes a parent will bring mcdonalds or something but thats a bit much and some parents don't like that so I'd steer clear of that.

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Couple boxes of juice drinks like Capri Sun, etc......

Box of mixed snacks like animal crackers and goldfish.


You can pick both up in party packs at any grocery.


I would recommend avoiding any products with peanuts or a risk of them.

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A lot of my parents did those small bags of chips. You buy like a 20 pack or whatever and let the kids pick what they want. Last night I did crackerjacks :eek: for my girls. One parent brought sun chips this year.



I can't say enough about peanut allergy awareness.


My son is allergic and the Dublin League is aware of kids with these allergies as is our coaching team. it's deadly. I'm surprised people still bring peanut snacks with such higher likelihoods of peanut allergies. We're not talking sniffles, we're talking likelihood of death. No way would I recommend bringing them. You have to be aware and don't expect this to be solely a parents responsibility. Especially when the kids are under your supervision and the parents have made the league aware, which in most cases when we sign up they are absolutely made aware.

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I can't say enough about peanut allergy awareness.


My son is allergic and the Dublin League is aware of kids with these allergies as is our coaching team. it's deadly. I'm surprised people still bring peanut snacks with such higher likelihoods of peanut allergies. We're not talking sniffles, we're talking likelihood of death. No way would I recommend bringing them. You have to be aware and don't expect this to be solely a parents responsibility. Especially when the kids are under your supervision and the parents have made the league aware, which in most cases when we sign up they are absolutely made aware.


Very good point. I guess a lot of us that have never been had a peanut allergy don't think about that very often.


Does everyone think the little bottles of Gatorade is a bad idea? Most are little boys, only two girls on the team. Or maybe a pack of Gatorade and a pack of juice boxes.

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I can't say enough about peanut allergy awareness.


My son is allergic and the Dublin League is aware of kids with these allergies as is our coaching team. it's deadly. I'm surprised people still bring peanut snacks with such higher likelihoods of peanut allergies. We're not talking sniffles, we're talking likelihood of death. No way would I recommend bringing them. You have to be aware and don't expect this to be solely a parents responsibility. Especially when the kids are under your supervision and the parents have made the league aware, which in most cases when we sign up they are absolutely made aware.


At the beginning of the year we had a team meeting with the parents regarding food allergies since we were going to be doing snack after each game. The snack lists were created before the first game and all the parents signed off on what was being brought to each game. My assistant coach is a school nurse and I went though paramedic training (EMT-B and EMT-I). We both know very well that these allergies exist and exactly what happens. Peanut allergies are the most common but its a good idea that you talk to your parents to make sure their kids aren't going to react to anything you plan on bringing. You never know if one of your kids may be diabetic or if their parent is just a health nut who doesn't let them touch anything full of sugar. Your best bet is to be proactive and have those discussions up front. Get everyone's buy in.


Our girls had those small gatorades after several games this year. Kids love them. You really cant go wrong there.

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wtf peanut allergies? I don't remember anybody having that made up hocus pocus when I grew up.. did it just magically appear a few years ago?


Yes, the proliferation of peanut allergies today is crazy. The rates have been said to have doubled in just the last 15 years.


I've done quite a bit of reading and I stand by the opinion that we are altering our immune system so much by the use of antibiotics and it may sound silly, but keeping our environments too clean.


The absence of threats in the immune system's natural environment is likely leading to many strange things including adverse reactions to ordinary foods.


I also believe the the heavy use of peanut products in foods may be contributing to the problem. Hell, just look at ingredients today. Nuts are often used as fillers.

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Our girls had those small gatorades after several games this year. Kids love them. You really cant go wrong there.


Having a dentist in the family I won't do gatorade with kids. Heck, I don't even drink it straight, I usually mix it with water.



I've had enamel work on my bottom teeth due to fruit juice erosion. I used to drink tons of Gatorade and juices in college.


I'm not perfect in my diet, and unfortunately I actually feel I'm a product of my belief that our food is what's killing us. I have no doubt the shit we consume today is hurting us while at the same time perhaps nourishing us. Cancer is definitely something I feel is exacerbated by food choices. We are what we eat that's for sure.

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Having a dentist in the family I won't do gatorade with kids. Heck, I don't even drink it straight, I usually mix it with water.


Oh I know exactly what Gatorade can do to a kids teeth. There used to be a guy I worked with that all his kid drank was Gatorade. Imagine a 5 year old with black teeth rotten teeth, it was kind of sad. The kids name was Falcon Leopard, no shitting, real last name was Leopard, first name Falcon.

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I'm the headcoach for my son's t-ball team. The original head coach ended up showing only at 2 of the first 3 games and she was 10-15 minutes late each time. So I took over the spot. We are doing snacks after games, anyone have suggestions for 3 and 4 year olds?



Well there was your first problem

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