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Obama sneaks in a new tax starting 2013


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A spending problem isn't a problem if you have the revenue to support the spending. Revenue needs increased, spending needs decreased. You fix both, not a huge hit on one or the other.



Can we tax the top .5% yet?


No, let people keep and spend or save more of their money and the economy will grow - government does not create wealth, period. The only way to prosperity is to have a healthy growing economy - a governmnet taking more money out of the economy to run itself is only a hinderance.


Top 1% already generate 38% of our tax income - how much more do you want????


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A spending problem isn't a problem if you have the revenue to support the spending. Revenue needs increased, spending needs decreased. You fix both, not a huge hit on one or the other.



Can we tax the top .5% yet?

How about a flat tax instead? You know, something FAIR.

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No, let people keep and spend or save more of their money and the economy will grow - government does not create wealth, period. The only way to prosperity is to have a healthy growing economy - a governmnet taking more money out of the economy to run itself is only a hinderance.


Top 1% already generate 38% of our tax income - how much more do you want????



This and how about we stop letting the welfare eating fucks drain us dry? Let me go on welfare, not work, get shit for free, AND get a tax refund! They have it figured out...

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This and how about we stop letting the welfare eating fucks drain us dry? Let me go on welfare, not work, get shit for free, AND get a tax refund! They have it figured out...


Its sad that people get on welfare and unemployment because its actually more profitable for them than getting an actual job, plus they dont have to do anything.

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Just thought you guys should know about this:


Just thought that you should read this ASAP.....





Briefly starting in 2013 you will be taxed 3.8% of the total sale of your house.

They will use that money to pay for his Health Care Program.


Time to register to vote for 2012.



not going to happen, by the way. and the health care program will be scrapped (at least every (working) american had better hope it gets scrapped).

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